Seasons change, time goes by, it seems that it is always silent, always so understated, the scenery of life, I have not seen enough flowers blooming along the way, in the blink of an eye, the flowers are in full bloom, and it is midsummer.

Author: Zimo


Seasons change, time passes, always seems to be silent, always so understated, the scenery of life, the flowers blooming along the way have not been enough, in the blink of an eye, the flowers are blooming, and we are gone It's midsummer.

Moshang in summer has become a green world. It is an elegant and fresh picture with suitable shades. Because of the warmth of emotion, it also has the connotation of ink painting.

is beautiful but not refined. It is a little less brilliant and a little more colorful. The scenery of the four seasons has its own beauty and color. The prosperity in the past will become barren in the future. The lushness now, It has also become a trace of time, an elegant blank space in life.

The scenery of life is always changing, no one can fully understand it, and no one can fully understand it. The breeze attracts summer flowers, and the fallen leaves drive away winter snow.

A landscape, a season of change, all interpret different periods of life, including the luster of first sight and the sadness of parting.

What we have to do is, in the vicissitudes of life, when prosperity has faded, thousands of sails have passed, and there is wind and smoke, we should try our best not to lose the direction of life.

01. The years are quiet and good, and the time is light and not old.

When the warm south wind blows, the clothes of the season and the flowers of summer are stranded and placed quietly in an uninhabited corner.

Time is flowing with the fragrance of flowers, and the time that breaks through the fingertips is still without a trace of waves. Even the little sadness that once existed is quietly hidden in the gentleness of the south wind, submerged in the dark green and light red, and disappears. .

There is beauty between the eyebrows and in the heart. Hope and expectation are dancing in front of the window, swinging back and forth in the breeze, like a swing in childhood.

The dust in my heart is lurking in the rings of the years. After the washing of time, when I visit again, it has disappeared.

In the beautiful season, watch the time be quiet and beautiful, and watch the years peacefully. I only wish to carry a ray of sunshine and a ray of brightness, and walk quietly in my most beautiful scenery without any regrets.

I like the sentence in " Notes on the Secret Window ": "Without being surprised, I watch the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court; I have no intention of staying or leaving, watching the clouds roll and relax in the sky."

I think that the best days in life are not stunning, It is not bustling, but staying away from the hustle and bustle, encountering peace and beauty, having inner calmness and true self, and enjoying the peace and joy in life.

The best life is like a flower blooming, listening to the flower blooming without fear or fear in your heart. The days filled with fireworks are plain but warm.

In the complicated world, there is not only beauty, but also trivial matters such as food, rice, oil and salt, the turmoil of quarrels, the intrusion of human relationships, and the intrusion of the harsh world.

You and I, walking in this world, just need to take a break from the busy work, find some leisure, find peace and quiet, do the things you like, see the scenes you like, and strive to live your life before you grow old. I like the way I look, watching the fireworks of this world quietly, enjoying the stability of this world, and the quiet years.

02. Life is impermanent, and the poetry of happiness is the best scenery.

Fu Seoul said: "When you lose, just feel a little sad. Regret is normal. In life, as long as it can illuminate a certain corner, it is enough."

In the impermanent life, we occasionally look back in the depths of time and see the bits and pieces scattered in the time. There are both good things and regrets. This is the normal state of life.

Among the flowers and trees, there is wind and rain, there is frost and dew, and there is fragrance. What nourishes life is not only sweetness, but also a little bitterness.

I have been running around for half my life, repairing the stains of the years, and making up for the imperfect life. Among the colorful colors, there is light and warmth, sadness and joy, love and thoughts. I work hard to cleanse the clutter in my heart, cut out the complicated and simplify, and send the years to be quiet and peaceful, in ordinary days. Live in peace and quiet.

The happy time outlines the scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter. The slow time records our mood and the story of life.

A flower has the poetry of a flower, and a leaf has the charm of a leaf. Every day and every season has a different scenery. Time is timeless and beautiful, so we know how to cherish and own it.

Time is wasted, and the years are beautiful in my mood. I am not afraid of the ups and downs of life, and I am not worried about the impermanence of the world. Live with my heart, sow hope, plant flowers and grass in my heart, cherish everything quietly in the years, and be content with the present. Looking forward to the flowers blooming.

Listen to your inner voice, in ordinary days, in the field of hope, accept the warmth of the sun, and sow the seeds of kindness and happiness.

Live a confident and optimistic life, let yourself grow quietly in the corner of time, and eventually bloom into a fragrant and elegant flower.

Facing the bright time, add color and luster to the scenery of your life, add a touch of color, let your heart walk in the sunshine, do what you like, and live up to the time and the youth.

As long as a person knows what he really wants and finds the life that is most suitable for him, only inner peace and love for beauty can bring you gradually closer to what you want.

Every day you live should be bright. Do what you like. When you are tired, take a break. When you are tired, just stop. Life has ups and downs, ebbs and flows, learn to adapt to life, feel relieved during adversity, remain calm during good times, and live a life of calm and breezy scenery.

Read and appreciate the scenery of the world's vegetation in the passage of time, and smell the fragrance of the world's vegetation in the passing years. Life has its joys and sorrows, and days come and go. Don't be afraid of the hardships of life. You have to believe that all the unsatisfactory things will disappear in time. You just need to smile and wait. As long as you have hope in your heart, you will see spring flowers blooming. .

03. Time flies, peace of mind is a blessing, and the mind is bright.

I remember Bai Luomei said: "Passengers and scenery are like a pair of lovers who will never leave. In this way, from morning dawn to night; from spring and autumn to winter and summer; "Go through life."

The four seasons cycle, every flower blooms and fades, every season the vegetation flourishes, it is the cycle of natural decline and prosperity, just like the aging and rebirth of life, there is the beauty and condensation of the new and the old. Human life is full of flavors. In the fireworks of the world, in the ordinary, look for fragrance and flowers.

Time is like a river, flowing through spring, summer, autumn and winter, making life green and mature, but it flows endlessly. The sun and the moon pass by like a shuttle, and those who pass by are also passers-by.

And in these hurried times, we walk according to the sunshine, and we can always meet many scenery and passers-by. It is beautiful to pass by or miss them.

Fate gathers and disperses, come and go. No matter they meet or pass each other, they will eventually become the emotion in life. In life, those misty past events will make people feel melancholy and will also be forgotten.

Time is speechless, and years are speechless. Only the soul is awakened, silently telling a piece of heartfelt words, and quietly spreading out a curtain of dreams, lingering and lingering.

Life has a long road of growth, time moves by inch by inch, no words of sadness, no words of desolation, no question of return date, no fear of the future, no thoughts of the past, peace of mind, unstained by dust.

Life is like grass and trees. The grass and trees in the world all use their lives to interpret the fragrance. They always have an inadvertent fragrance. The dense fragrance is integrated into the maturity of the mind and the experience of life.

Life is full of ordinary trivialities, but the years have made clear the truest emotions. The scenery is long-lasting. When the tranquility of the vegetation in the world blends into the perception of life, that kind of indifference can be said to be: "If there is nothing to worry about, enter the heart." All are the fragrance of time. ”

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