Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line.

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Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children. They all think about how to train their children well and how to let their children win at the starting line.

What kind of conclusion should the starting line be? While pregnant? After birth? Three years old or six years old? Different people will have different answers. But in terms of current social competition, most people think that the sooner, the better.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

Some mothers will give their children prenatal education when they are just pregnant: playing prenatal education music, talking to the fetus, etc. When their children reach the age of kindergarten, many parents will be confused about whether to send their children to public kindergartens or private kindergartens.

My sister-in-law’s child was due to go to kindergarten last semester. My sister has been struggling with whether to give up the public kindergarten or go to a private kindergarten. This is a question that troubles many parents.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

Characteristics of Kindergarten

In fact, whether you go to a public kindergarten or a private kindergarten, they all have their own characteristics. If you go to a public kindergarten, relatively speaking, the teaching staff is relatively strong, the mobility is low, and it is also more affordable. The teaching method is more natural and adopts the form of learning through play and learning through play, which is more in line with the age and development of children. In order to recruit more students, private kindergartens will consider the needs of parents, and teachers are also very patient with children.

The difference between public kindergartens and private kindergartens

Both children have attended kindergartens. Many parents find that for children of the same age group, children taught by public kindergartens seem to know nothing. I don’t know a few of them, and I can only do simple 1+1 in arithmetic.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

But those children who come out of private kindergartens all have unique skills. They know many words and can write them, and can recite many ancient poems, not to mention pinyin and arithmetic.

In this kind of comparison, parents who have children in public kindergartens will first feel very embarrassed. They are also in kindergartens and have educated parents, but their children are worse than those of other families. They have no face. Light.

In addition, they are also afraid that their children will not be able to keep up after entering elementary school and will lose to other children. Even though some children who originally attended public kindergartens transferred to private kindergartens.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

Changes after three years

Senior primary school teachers also admit that when their children are in the first and second grades of elementary school, the students who do well in the class are basically children who have graduated from private kindergartens, and they can basically do well every time. Get full marks on the exam. In fact, the reason is very simple. Children in private kindergartens have basically learned the knowledge in the first and second grades of elementary school, so it is really easy for them to get high scores.

As for those children who have never been exposed to primary school knowledge, they have to start learning from scratch, which requires a lot of effort and requires more effort than children in private kindergartens to learn well.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

But after the third grade of elementary school, you will find a strange phenomenon: the grades of children who graduated from public kindergartens are in a stage of steady improvement, while those of children who graduated from private kindergartens have experienced a cliff-like decline. .

Why is this happening? In fact, the reason is very simple. Children who graduate from public kindergartens need to study hard to get good grades from the first grade. Gradually, they get used to this learning rhythm, develop their own study habits, and their ability to digest knowledge will continue to improve. growth of.

On the other hand, for those children who graduated from private kindergartens, because they have learned all the knowledge in the first and second grades, they will not listen very seriously, and over time they will develop the habit of not paying attention in class. In the third and fourth grade, students begin to learn more in-depth knowledge. If a child is not focused all the time, his or her performance will plummet.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

Cultivating children’s concentration is the key

In fact, whether it is children graduating from private kindergartens or public kindergartens, as long as their concentration is well developed in the early childhood stage, it will not be easy for them to achieve good results when they enter elementary school. A cliff-like drop.

A psychologist once tracked two children with different IQs for more than ten years. A child with an IQ of 142 had poor grades from elementary school to high school. Later, he only took the college entrance examination and did not achieve much after working. The child with an IQ of only 129 attended the gifted class at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University. Later, he was admitted to the Tsinghua University basic mathematics and physics class. After graduating from university, he was admitted to Columbia University in the United States.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

This sounds really incredible. Everyone would think that children with high IQs should be smarter, enter better schools, and be able to find better jobs after graduation.

Why is it that a child with a low IQ reaches the "peak" of life? It turns out that this child will be very focused as long as he sits at the desk to study. He fully embodies the characteristics of college learning, that is, seizing every minute of learning.

Facts have proved that when the IQ reaches the normal value, the key factor that determines the future development of the child is concentration. In other words, a child's concentration has a greater impact on a child's academic performance than intelligence. Regarding the cultivation of concentration, scientists use the word "training" more than "education" to express it.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

My niece used to go to a private kindergarten, and she was a bit advanced in learning. However, when my niece was very young, my sister was very conscious about cultivating her child's concentration. When my niece was in the third or fourth grade, she was not affected at all. Because my niece is able to stay focused during class.

I also have children in kindergarten. In order to cultivate children's concentration, I asked my sister for advice, and she recommended picture books with stickers to me. It is suitable for children aged 2 to 6 years old, that is, children in kindergarten.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

My sister even boasted about the two characteristics of my niece when she was playing with stickers.

1. It can cultivate children's super concentration and memory, and exercise the fine movements of children's hands.

The pictures in the book are all guided by scenes of life things that children are familiar with and love. They are full of fun, in line with the cognitive psychology of children aged 2 to 6 years old, and are very attractive to them. Once children learn, they can be immersed in it and learn well.

Children will concentrate when playing, and the time of concentration will change from long to short, from 10 minutes to 15 minutes at first, and then to longer time. Even children who are usually active and unable to sit still, or who love playing with mobile phones, can quickly focus and become very focused.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

Every time the child looks for stickers, peels off the stickers and sticks the stickers, it not only cultivates the child's concentration, but also exercises the child's fine hand movements.

2. It can develop children's brain and improve their reasoning ability, logical ability, etc.

The stickers are designed based on the psychological characteristics of young children. The various scenes inside are very suitable for the children's age. When the children do the questions, they will feel like they are immersed in the scene, and they will use their brains to think, and then use their cognition to Start by making inferences on different types of questions, etc.

For example, in this scene of buying a scarf, there are bears, giraffes, and other common items. When children see the blank space of the giraffe, they can deduce based on the shape of the giraffe that this should be a giraffe. Then according to the requirements of the topic, choose long and short scarves for the giraffe and the bear, which exercises the child's logical reasoning ability .

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

However, my sister said that choosing stickers for children is very particular. You must choose stickers that combine fun and knowledge, which is more in line with the child's psychological cognitive characteristics.

The set of stickers that my niece liked to play with the most at that time was "Children's Concentration Training Stickers". There are 20 books in a set, and one set can be played for a month or two.

It just so happens that the holidays are here, and I also bought a set for my second child. As soon as he got it, he couldn't put it down and started playing with it. He no longer has to bother me for a mobile phone to play with. Each time he was able to concentrate on playing by himself for more than half an hour, and the child's concentration was obviously improved.

Every parent has his or her own ideas about educating their children, and they all think about how to raise their children well and how to make their children win at the starting line. - DayDayNews

This set of "Children's Concentration Training Stickers" has a total of 20 books, covering 20 major themes, and each book has more than a dozen training scenes. contains a total of more than 4,500 stickers, and the total cost is only 55 yuan, which is only 2.5 yuan per book, which is really a good deal.

No matter whether your child attends a public kindergarten or a private kindergarten, you should cultivate your child's concentration. In this way, children will not be prone to poor performance when they enter elementary school and can focus more on their studies.

If your child is 2 to 6 years old, don't miss the critical period of cultivating your child's concentration, because the child's concentration will directly affect the child's future academic performance, and parents must pay attention to it.

How do you cultivate your children's concentration? (The pictures in this article are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please inform us to delete it)

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