While online media meets young people's needs for information, exchange of ideas, and leisure and entertainment, it will also have a certain impact on their physical and mental health if used improperly. The problem of "Internet addiction" among teenagers has also caused headache

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While online media meets young people's needs for information, exchange of ideas, and leisure and entertainment, it will also have a certain impact on their physical and mental health if used improperly. The problem of "Internet addiction" among teenagers has also caused headaches for parents and teachers.

While online media meets young people's needs for information, exchange of ideas, and leisure and entertainment, it will also have a certain impact on their physical and mental health if used improperly. The problem of

First, let’s take a look at what are the characteristics of online game addiction?

Continuously and repeatedly use the Internet to participate in games, often playing games with other people, causing clinically significant damage or pain, and meeting 5 or more of the following criteria within 12 months:

1. Excessive addiction: addicted to online games ( Thinking about previous gaming activities or anticipating playing the next game; online gaming becomes a major activity in daily life).

2, withdrawal : withdrawal symptoms occur when online gaming is stopped (often described as irritability, anxiety, or sadness, but without physical signs of drug withdrawal).

3. Tolerance: Tolerance to online games requires spending more and more time participating in online games.

4. Loss of control: It is difficult to control one’s participation in online games.

5. Loss of other interests: As a result, loss of interest in previous hobbies and entertainment, except online games.

6. As a means of escape: Escape or relieve negative moods through online games.

In addition to these, we also need to deal with relationship issues and establish rules. I will talk about these issues below so that parents will no longer be confused.

While online media meets young people's needs for information, exchange of ideas, and leisure and entertainment, it will also have a certain impact on their physical and mental health if used improperly. The problem of

1. Dealing with relationship issues

Parents have the role of parents first, and secondly the role of temporary teachers. Don't weaken the warmth and care of being a parent just because you assume the role of a teacher. I heard some children complaining: "Mom and dad asked me how I completed my homework as soon as I came in." It is recommended that parents separate the functions of these two roles. Especially for children with tense parent-child relationships, it is best to tell the children to complete their homework within a designated time. Only discuss study and homework issues with your children.

When one day you find that your children play online games for too long, parents can try to ask their children how they feel when playing online games. Some children play online games precisely because of their unhappiness at home, school and interpersonal relationships. Go for a feeling of safety and ease.

2. How to establish rules

It is very necessary for children to establish behavioral rules. Not only must you consider your own ideas, but you must also meet the requirements of reality. But family rules must be flexible and not too rigid.

must have different requirements for children of different ages. For children who have entered adolescence, some families require children to complete their homework in the living room, even in their own study, and require children not to close the door. It is recommended that parents accept this request from their children. If they still play games, they will not do anything related to learning. , you can have time to hold a family meeting on the weekend.

So many parents have complained to me about what is the reason why their children are now addicted to the Internet?

1. Children lack family happiness

While online media meets young people's needs for information, exchange of ideas, and leisure and entertainment, it will also have a certain impact on their physical and mental health if used improperly. The problem of

Family education and family relationships are the most important in the family. Some parents lack basic qualities and do not know how to run a family. They often quarrel, which leads to tension among family members and has a lot of negative effects on their children. There are also some couples whose relationships break up and become single-parent families, which also creates a certain psychological shadow on the growth of their children and develops bad character traits.

2. Children’s strengths have not been explored

Most teachers of children with Internet addiction tend to be more or less emotionally violent, love to lose their temper, and love to teach others. The school evaluation system is too simple and only uses grades to evaluate the quality of students. Some children may not study particularly well, but are excellent in other aspects. These children are unsure of themselves in school and become easily discouraged.But at this time, especially parents, do not understand their children's inner feelings and blindly accuse their children of not working hard, which leads to this situation.

If you still have questions about your children’s Internet addiction, parents are welcome to send me a private message and I will reply to them one by one.

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