Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di

2024/05/2705:34:33 baby 1130
Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews


people are more and more dependent on short video APPs

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

In public places

Regardless of young or old

everyone has a tacit understanding

lowering his head and sliding the screen

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

loves to watch short videos

How much impact does it have on children

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNewsNowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

As an adult When it became increasingly difficult to put down the phone, I suddenly discovered that children were also deeply attracted by short videos. And behind this, there are many "worries" that parents cannot see.

Do these scenes seem familiar to you: On the way to work, you are watching short videos; on the way home, you are watching short videos; before going to bed, you are still watching short videos; after you wake up, you are still watching short videos... Nowadays, short videos are everywhere. .

People seem to be used to watching short videos to pass the time, which also leads to an important conclusion: "Browsing short videos has become the number one tool for killing time."

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

China’s short video market size will reach 140.83 billion yuan in 2020, and China’s short video market size will be approximately 267.29 billion yuan in 2021, continuing to maintain a high growth trend. Behind this huge data, a large number of users have invested time. They can never stop swiping the screen and scroll for hours without even realizing it.

Living in such an environment, it is difficult for many children not to brush up. Normally when I go to school, I don’t have many opportunities to play with my mobile phone, and I can control it, but now that it’s summer vacation, children have a lot of time to watch short videos.

In addition, parents, relatives and friends around them also have the habit of watching short videos, so it is very likely that children will be immersed in the short video environment during the summer vacation. What are the characteristics of

short videos?

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

Short videos have indeed created a convenient and entertaining world for people, and can also bring relaxation to people.

However, most of the content presented in short videos is straightforward, funny and effortless. They go straight to the topic and quickly stimulate the audience without in-depth thinking. According to your hobbies, relevant videos will be pushed after big data analysis to keep people watching until the end. If you don't stop, you will become more and more addicted.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

short video content spans a wide range, and is like an unprecedented vivid "encyclopedia of social life", allowing us to see many aspects of life that we cannot see in life. The amount of information is large, but the quality is uneven.

Nowadays, many short videos are basically "personal IP" created by Internet companies. The content is mostly exaggerated and unreal, relying on scripts to perform, but the audience is deeply involved in it.

This is true for adults. Children are in the process of growth and development, and their self-control, self-discipline, and judgment are immature, making them more likely to be addicted.

What impact does binge-watching short videos have on children?

The essence of short video lies in "shortness". After watching a video of tens of seconds, our brains will quickly get feedback. Under this feedback, we will have great fun.

If a child is accustomed to obtaining happiness through such short-lived and immediate actions for a long time, the child will also lose interest in those behaviors in life that have little happiness and require effort to obtain happiness, such as reading, sports, and learning.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

Once children are addicted to it, they will also consume a lot of time. Once they browse, the day will pass, thus weakening the children's sense of time.

Moreover, children’s brains are still developing. Excessive viewing of short videos may lead to stunted growth, loss of mood, irritability, etc. Therefore, for children who have not yet developed good study habits, they are addicted to short videos. "The harm is extremely great.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews1 Frequent viewing of short videos

has a significant impact on the brain.

In a fragmented time, it can output interesting, interactive, simple and straightforward content, coupled with various divine songs with dynamic rhythms, we can easily fall into it. , not to mention underage children. Although watching short videos is not harmful to children to a certain extent, if the time is too long, it will have a negative impact on children's brain development.

Specific effects include: lack of concentration; nerves and memory become slow and dull; cognitive abilities are limited; affecting language, reading and writing and other learning abilities...

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

Various experiences in the environment of children are It's shaping their brains, and the brain is also "use it or lose it."When children are accustomed to simple and direct ways of obtaining information and lack independent thinking, their brain development will also be affected.

Moreover, long-term viewing of short videos can easily cause children to lack sleep and become depressed. Over time, this kind of damage is difficult to repair.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews2 Children's social skills

will be affected

Excessive screen time will hinder language, social and emotional development, and may affect children's observation skills, empathy, the way they understand themselves and their relationships. Excessive screen time can easily form a vicious cycle:

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

Because of addiction to the Internet

children have not learned to deal with relationships with others


Social interactions in real life often hit a wall or feel stressed


Want to escape reality more

Increased dependence on the Internet


Face-to-face social interaction has become less


Intensified children’s social incompetence

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

Moreover, online social interaction is full of confusion, and there is no trace of innocence and innocence. For children with discerning abilities, the online world always contains potential dangers.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews3 The content is uncontrollable

It is easy to mislead children

One of the temptations of short videos is that when the finger slides down, it is difficult for people to guess the content of the next video. This also means that we don’t know what kind of information the children received during the ten or twenty minutes they spent watching videos on their mobile phones. The content of the

short video platform is uncontrollable, and parents have no way to truly filter it harmlessly.

Moreover, the push in the short video APP is targeted based on the algorithm. If your child likes content in a certain field, the platform will always push similar short videos.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

If it is high-quality content such as science popularization and education, it will be helpful to children, but if it is low-quality content, it will not only easily form an information cocoon , but also unknowingly distort children's values.

Today’s children are living in an era where they are facing new changes every day. They begin to be exposed to the Internet not long after they are born. This is the progress of the times, but it is also a challenge for parents. How does

reduce the time children spend watching short videos?

Parents are their children's best teachers and their first targets of imitation. During the summer vacation, children spend more time with their parents. Parents should set an example and not be addicted to short videos, soap operas, etc., do not play or watch short videos at high volumes around their children, and try to provide their children with a comfortable and warm environment. environment of.

helps children make reasonable summer time plans, reasonably arrange study and entertainment time, and enrich children's summer life.

can appropriately allow children to acquire knowledge from forms other than books, such as watching meaningful documentaries, movies, TV series, etc. with them. Here, the primary school teacher recommends the TV series " Awakening Age ", both adults and children will enjoy it. Worth a look.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

Parents should understand that technological progress is also a "double-edged sword". They should take their children to experience the good aspects, abandon the bad aspects, guide their children correctly, and be a "guide" on their growth path.

Every parent needs to play the role of "guide". To prevent addiction to short videos, we must try to do three things:

First, do not throw the phone to the child too early and let him browse by himself; before the child is 6 years old, try to avoid the child using the phone alone, and do some necessary short videos You can download the video first and then show it to him; for older children, you can negotiate and formulate a mobile phone usage code.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

Second, it is important for parents to lead by example. Adults should avoid scrolling on their mobile phones for a long time, especially in front of children. If we are very interested in short videos or are deeply involved in them and cannot extricate ourselves, it will be difficult for our children not to be affected.

Third, put down your mobile phone, give your children more real companionship, take them to experience real life, and divert their attention.

Although parents cannot control the various changes in their children's growth, they must provide a loving, safe, and stable protective space so that their children can grow up healthily.

Source: Qian Zhiliang Studio (ID: qzlgzs), China Net Education (ID: educenter)
Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews

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Nowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNewsNowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNewsNowadays, people are becoming more and more dependent on short video APPs. In public places, everyone, young and old, lowers their heads and slides the screen in a tacit understanding. How much impact does short video viewing have on children? Just when it becomes increasingly di - DayDayNews
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