Life is a practice. Let exercise and reading become a way of spiritual practice. Exercise: Practice yoga for 1 hour following the video. Our bodies, use them or lose them. During the two years since I was pregnant and had my baby, I rarely exercised and my body felt like rusty ir

Life is a practice. Let exercise and reading become a way of spiritual practice.

Exercise: Follow the video to practice yoga for 1 hour.

Our bodies, use them or lose them.

In the two years since I was pregnant and had my baby, I rarely exercised and my body felt like rusty iron.

During this period, exercise for at least one hour every day. I hope that over time, I can remove the rust in my body bit by bit.

Reading: Reading time is 2 hours and 43 minutes.

Today I took the high-speed train back to my hometown to see my baby. I continued reading " Life and Death Fatigue " by Mo Yan in the car.

It was the first time I was separated from my baby, and we didn’t see each other for five days. Every time during the video, either she cried uncomfortably or I cried uncomfortably. Each video could not last more than a few minutes and had to be hung up in a hurry.

Homecoming is like an arrow. In this case, it would be more appropriate to share Buckman’s “The Long Walk Home.” My favorite sentence in the book

is: My love for you cannot even be contained by the sky.

My love for babies cannot even be contained in the sky.

Before I became a mother, I didn’t know that love for someone could be so strong and profound. I don't know that you can really love someone to the point of paranoia.

After becoming a mother, I understand what it feels like to love unforgettably, risk everything, and go all out.

The baby I had "reunited with after a long separation" sucked onto me like a sucker. She kept calling "Mom, Mom" ​​again and again, and my heart was so moved that it almost melted.

makes exercise and reading a part of life and clocks in on the 20th day. Keep up the good work tomorrow.