(Original: Pines on a Thousand Ridges) The dusk mist is getting lower and lower. The scorching sun finally retreated into the deep palace to rest, and the heat of the night, which was still scorching, lingered. The stars are masters of disguise. Fireballs are burning in the depth

2024/07/0117:36:33 article 1178

(Original: Pines of Thousand Ridges)

(Original: Pines on a Thousand Ridges) The dusk mist is getting lower and lower. The scorching sun finally retreated into the deep palace to rest, and the heat of the night, which was still scorching, lingered. The stars are masters of disguise. Fireballs are burning in the depth - DayDayNews

The dusk mist became lower and lower.

The scorching sun

finally retreated into the deep palace to rest

The remaining power is still

The hot and romantic extension of the night.

Stars are masters of disguise

There are fireballs burning in the depths of the cold eyes

How much tenderness on the ground is in vain.

The moon finally appeared and became round

with an expressionless face.

The everlasting indifferent gaze

slipped past the human praises

and slid into the depths of darkness.

(Original: Pines on a Thousand Ridges) The dusk mist is getting lower and lower. The scorching sun finally retreated into the deep palace to rest, and the heat of the night, which was still scorching, lingered. The stars are masters of disguise. Fireballs are burning in the depth - DayDayNews

Those who were scared away by the arrogant red sun

The hidden wind

Some bold

were still sleeping soundly while the sun was still sleeping

From the depths of the mountains and the depths of the water

came out

timidly dancing their sleeves.

I quickly moved closer to the window

and let the breeze blow on my face.

A burst of hot air came.

Suddenly, the wind disappeared without a trace.

(Original: Pines on a Thousand Ridges) The dusk mist is getting lower and lower. The scorching sun finally retreated into the deep palace to rest, and the heat of the night, which was still scorching, lingered. The stars are masters of disguise. Fireballs are burning in the depth - DayDayNews

The sky is getting brighter

The crazy sun

is getting more and more dazzling

Continue to choose the wrong path.

The human weather forecast

has been damaged by the high temperature.

The sun god

, who is admired by heaven and earth, will also be burned by fanaticism.

Only the heavy rain

that opposes the scorching sun can extinguish its arrogance

and save it before self-destruction.

In space, the ever-changing battle of wits and courage

is still inseparable from the rules of

complementing each other and restricting each other.

(Original: Pines on a Thousand Ridges) The dusk mist is getting lower and lower. The scorching sun finally retreated into the deep palace to rest, and the heat of the night, which was still scorching, lingered. The stars are masters of disguise. Fireballs are burning in the depth - DayDayNews

The eternal battle of nature

has taught mankind

to prepare for a rainy day.

Generations of ancestors once

sweated profusely in the mountains, valleys and plains

and dug ditches and reservoirs as dense as stars.

Vicissitudes of life have changed to today

Even if the flames are high and the ground is hot

Birds are still flying leisurely in the dense forest

Fish are still swimming quietly in the water.

The arrogant sun cannot be offended but it can be hidden.

Under the sun dam, there are no traces of people or shadows of birds.

In the streets and alleys, waves of cool air

mixed with the shouts of ice cream and cold drinks

floated out from the gaps in the doors and windows

revealing some of the results of human wisdom.

(Original: Pines on a Thousand Ridges) The dusk mist is getting lower and lower. The scorching sun finally retreated into the deep palace to rest, and the heat of the night, which was still scorching, lingered. The stars are masters of disguise. Fireballs are burning in the depth - DayDayNews

The sun is still powerful alone.

Dark clouds are accumulating fission energy.

Thunder and lightning are preparing to tear open the sealed sky.

Heavy rain is trekking deep in the sea of ​​clouds.

The storm will definitely come

to cleanse the arrogance of the hot summer.

just has some twists and turns along the way.

July 16, 2022

(Original: Pines on a Thousand Ridges) The dusk mist is getting lower and lower. The scorching sun finally retreated into the deep palace to rest, and the heat of the night, which was still scorching, lingered. The stars are masters of disguise. Fireballs are burning in the depth - DayDayNews

(Note: The picture comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact me to delete it.)

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