About Montessori philosophy, and how to choose Montessori kindergarten?

According to the latest national education statistics released by the Ministry of Education, there are 290,000 kindergartens nationwide, of which 168,000 are private kindergartens. The proportion of students in private kindergartens is 49.37%. It can be seen that private kindergartens are the choice of many parents. Choosing a kindergarten is a problem that parents often have a headache.

Current status of China's private education in 2021 (data source Ministry of Education website)

When choosing kindergartens for children, the first question is to choose _spanstrong _spanstrong what type _spanstrong _spanstrong 's kindergarten? Common choices are public kindergartens , private kindergartens , international kindergarten and so on.

Different kindergartens have different characteristics,Educational concepts, teachers, prices, etc., public kindergartens are mainly inclusive, with stable teachers and standardized operations, but traditional teaching methods and discipline; international kindergartens generally refer to pure English-speaking kindergartens for foreign students, adopting the international education system, and accepting Bilingual kindergartens for domestic students;

There are many categories of private kindergartens. According to the different educational concepts adopted, the most common are Montessori kindergarten, Froebel kindergarten, as well as Reggio, Waldorf kindergarten and so on.

Of course, the vast majority of private kindergartens may not have core education laws, mixed with the curriculum system of public schools or other international education concepts, providing teaching, and more of "caring for" children.

The most popular international preschool education concept in China may be Montessori. Montessori kindergarten is also the choice of more and more high-end parents.

What exactly is Montessori's educational philosophy?

Montessori kindergarten refers to a kindergarten that uses the Montessori teaching method. Ms. Montessori is an educator born in Italy in 1870 and the first female medical doctor in Italy. Ms. Montessori was originally in psychology. She developed a series of physical operation teaching aids, focusing on the correction of defective children. Later, on this basis, she developed the concept of Montessori preschool education.

Montessori have three core concepts :

  1. 6-year-old former child is having absorptive mind ,With natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, he absorbs everything he comes into contact with like a sponge, gains cognition and joy in exploration, and further encourages exploration.
  2. Child development has a sensitive period , sensory, language, order, movement, group development, etc., there is the fastest developing 9span .
  3. Children's development is achieved in "work" , strong11span_strongspan_strongspan_strongspan16 Span7 Span7 strong 11strong 9span 9span strong 11span_strongspan 9 "Work" here refers to the activities that children use Montessori teaching aids to do.

Montessori Education The three elements of :

  1. strong11span_strong7_strong16, a clean, stable environmentIt also includes the emotional environment. The classroom teaching aids should be regular and tidy, and the environment should be quiet.
  2. accompanied and guided by teachers or parents . Attention is to accompany and guide, not to teach.
  3. a series of children can be freely chosen work (not a game)

Montessori is the core of her teaching specific department , Montessori teaching aids mainly have 5 types of activities: sensory education, daily life exercises, language education, mathematics education, science and culture _spanstrong9span _strong16span _strong16span _strong16span _strong16span It is essentially a learning process, learning in the process of "playing".

Montessori teaching aid area (picture from the Internet)

s _ 7spans _ 7spans _ 7 Agency-certified certificate. The verification process requires 6 months to one year of study and internship, a cost of 60,000+, and a lot of theoretical study and practical exercises. In addition to the technical requirements for teachers, the more basic requirement is to be patient and caring.

talked to the chairman of a large preschool education group about the accident of red, yellow and blue kindergarten . She said that it is hard to imagine such a situation in Montessori Gardens. Montessori teachers need long-term professionalism. Training and love for children, and writing children’s observation reports every day.

is different from common kindergartens, children can be taught in mixed age _spanstrong7span _spanstrong7span children can be taught with small children _spanstrong7span Learning can enhance children's learning and communication skills. Montessori’s learning process revolves around children ,Except for the daily Circle time (circle time), the teacher will take some activities with all the students, and most of the other time is the "work" that the children are interested in choosing and completing them in their own or group space. In this process, the teacher is more an observer and guide.

How to choose Montessori Garden?

Many organizations recruit students under the banner of Montessori, and the industry is mixed. The first thing we need to be clear is that Montessori is not a label, but an educational concept , so when we choose Montessori Garden, we need to mainly look at the following aspects:

  1. Is the kindergarten certified by Montessori professional institutions? The mainstream international certification bodies are AMS (American Montessori Association) and AMI (International Montessori Association). The domestic Chinese Education Association will also issue certification certificates. The official accreditation agency will regularly evaluate the school’s teachers, teaching, etc., and kindergartens with accreditation must be more reliable.
  2. What are the teachers of the kindergarten and whether they have a Montessori certificate. The teacher is the most important part of the learning process. What are the qualifications of the teachers in this kindergarten? Do the teachers in the main class have a Montessori teacher certificate? The certificates of AMS and AMI have the highest gold content, followed by the domestic CMS ( Chinese Montessori Association )
  3. How is the hardware environment of the campus . With reference to the five categories of teaching aids above, has the kindergarten prepared a complete to teach specific departments ? classroom environment Is it neat? Is there enough personal space for enough for children to work alone.
  4. The principal’s educational philosophy. No matter what the rules are, a principal with enthusiasm for education and educational philosophy must be implemented in order to look at this principal's experience background and educational philosophy. The enthusiasm for education and the love of children can be revealed in the eyes.

Although Montessori does not teach much knowledge, children grow up freely in a friendly, caring and encouraging environment. Montessori work can well cultivate children's concentration and curiosity. , And these soft skills will become more and more important.

Many concepts of Montessori can actually be reused in the family environment, so there is also the concept of family Montessori. We should create a clean, tidy and stable environment for the children, including the emotional environment of the family, prepare some work, and give the children more free choice space, and then the parents will act as careful observers, scientific Guide, patient companion.

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