I hate trolls and those who always say weird things in other people's spaces or impose their own values ​​​​on others, and doubt or criticize others. The world is open, has morals and rules, and it doesn't mean you can't see who you are. Most people who talk nonsense and talk non

I hate trolls who always say weird things in other people's spaces or impose their own values ​​​​on others, and doubt or criticize others. The world is open, has morals and rules, and you can't just ignore the true self. You can talk nonsense and talk nonsense. Most of these people are not normal in their hearts. They are either unrecognized for their talents, or they are self-righteous, or they think they are right, or they don't see the good of others and lack tolerance. The fundamental problem is that they like to compare, they are not capable enough, and they are unlucky and have strong feelings. Inferiority leads to strong self-esteem. It is best for such people to return to their own platform territory to vent. Others do not have the time or experience to reply to some boring and malicious comments.

Everyone has their own preferences, different values, different growth environments, different knowledge, and even different lifestyles and retirement methods after retirement. Where is the prescription that can cure all diseases? Where is the life exactly the same? Each individual’s retirement life is unique to him or her. Never compare your situation and approach with others.

The retired colleagues and neighbors around me all have their own hobbies and circles of friends. Some ride many kilometers every day, some go to senior universities, some love traveling and taking photos, some love photography, and some take care of their children and grandchildren. Yes, there are those who like to stay at home and cultivate themselves, and there are also people like me who like to find things to do when they have nothing to do, and others. Everyone is like a picture. Stop comparing and spend time on yourself. How others live has nothing to do with you. What to do? Only those who are short-sighted will doubt this and ridicule all day long. Stay away from these people. Please also ask these people to stay away from us and return to your own platform to vent.

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