What aspects should be paid attention to for couples who want to do IVF after years of infertility?

2020/06/0209:48:07 baby 841
The technology of

test tube baby can bring hope for infertile families to get pregnant and have children. If you are a couple who have just come into contact with test tube baby, they may still feel doubtful. For example, what aspects should be paid attention to for couples who want to have IVF for many years of infertility?

The treatment of IVF requires the joint persistence and efforts of both couples. If you can successfully conceive after the test tube treatment, regular check-ups can also give birth to your baby. Many clinical cases have shown that many families have successfully returned home with babies. In the process of IVF treatment, certain preparations may be required!

What aspects should be paid attention to for couples who want to do IVF after years of infertility? - DayDayNews

Shenzhen Zhongshan Extra-urinary Test Tube Assisted Reproduction: What should be paid attention to for couples who want to do IVF after years of difficult pregnancy and infertility In terms of?

Men should pay attention to improving sperm quality

For men, sperm quality is one of the key factors related to embryo quality. The quality of male sperm is affected by factors such as lifestyle and environment. During the test-tube pregnancy period, men need to pay attention to their own lifestyle and try to avoid bad habits such as staying up late, smoking and alcoholism that can affect their health. If after passing the inspection, it is found that the sperm activity of the man is low, then a certain amount of care can be taken before the sperm is taken.

The couple should actively cooperate with the doctor

to prepare for IVF treatment. After the couple comes to the hospital, they will usually arrange a physical examination before proceeding to the next test tube treatment. The physical examination is to get a preliminary understanding of the physical condition of both spouses and pave the way for test tube treatment.

Women need ovulation induction treatment when necessary

is ready for IVF treatment, because some women may have ovulation disorders or poor ovarian function, they need ovulation induction treatment , To promote the formation of eggs. Only then will we get more eggs to prepare for the cultivation of IVF embryos. It is recommended that both spouses should follow the doctor's instructions for medication.

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