Many parents want to raise their children to be literate people, but in what aspects should they start cultivating literate children? Today I would like to share with you how to cultivate in 7 aspects. First, focus on health. Develop at least one sports hobby, get pleasure from s

2024/05/2621:17:32 baby 1292

Many parents want to train their children to become literate people, but in what aspects should they start cultivating literate children? Today I would like to share with you how to cultivate in 7 aspects.

first, focus on health . Develop at least one sports hobby, get pleasure from sports, and be able to persevere. Health is the prerequisite for anything. Without health, everything else is empty talk.

Many parents want to raise their children to be literate people, but in what aspects should they start cultivating literate children? Today I would like to share with you how to cultivate in 7 aspects. First, focus on health. Develop at least one sports hobby, get pleasure from s - DayDayNews

Second, understand etiquette. When you meet an elder, you should take the initiative to say hello first. Don't wait for your parents to call you, or don't even speak when called. We often see parents taking their children out and meeting acquaintances or friends. They only talk to themselves but neglect to introduce their children. In this way, as time goes by, the child will feel that I am not important and I will not need to say hello to you. The correct approach is: when parents take their children out, no matter who they meet, they should first formally introduce their children to others, so that the children will feel respected, so they will also respect others. In the future, if they form a habit, they will respect others when they see them. Take the initiative to say hello first.

Many parents want to raise their children to be literate people, but in what aspects should they start cultivating literate children? Today I would like to share with you how to cultivate in 7 aspects. First, focus on health. Develop at least one sports hobby, get pleasure from s - DayDayNews

Third, develop a habit . Put used things back to their original places at home, return toys to their proper places after playing with them, tidy up the things in your room every night and put them neatly, and insist on forming a habit.

fourth, measured . You can't take other people's things. Remember, you can't take them, not just take them randomly. You cannot take other people's things without their permission. This is education and principle.

Many parents want to raise their children to be literate people, but in what aspects should they start cultivating literate children? Today I would like to share with you how to cultivate in 7 aspects. First, focus on health. Develop at least one sports hobby, get pleasure from s - DayDayNews

fifth, responsible for . Learn to apologize for your mistakes. If you are wrong, you are wrong. If you are wrong, you must first apologize and then correct it. If parents make mistakes, they should set an example in front of their children, apologize and correct them in time, and let their children know that everyone can make mistakes. If they make mistakes, they only need to apologize and correct them. The children will not have much psychological burden.

Many parents want to raise their children to be literate people, but in what aspects should they start cultivating literate children? Today I would like to share with you how to cultivate in 7 aspects. First, focus on health. Develop at least one sports hobby, get pleasure from s - DayDayNews

Sixth, quality . First of all, it is reflected in not swearing. This is a basic quality and a reflection of tutoring. As a parent, you must first correct the bad words you often use in your mouth to prevent your children from taking these swear words as natural.

Many parents want to raise their children to be literate people, but in what aspects should they start cultivating literate children? Today I would like to share with you how to cultivate in 7 aspects. First, focus on health. Develop at least one sports hobby, get pleasure from s - DayDayNews

Seventh, be polite . When talking to others, it is basic courtesy not to interrupt others unless there are special circumstances. If you need to interrupt someone under special circumstances, be sure to say sorry first and then explain your reasons.

I hope my sharing will be helpful to you in cultivating children with high quality and high emotional intelligence. [心][心]

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