Can Bao Ma drink milk tea during breastfeeding? Experts tell you to consider these consequences

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During breastfeeding, this can’t be touched, it can’t be done, and all kinds of taboos make mothers miserable. They have been on it for a long, long time during pregnancy, and this can’t be done when the baby is born. It’s too torturous.

Although there are many contraindications for pregnant women and breastfeeding, some of them are just rumors, but some of them are really real and need to be paid attention to. Take makeup and beauty, which is the most concerned about beauty mothers. Everything that is about beauty, nails, hair, makeup, etc. are not acceptable. Drinking coffee, alcohol, spicy food, and milk tea are not acceptable.

So what else can I eat during lactation? What else can you do? The core part is to feed the baby well. Mothers are great. Many greedy mothers have survived during breastfeeding and gave up a lot of what they like to eat. Many mothers like to drink coffee, milk tea and so on. These become in front of their babies. It doesn't matter anymore, for the quality of the milk and the health of the baby, all these have to be painfully cut.

Everyone knows that Baoma can’t drink coffee during breastfeeding. Today, experts will give you information about drinking milk tea during breastfeeding. Mothers who want to know should pay attention to it.

Experts talk about drinking milk tea during lactation

First of all, all beverages containing caffeine, mothers are not allowed to drink during lactation. The representatives here are the two mentioned above, one is coffee and the other is milk tea.

Leave aside coffee for the time being. Milk tea includes a lot. Red Bull, black tea, green tea and various net celebrity milk teas are not drunk. These milk teas are not only high in sugar, but also tea and Like coffee, it contains caffeine.

Many mothers who like to drink milk tea may not know, why is the coffee in milk tea so powerful? This is because the caffeine in coffee and milk tea can have an adverse effect on the baby’s health. After mothers drink milk tea or coffee, the caffeine in these drinks will enter the baby’s body through the milk, and under 6 months The baby’s organs are not fully developed, and the body’s metabolic capacity is very small, so it cannot metabolize these caffeine well. If it stays in the body for a long time, it is very unhealthy for the baby’s growth.

If mothers do not pay attention and consume too much caffeine, when the baby drinks caffeine-containing breast milk, serious conditions can make the baby appear all day Irritability, difficulty falling asleep, waking up easily at night, crying at night and other sleep problems. This not only affects the baby's sleep, but also affects the baby's growth and development. Although there is no exact amount of caffeine banned, milk tea coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks should not be drunk when the mothers can't drink it. If you bear it for a while, at least you will have to pass the lactation period.

The above is about the expert's answer to us about whether it is possible to drink milk tea during lactation, but it is still recommended that mothers must control their mouths and do not have a fluke. If the baby is over 6 months old, if you really want to drink it, you can drink a little coffee or a moderate amount of milk tea, but for the healthy growth of the baby, it is recommended to bear with it for a while.

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