1. (True or False Question) () Some children are affected by factors such as diet, genetics, and too little activity. Their intake is greater than their consumption, causing excessive accumulation of fat in the body and their weight exceeding a certain range. Medically, this is c

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1. (True or False Question) () Some children are affected by factors such as diet, genetics, and too little activity. Their intake is greater than their consumption, causing excessive accumulation of fat in the body and their weight exceeding a certain range. Medically, this is c - DayDayNews

1. (True or False Question) () Some children are affected by factors such as diet, genetics, and too little activity. Their intake exceeds their consumption, causing excessive accumulation of fat in the body and their weight exceeding a certain range. This is medically called simple obesity.

Reference answer: Correct

2, (True or False Question) () Education first, parenting second is one of the principles of infant education.

Reference answer: Wrong

3. (True or False Question) The 84 disinfectant remaining on the surface of the object can play a disinfecting role, so it does not need to be rinsed clean.

Reference answer: Wrong

4. (True or False Question) The main basis for adding or removing clothes for infants and young children is the weather conditions and the amount of activity.

Reference answer: Correct

5. (True or False Question) () Lying without intention is lying.

Reference answer: Wrong

6. (True or False Question) () The order of scrubbing hands is palm - back of hand - wrist - fingers - finger tips - between fingers.

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Reference answer: Correct

7. (True or False Question) () When infants and young children learn to feed themselves with a spoon, the childcare provider should use another small spoon to feed the infant and young child. .

Reference answer: Correct

8, (True or False Question) () Conducting health examinations on infants and young children who are about to enter kindergarten to better understand the growth and development characteristics of each infant and child is one of the purposes of the health examination before entering kindergarten.

Reference answer: Correct

9, (True or False Question) () Increasing the vaccination rate of infants can improve the level of infant immunity and inhibit the spread of infectious diseases.

Reference answer: Correct

10. (True or False Question) The characteristic of young children’s memory is that they remember things quickly and forget them quickly, and they are not easy to last.

reference answer: correct

11, (True or False Question) () " Kindergarten Education Guidance Outline " (Trial) specifically stipulates the responsibilities of childcare workers.

Reference answer: Wrong

12. (True or False Question) The development of baby's language and cognitive abilities is indirectly affected by the development of its chewing function.

Reference answer: Wrong

13, (True or False Question) () The standard height of children aged 0-12 can be roughly calculated using the formula height (cm) = age × 575.

Reference answer: Wrong

14. (True or False Question) Childcare workers are the personnel who are mainly responsible for the health care and life management of children in kindergartens. ().

Reference answer: Correct

15, (True or False Question) () The disinfectant preparation formula based on the actual active ingredients contained = the concentration to be prepared × the quantity to be prepared.

Reference answer: Wrong

16, (True or False Question) () When measuring the height of infants and young children, if they are in a lying position, attention should be paid to making the central axis of the body overlap with the midline on the measuring board.

Reference answer: Correct

17, (True or False Question) () The height of infants under 3 years old should be measured in the supine position using a measuring bed.

Reference answer: Correct

18, (True or False Question) () During the treatment of foreign objects in the nasal cavity , the nursery staff should observe carefully and remove the foreign objects in time. Among them, "take a deep breath, block the side of the nasal cavity that is free of foreign matter with your hands, and blow your nose hard to remove the foreign matter" is one of the steps.

Reference answer: Correct

19, (True or False Question) () In order to prevent children from getting lost, the guards should strengthen the strict implementation of various registration management systems.

Reference answer: Correct

20, (True or False Question) () Adult food can only be eaten after complete weaning.

Reference answer: Wrong

21. (True or False Question) Cleaning the baby's four parts is an important step in promoting its healthy growth.

Reference answer: Correct

22. (True or False Question) If the baby is too hungry or overfeeds the baby, stomachache will occur.

Reference answer: Correct

23, (True or False Question) () The key to doing a good job in connecting kindergarten to primary school is that kindergartens should take the initiative to understand the requirements and content of primary school education, and consciously do a good job of cooperation in daily education.

Reference answer: Wrong

24, (True or False Question) () When preparing toilet paper, first cut the rolled toilet paper into 5 cm long and put it into a paper frame for later use.

Reference answer: Wrong

25, (True or False Question) () The toenails of infants and young children should be cut as short as possible and formed into an arc.

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Reference answer: Wrong

26, (True or False Question) () Instruct children to wash their faces at the corners of their eyes, forehead, cheeks, under the nostrils, around the mouth, chin, neck, and ears. Washed.

Reference answer: Correct

27, (True or False Question) () Parents or other guardians should respect the minors’ right to receive education, and must enable minors of appropriate age to receive compulsory education in accordance with regulations, and must not enable minors who receive compulsory education in schools drop out.

Reference answer: Correct

28, (True or False Question) () In the 1950s, my country's preschool education workers changed their previous tendency to only focus on child care and education and not on education and scientific research.

Reference Answer: Wrong

29, (True or False Question) () Bathroom cleaning work includes opening windows for ventilation, cleaning up dirt, flushing toilets and sinks, cleaning frames, walls, lights, mirrors, cabinets, cleaning the floor, and drying and hanging freshly washed Good towels, baby clothes and sheets.

reference answer: wrong

30, (True or False Question) () After the morning inspection, first assist the infants in the small class and guide the children in the middle and large classes to fold their coats.

Reference answer: Correct

31, (True or False Question) () In order to prevent enuresis, childcare workers must insist on waking up children at any time to let them go to the toilet.

Reference answer: Wrong

32, (True or False Question) () Minors refer to citizens under the age of 18.

Reference answer: Correct

33, (True or False Question) () The disinfection method of door handles, drinking water faucets, and hand washing faucets is the disinfectant flushing method.

Reference answer: Wrong

34, (True or False Question) () In order to prevent heat stroke in infants and young children, outdoor activities should be avoided between 12:00 and 13:30 in hot summer.

Reference answer: Wrong

35, (True or False Question) () The most important responsibility of the teaching staff is to do a good job of "preaching, teaching, and solving doubts."

Reference answer: Wrong

36, (True or False Question) The main form of thinking of children aged 3-6 is abstract logical thinking.

Reference answer: Wrong

37, (True or False Question) () Checking growth and development can prevent babies from accidental injuries.

Reference answer: Wrong

38, (True or False Question) () Infants and young children should eat whole grains as their staple food.

Reference Answer: Wrong

39, (True or False Question) () The working procedure for making toy teaching aids is to collect and select appropriate materials, work with teachers and preschool children to make toys and teaching aids, and pay attention to the maintenance of toys and teaching aids.

Reference answer: Wrong

40. (True or False Question) The younger the age, the faster the growth rate, which is one of the characteristics of infant development.

Reference answer: Correct

41, (True or False Question) () Childcare workers mainly complete the care work in the education process, and teachers mainly complete the education work in the education process.

Reference answer: Wrong

42, (True or False Question) () Being consistently honest and trustworthy in professional activities will harm the interests of the company.

Reference answer: Wrong

43, (True or False Question) () In order to prevent children from falling and being injured outdoors, more concrete floors should be laid in outdoor play areas.

Reference answer: Wrong

44, (True or False Question) () The method used to disinfect the dining table is to wipe with disinfectant retention.

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Reference answer: Correct

45, (True or False Question) () When cleaning the pool, there should be no oil, water stains, or dirt. The pool should be smooth, clean, and odor-free.

Reference answer: Correct

46, (True or False Question) Stuttering is a physiological defect and a disease of developmental organs. ().

Reference answer: Wrong

47, (True or False Question) () People with successful careers often have high professional ethics.

Reference answer: Correct

48, (True or False Question) air bath for infants may cause respiratory diseases.

Reference answer: Wrong

49, (True or False Question) () If the child's face is reddish, his expression is natural, his movements are coordinated, his breathing is slightly fast but steady, and he is slightly sweating, it indicates that the amount of activity is appropriate.

Reference answer: Correct

50, (True or False Question) () No matter which method is used, each kindergarten should break down the kindergarten education goals set by the state into layers, gradually make them more specific, and finally implement the goals in the development of children.

Reference answer: Correct

1. (True or False Question) () Some children are affected by factors such as diet, genetics, and too little activity. Their intake is greater than their consumption, causing excessive accumulation of fat in the body and their weight exceeding a certain range. Medically, this is c - DayDayNews

51, (True or False Question) () If the child's face is red, sweating profusely, uncoordinated movements, and short of breath, it indicates that the amount of activity is appropriate.

Reference answer: Wrong

52, (True or False Question) () Because the external auditory canal of infants and young children is narrow, they are prone to chilblains.

Reference answer: Wrong

53, (True or False Question) () Classes are the main way for preschool children to learn.

Reference answer: Wrong

54. (True or False Question) The disinfection of toilet bowls should be soaked and scrubbed with disinfectant.

Reference answer: Correct

55, (True or False question) growth hormone secreted by the infant's pituitary gland. Secretion is most intense when awake.

Reference answer: Wrong

56, (True or False Question) () A child who is lost may be because the child is particularly curious or inattentive, and leaves the group unknowingly to pay attention to other interesting things.

Reference answer: Correct

57, (True or False Question) Preschool education institutions provide preschool children with comprehensive physical, intellectual, moral and aesthetic education.

Reference answer: Wrong

58, (True or False Question) Before infants and young children engage in outdoor activities, childcare workers should prepare clothing for outdoor activities for infants and young children based on the content of infants and young children's activities.

Reference answer: Wrong

59, (True or False Question) () Childcare workers must be proficient in modern educational technology, appropriately and effectively choose kindergarten teaching methods and methods, and conduct collective teaching for children.

Reference answer: Wrong

60, (True or False Question) () The creation of a kindergarten environment should first reflect its beauty. As long as it meets people's needs and evaluation standards for beauty, it must meet the requirements for kindergarten environment creation.

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Reference answer: Wrong

61, (True or False Question) () The mandatory purpose of teaching games and the external intervention of childcare workers in games are less than free games.

Reference answer: Wrong

62, (True or False Question) () Infants and young children should develop the habit of washing their hands when they are dirty.

reference answer: Correct

63, (True or False Question) Children often quarrel during games, and childcare workers should act as "mediators" at this time.

Reference answer: Wrong

64, (True or False Question) Children aged 3-7 years old sleep 12 to 13 hours a day.

Reference answer: Wrong

65, (True or False Question) Enriching children's activities and diverting attention is a good way to correct hand-feeding.

Reference answer: Correct

66, (True or False Question) () "Education is growth, education is life, and school is society" is the educational proposition put forward by Montessori.

Reference answer: Wrong

67, (True or False Question) Infants and young children are deficient in iodine, which will cause insufficient thyroid synthesis and affect the growth, development and intelligence of infants and young children.

Reference answer: Correct

68, (True or False Question) () Evaluation ability, organizational ability, communication ability, etc. are all educational skills that childcare workers should have.

Reference answer: Correct

69. (True or False Question) The sleep time of children aged 3 to 7 is 12 to 13 hours a day.

Reference answer: Wrong

70. (True or False Question) The change of pulse is an important indicator to judge the severity of the disease. The pulse of a critically ill child changes from a regular rhythm to a thin, fast, slow or irregular rhythm, indicating serious disorders in heart function and blood circulation. Once the heartbeat accelerates, external chest heart massage should be performed immediately.

Reference answer: Wrong

71. (Single choice question) The order of daily cleaning work is ().

A window-toy-furniture-bed-floor-table-chair

B floor-table-chair-furniture-toy-window-bed

C bed-window-table-chair-floor-furniture-toy

D toy-furniture-table-chair-floor-bed -Window

Reference answer: A

72, (Single choice question) Those whose weight exceeds the standard weight for the same age and height () are severely obese.





Reference answer: C

73, (Single-choice question) You should rinse your mouth with salt water after ().

A morning check

B games

C activities

D sleep

Reference answer: A

74. (Single choice question) The following description of common forms in infant situational teaching activities is correct ().

A Outdoor activities, lunch time, going to the toilet, eating, etc.

B Indoor activities, lunch time, classes, eating, etc.

C Indoor activities, art games, going to the bathroom, sleeping, etc.

D Outdoor activities, special events, classes, eating, etc.

Reference answer: A

75, (single-choice question) Changes in weather, (), changes in work and rest time, changes in living environment and other factors may make frail children feel uncomfortable or even sick.

A A tense study life

B The thickness of clothes

C Adjustment of diet

D The length of activity time

Reference answer: C

76. (Single choice question) What should be done after discovering enuresis in infants and young children ().

A Change wet clothes and quilts in a timely manner

B Criticize infants and young children who are enuretic

C Wake up infants and let them change wet clothes by themselves

D Wake up the whole class of infants and young children

Reference answer: A

77, (single choice question) my country's education documents It is clearly stipulated: "It is necessary to ensure that children have sufficient outdoor activity time and game time. Full-day kindergarten shall not be less than 2 hours per day, and boarding kindergarten shall not be less than () per day."

A1 hour

B1.5 hours

C2. 5 hours

D3 hours

Reference answer: D

78, (single choice question) () is the correct sitting posture for infants and young children.

A Sitting upright with hands behind your back

B Sitting on the table

C Sitting upright

D Sitting down

Reference answer: C

79. (Single choice question) In order to prevent children from getting lost, the door guards should be strengthened to strictly implement various () systems.

A Registration management

B Fire safety

C Disaster and flood prevention

D Password password

Reference answer: A

80. (Single choice question) When measuring the weight of infants and young children, you should pay attention to the measurement tools ().

A Avant-garde performance, beautiful

B Performance art, generous

C Good performance, clean

D Old performance, dust accumulation

Reference answer: C

81. (Single choice question) The hand posture when eating is ()

A Not holding the bowl

B Holding the bowl with both hands

C Hold the bowl with one hand

D Touch the bowl with chopsticks

Reference answer: C

82. (Single choice question) The disinfection method of door handles, drinking faucets and hand washing faucets is ().

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A Boiling method

B Steam method

C Disinfectant soaking method

D Disinfectant retention wiping method

Reference answer: D

83, (Single choice question) When babies sleep, mouth breathing is easy. Causes the upper lip to curl up, ().

A Misaligned teeth

B Stuttering

C Night terrors

D Vocal cord congestion

Reference answer: A

84. (Single-choice question) In order to exercise the strength of children's hands, childcare workers should organize children to participate in () activities.

A Upper limbs

B Knitting

C Breaking the wrists

D Picking beans with chopsticks

Reference answer: D

85. (Single choice question) The configuration method of solid disinfectants is: after calculating and weighing the required amount, put it into a graduated container. Add water to ().

A container half of

B container 2/3

C container 3/4

D The required configuration quantity

Reference answer: D

86. (Single choice question) Educational staff should perfectly combine (), lead by example and demonstrate behavior.

A Knowledge and ability

B Attitude and ability

C Words and deeds

D Motivation and behavior

Reference answer: C

87. (Single choice question) When infants and young children find enuresis, the childcare provider should contact the parents to prepare ().

A See a doctor

B Medicines

C Washing

D Change of clothes

Reference answer: D

88. (Single choice question) Reasonable arrangement of diet, diversified complementary foods, and reasonable arrangement of daily life can prevent infants ().

A Malnutrition


C Autism

D Lead poisoning

Reference answer: A

89, (Single choice question) According to the creativity in the game, the game can be divided into creative games and ().

A Ruled games

B Group games

C Teaching games

D Activity games

Reference answer: A

90. (Single-choice question) When conducting morning inspections on infants and young children, the childcare provider should ask ().

A Kind, concise, easy to understand

B Serious, concise, fast

C Pleasant, circuitous, fast

D Kind, circuitous, guessing

Reference answer: A

91, (Single-choice question) Children in class () should learn to use chopsticks.

A small class

B middle class

C large class

D preschool class

Reference answer: C

92. (Single choice question) To measure the weight of infants and young children, a lever scale with a maximum load capacity of () should be used.

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Reference answer: B

93. (Single-choice question) Childcare providers should create a safe, hygienic, and () beautiful environment for children that meets their development needs.

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A Beauty

B Children like

C Educational requirements

D Free activities required

Reference answer: C

94, (single choice question) () does not belong to the "second look" in the morning inspection of the whole day care center. Content.

A The color of the face and sclera of the eyes

B Whether there is a rash on the body

C The speed of breathing

D Whether the teeth are white

Reference answer: D

95, (single choice question) The applicable age range of " The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors " is () .

A Citizens under the age of 16

B Citizens under the age of 18

C Citizens under the age of 20

D Citizens under the age of 19

Reference answer: A

96, (Single choice question) Childcare providers should guide individual infants and young children to participate in activities Always put () first.

A Strict attitude

B Respect and trust

C Obey the wishes of infants and young children

D Use body language to communicate with infants and young children

Reference answer: B

97. (Single choice question) The way to clean screen windows is ().

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A Wipe with dry cloth

B Clean the dust first, then wipe with clean water

C Wipe with clean water first, then clean the dust

D Wipe with semi-dry wet cloth

Reference answer: B

98, (Single choice question) The standard weight of a 12-year-old child can be roughly calculated using the formula ().

A Weight (kg) = age × 3 + 5 (or 8)

B Weight (kg) = age × 5 (or 8)

C Weight (kg) = age × 6 (or 8)

D Weight (kg) = age × 2 +7 (or 8)

Reference answer: D

99. (Single-choice question) The period when a person's physical and mental development is the fastest, and also the period when the intelligence develops fastest in a person's life is ().

A Infant period

B Infancy

C Early childhood

D School age

Reference answer: C

100. (Single choice question) Infants and young children are susceptible to digestive disorders, diarrhea, malnutrition and other diseases. Therefore, exclusive breastfeeding should be promoted for () months.





Reference answer: B

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