Everyone's life must be full of various expectations for their future, such as good study, good health, good career, good family, good emotions, etc. In addition to these general expectations, when encountering specific things Sometimes, we will still have small pursuits and wish

Everyone’s life must be full of various expectations for their future, such as good study, good health, good career, good family, good emotions, etc. In addition to these general expectations, when encountering specific things When we are young, we will still have small pursuits and wishes. Of course, no one's life can be perfect and trouble-free. We only need to improve our cultivation and conduct, and then our life will be trouble-free.

Everyone should strive to be an "adult". It does not mean that we should strive to be a big shot, make outstanding contributions, have great influence, etc., but that we should strive to become a person with a big picture, a big mind, and a generous spirit. degree of people. In fact, there are no obstacles in life that are difficult to overcome. Once your mind is big, everything becomes small. While being an "adult", you must also be "cautious". Such people are truly wise.

The so-called "caution" means to be cautious and not arrogant or impetuous. No matter what circumstances we encounter in life, we always maintain inner stability and calmness and remain unmoved by external circumstances. Handle every big and small matter carefully and treat others respectfully.

In this way, not only can things be handled satisfactorily, but also good relationships can be established with people, connections can flourish, and a good reputation can be left behind. Being prudent in words and deeds is a virtue that must be possessed in order to live in the world. Once a person falls into a manic mood, his life will begin to go downhill, and all kinds of disasters will follow.

The so-called "be careful" means to have more patience, know how to be patient in everything, and be able to endure loneliness. In modern society, under the influence of fast-paced life, people's mood will inevitably become very impetuous.

At this time, we should calm down and be more patient in everything, because all great undertakings require a long and arduous process. In this process, we can only keep enduring, keep pushing, and keep pushing. Enduring humiliation, constantly accepting loneliness, constantly accumulating strength, accumulating strength, and finally there will be a day when "the clouds clear and the moon shines". If you are too eager, it may be self-defeating and counterproductive.

The so-called "carefulness" means to always remain humble. Among the sixty-four hexagrams in " I Ching ", only one hexagram and six lines are auspicious, and that is the "Qian" hexagram. The most taboo thing in life is fullness. Once anything reaches the "full" state, it will begin to overflow and gradually move towards the opposite of things. As long as you are almost full but not full, this is the best state.

Therefore, as long as you maintain enough humility, you will have unlimited possibilities for progress in your life. Once pride is indulged, life will stop moving forward or even go backwards.