What does it mean to be a mom? This is the best answer I've heard

When we enter our marriage happily, when we look forward to becoming, everyone happily blesses us, but no one tells us that you will encounter so many challenges.

Becoming a mother means sacrifice and effort: it takes a hard pregnancy for October; it takes 7 breastfeeds a night; it has to face the loneliness of postpartum depression; it has to be overwhelmed with homework counseling; and when it is impossible to weigh the career and family exhausted.

Sometimes, you think you can’t afford it. But what's interesting is that the direction of the story often does not develop according to our presuppositions.

When I was a student, there is a line in "Covered Bridge Last Dream", "Once a woman chooses to marry and have children, this is the beginning of her life, but on the other hand, more is the end."

Later I became a mother, and many friends around me became mothers. In every corner of the world, countless girls are experiencing changes in their roles in life. I gradually realized that the key word is not the end, but the beginning.

What I see is that being a mother inspires the ability at the bottom of our lives, and allows us to burst out an amazing resilience in many challenges.

What I see is that to become a mother, one has to endure the various changes from the body to the heart after giving birth. How to deal with these changes? Novice mothers can take a look!

●Postpartum has endless lochia , generally lochia will last for 2-4 weeks, new mothers can consume more flax oil to promote lochia discharge, breastfeeding and puerperal exercises also help the uterus to recover lochia

●There are long spots after childbirth, nine long spots in ten mothers, the important thing for expectant mothers to lighten spots after childbirth is to regulate the imbalance of ji in the body. I am taking Yueyan Ningyu ointment orally, pure plant ointment nourishes and regulates the endocrine. , The spots faded after almost 3 months

●Anorexia after childbirth,Postpartum mothers have weak spleen and stomach, often rub Zusanli to invigorate the spleen and promote appetite. You can also squeeze some grapes and orange juice to appetite

●Postpartum anemia, postpartum anemia for new mothers, insufficient iron in Wyeth's milk, will affect Baby’s mental and physical development! Pay attention to it, eat more beef or fish, and eat more nuts and green leafy vegetables to replenish iron

postpartum hair loss, you must wash your hair and bath during confinement, think about it for more than 40 days Shampoo, hair follicles mixed with oil and dust can not lose hair! In addition, eat more black sesame seeds, kelp, black beans, etc.


I hope everyone in it can enjoy this identity and be satisfied with myself-I am not a bad mother , I am a great mother.

After all, people have been understanding themselves and becoming mothers throughout their lives, which enriches this process. Only when we enter it, through experience, can we thoroughly see, possess, and obtain.
