The biggest news in the music industry these days is that Jay Chou has released a new album. I only found out about this this morning, so it was a bit late. This morning I opened QQ Music, and as a habit, I searched for songs on the charts first. I noticed something was wrong. Th

2024/07/0303:18:32 entertainment 1566

The biggest news in the music industry these days is that Jay Chou has released a new album. I only found out about this this morning, so it was a bit late.

The biggest news in the music industry these days is that Jay Chou has released a new album. I only found out about this this morning, so it was a bit late. This morning I opened QQ Music, and as a habit, I searched for songs on the charts first. I noticed something was wrong. Th - DayDayNews

This morning I opened QQ Music , and as a habit, I went to the charts first to search for songs. When I saw it, I found something wrong. Why were all the songs at the top ranked by Jay Chou. In the past, Jay Chou's songs only appeared on the hot song charts, but it is rare to see them occupying almost all the charts like today. In other words, he is not on the rap list.

then checked it out, and the answer was revealed. It turned out that he had released a new album.

has been so dominating the charts since its debut. In the entire Chinese music scene, is probably the only one with such strength.

The biggest news in the music industry these days is that Jay Chou has released a new album. I only found out about this this morning, so it was a bit late. This morning I opened QQ Music, and as a habit, I searched for songs on the charts first. I noticed something was wrong. Th - DayDayNews

Regarding Jay Chou, those of us born in the 1990s should be familiar with it. The first mobile phone we used, he had the most songs in the music player. Most people have grown from youth to adulthood listening to his songs. For an individual, he is a memory of growing up; for an era, he is a symbol in the history of Chinese music.

I won’t say much about how he entered the music scene and how he became popular. There are so many versions that it is difficult to say which version is objective.

But one thing is that he is recognized for his musical talent and outstanding performance.

The biggest news in the music industry these days is that Jay Chou has released a new album. I only found out about this this morning, so it was a bit late. This morning I opened QQ Music, and as a habit, I searched for songs on the charts first. I noticed something was wrong. Th - DayDayNews

In addition, he is also an inspirational template, a template for taking action to realize your dreams. Compared with musicians of his generation,

’s starting point, in the words of today’s online novels, was infinitely close to a hellish start. In other words, he just opened his mouth and relied entirely on his recklessness to get his equipment.

is a single-parent family. His family background basically cannot give him any help. He can only rely on himself to become famous in the music field.

A mastery of the piano allowed him to enter high school, but his talent was of no use in college. In the end, he could only enter society and wash dishes in restaurants.

During the days when he was washing dishes, he did not give up his dream of music, and tried his best to seize every opportunity to interact with music.

An entertainment program he participated in became a turning point in his life. Not to mention that the door to music was opened to him, at least it made him stand at the door. As for whether this musical door can be opened, it can only rely on talent without external help.

The biggest news in the music industry these days is that Jay Chou has released a new album. I only found out about this this morning, so it was a bit late. This morning I opened QQ Music, and as a habit, I searched for songs on the charts first. I noticed something was wrong. Th - DayDayNews

Facts have also proved that the door opened by talent is the widest.

There are many musicians of his generation, and some of them are equally famous as him. But now when we look at those people, those who have withdrawn from the industry and those who have side jobs are almost forgotten.

Even those latecomers, most of them only became popular for a year or two and then disappeared.

is the only one who is still popular today. It has been twenty years since he released an album in 2002.

One person can make popular music for twenty years, and there is only one Jay Chou in the history of Chinese music.

The biggest news in the music industry these days is that Jay Chou has released a new album. I only found out about this this morning, so it was a bit late. This morning I opened QQ Music, and as a habit, I searched for songs on the charts first. I noticed something was wrong. Th - DayDayNews

But if my calculations are correct, by this year Jay Chou and I will be in their mid-forties. At this age, how long can I continue in the field of pop music? After all, human energy is limited. As we age, there is less energy available for music creation.

More importantly, where is the next Jay Chou in the Chinese music scene?

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