Yu Qiuyu said: "Life is like a tree with flowers blooming, which can be quiet or enthusiastic, lonely or brilliant. The days gradually become thicker in the annual rings of the years, and those innocent, active, or contemplative souls are in the bustle and bustle. In the middle,

2024/06/3012:29:34 article 1196

Yu Qiuyu said:

Yu Qiuyu said: "Life is like a tree with flowers blooming, which can be quiet or enthusiastic, lonely or bright. The days gradually become thicker in the annual rings of the years, and those innocent, active, or contemplative souls are prosperous. and the hustle and bustle, are carved with deep and shallow marks, thick or light. "

Life is like a flower blooming, guarding the indifference of the season, and being at peace with the tranquility of time. I believe that the beauty of those blooming flowers will be in our lives. In every dim corner, flowers of happiness bloom.

Bai Luomei: I once said that what I want in this life is to watch a colorful spring scene, drink a cup of pleasant tea, and be a woman who has washed away her beauty. This is how life should be, be calm and cultivate causes and effects.

The human world is a dojo, and the past is just a cloud of smoke. When you reach a certain age, you break away from the secular world and feel the warmth and coldness of the four seasons. In the end, you find that no matter how much you get, it is not as good as inner peace.

For the rest of my life, let go of the troubles and live in peace. Listen to music on the way home from get off work, tend to flowers and plants in the evening, light a warm lamp at night, and hold a reading book. Even if life is exhausting, it is always good to be with that warm person, look at the moonlight on the forest trees, and see his smiling face.

In the end, we will be like the poet Rabindranath Tagore who said: "Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers." The most ideal way of life is to be like flowers, blooming and falling naturally, fragrant alone and alone, which can be enjoyed by yourself and others.

Walking in the light time of summer, counting the flowers encountered in this season, from spring flowers to summer flowers, from one flower to one tree, time is being deprived and given.

This summer is as warm as Lingxiaohua , but when it is lighter, it rains continuously. The love in the season is long, and the rain falls on the flowers, making the summer flowers more brilliant. I also understand that flowers bloom and fall only for a moment. It's just a lifetime.

Allow yourself to live like a flower, enjoy the deep love of the four seasons in the season, harvest the tenderness of each season, write the most beautiful flower words in the season, fill in the most elegant poetry, and a tree full of flowers or jasper Under the green leaves, the wind and smoke of the past are reflected, and the beauty of the future is imagined.

Life is always moving forward non-stop, and it is always pursuing the beautiful road, moving towards a new day in hope, looking forward to the new year while walking far away, forgetting the sadness, leaving behind the sadness, and leaving all those who meet life The beauty of the weather, the season, and the time remain in my heart.

Time is indifferent, life is like a flower, there is always the deep feeling of encountering a tree with flowers blooming while walking. The beauty of the season is mixed with tenderness and prefers everyone who is close to it as it passes. On the way to beauty, life It would be nice to have a little fragrance in it.

Time flies, time flies, life is only a few decades, it is a day in the blink of an eye, a year in the blink of an eye, and a lifetime in the blink of an eye.

In this journey of life, the road ahead may be bumpy or smooth, or it may be high or low. Setbacks and failures, experiences and growth constitute the beautiful picture of life.

In the ups and downs of the journey, some people face difficulties, some are timid, some retreat when faced with difficulties, and some do not give up until they reach the Yellow River . Everyone has the right to choose their own life goals. How to make life wonderful and beautiful is a person's lifelong wisdom.

Along the way, everyone has their own dissatisfaction. Some people will cry in the sunshine; some people will bloom in the darkness. Life is like a mirror. If you laugh, it will laugh. If you cry, it will cry. Whatever attitude you give to life, life will give you the results.

No one’s life is like a blank piece of paper without a story. Everyone has to swallow some grievances and endure some pain before they can understand the path of life, and they can only walk it on their own.

As the saying goes: It is better to live than to die. When you are alive, you have hope, when you are alive, you have ideas, when you are alive, you are motivated, and when you are alive, everything will get better.

Just like there is a line in "That Mountain, That Man, That Dog": The harder the life, the more you need to have thoughts. If people have thoughts, they have everything. Without thoughts, no matter how good the life is, there will be no taste. You can be sad or sad, but you must firmly believe that life is beautiful and that faith is indelible.

Romain Rolland also said: There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after seeing the truth of life clearly, you still love life. The world is so big, the scenery is so beautiful, and life is so good, there is no need to be gloomy and depressed every day.

In this world, as long as you let yourself go, no one will have trouble with you. In fact, the biggest prison in life is yourself. Life always goes through one mountain and another. If you don't get to the end, how will you know what kind of scenery you will encounter at the next turn. A good life is not about looking forward to calmness, but about learning to fly in the wind and dance in the rain.

Fate is like this. Sometimes, even if you try your best, you still can't escape the fate. Loneliness, persistence and patience have become the themes of life and the inescapable imprisonment.

We must learn to reconcile with life, shake hands with fate, find hope in the darkness, and use the weak light of life to illuminate the way forward.

The road of life is full of mountains and rivers, and the years are colorful. When looking back on the past, those experiences, whether they were satisfactory or not, are all submerged in the sea of ​​time.

We come to this world with happiness and happiness in mind. Even if there are many dissatisfactions, we can still resolve them with a positive and optimistic attitude.

When people live, they live with a state of mind and an extraordinary state. No matter the vicissitudes of life, we should still keep our mentality intact and turn our lives into the most beautiful scenery.

Xue Xiaochan said: "With a simple heart towards life, I know that the apricot blossoms have bloomed and the pear blossoms will bloom as well. I no longer deliberately think about dreams that have nothing to do with myself. I know that I am down-to-earth and understand that gratitude is An attitude towards life. "

In fact, I have always longed for a quiet place where I can rest my heart. In the most beautiful season, go see the most heart-wrenching scenery. Don’t talk about the vicissitudes of time or the sadness of the world, but just cherish the quiet time of the moment and just smell the birds and the fragrance of flowers around you.

Stay with the tranquility in the years and enjoy the tranquility in life. The best thing is warmth, and the happiest thing is romance. Savor it carefully, and it is all the light joy that you like.

The early summer season in front of us is just like this, the peaceful green grass and trees, and the warm and fiery red roses are blooming. I cherish the time when every flower blooms, and follow the seasons with my mood. I never miss the blooming, nor am I sad about the falling flowers. I appreciate every flower and leaf, and taste their unique fragrance.

Every time I stop and stare, every time I take a deep breath, there is the natural fragrance of grass and flowers. I lower my eyebrows for every subtle beauty, just want to keep the most beautiful time, and enjoy a spotless happiness and joy in a quiet world.

Just because life is too short, hold the moon in your hands and let a flower of pure joy bloom in your heart; life is too hard, after being busy, follow your heart to be beautiful, enjoy whatever you want, and let the joy fall between your eyebrows and your heart; time flies by , walk with the seasons and let yourself feel calm and relaxed.

When you are tired, let yourself quiet down and take a break with the flowers and plants; when you are bored or bored, go out and get close to nature, and be with the breeze and the fragrance of flowers.

Slow down in life so that you can be in the mood to appreciate the scenery around you and not miss the beauty of the seasons. Look at it, there are no obstacles in life that cannot be overcome, there are only unseen futures.

Life itself is a non-stop journey. Along the way, there are mountains and rivers, picking up the beautiful things along the way, packing them in a bag, and dyeing the fragrance of life. Life is full of beautiful scenery, ups and downs, and hard work and rewards.

Life needs precipitation, and tranquility can lead to long-term success. Only in tranquility can you feel the beautiful meaning. Life is a song, which needs to be sung with heart. Life is a practice of blooming and falling flowers, which needs to be understood with heart along the way.

Fireworks in the world, light a simple firework, boil a pot of cloud water and Zen, let the fragrance of tea linger, be grateful for the time, understand nature, and meet the warmth, which will incense countless beautiful things in the world.

Sometimes, life is very simple, with a cup of tea, a meal, and a living space. Happiness is just a bowl of rice, a good book, a good scenery, the prosperity of the world, and the flowing water and falling flowers. If you are happy, you don’t have too many extravagant desires.

If you are stable in this world and have no problems in life, you can make yourself happy. Spend every day in the way you like. If you have peace of mind and are satisfied with your life, it will be easy to be happy.

The whirling green shade is rich in the heat of summer, and with the coolness after the occasional torrential rain, it soothes the noisy noise of cicadas and the dense heat in the colorful light and shadow, making every flower bloom and every leaf green.

is simple with its own colors and the original intention of decorating the season. With the simplicity after the twists and turns of the years, the complexity of exquisite life, and the understanding of the worldly things that are indifferent, clear and pure soul.

In the simplicity and simplicity of the growth of all things over time, the journey of life is clear from the high road to the simple. Every kind of growth is deposited in the ordinary life and the maturity is deposited in the rigor of life.

allows the mind to gradually understand and learn through the passage of time and the good and bad experiences of life. The real exquisiteness of life is not the form but the mood. The real pure soul is not complicated but simple.

Esthetician Zhu Guangqian once said: "All the beauty that takes time to settle is worth waiting patiently for. In the passion of life and the indifference of life, slow down the daily life. Appreciate the scenery of the four seasons, and look back at the wind and rain , clean up the muddy road in time.

Stay away from the dark and dirty things in life, understand the choices, live exquisitely in the simple and moving time, clear your mind, and purify your soul in the changing time.

Combing the emotions of time, the time is like flowers and dreams, experiencing the prosperity and prosperity of life. Time overlaps with the memories of life. Good and bad are harvests, good and bad are both warnings, and the feelings of the heavy life are spurred on. After experiencing the exquisiteness of simple life, in the transparency of every plant and tree, the pure soul and interesting soul

writer Bai Luomei once said: "You must taste the various things in the world to know their true taste; the long road to dust. , one must experience it personally to know its length and distance. "

lives a simple and exquisite life, so that the world of fireworks can be enriched with firewood, rice, oil and salt, as well as the romance of poetry, wine, flowers and tea; with a transparent and pure soul, he can see the truth of life clearly, still love life, tolerate life, and face the ordinary changes in the morning and evening. Xinli, live peacefully in the joy of time.

Only health can measure how long the road of life is; how beautiful the scenery of time is, only peace can appreciate. The quality of life lies in the subtle thickness and indomitable demeanor. . The taste of life is the precision of the fusion of elegance and secularity, and the silent tolerance of life.

Mastering the quality of life lies in practice; living to the extreme must be simple and peaceful, and beautiful to the extreme. , it must be pure and elegant. The most important thing in life is inner peace and tranquility.

How long the road of life is can only be measured by health; how beautiful the scenery of the years is, only peace can appreciate it. May we walk together well. The beautiful scenery is on the road of life. Life can only be called life if you live it well. If you don't care, you are just alive.

Half is sea water, half is fire, half is sober, half is confused, half is falling, and half is living. Get up, half of laughter, half of pain, half of collapse, half of hope.

Half life, half pursuit, half salvation, half watching, half drunken dream, half persistence, half world, half fireworks, toward the morning. Twilight is always in love. Half regret, half request, never forget when sad, not say when sad.

Half the distance, half the cost, half the distance, half the summer, half the flowers fade. , half of the leaves fall. Half of the crowd comes, half of the crowd goes. Half of the years are good, half of the future is promising, half of the rest of the life is waving goodbye, and half of the rest of the life. Tears wiping away, half day and night, half worried. Half life has passed, half luck, half hard work, half strength, half struggle.

half of it, half of it, half of it, half of it, half of it, less of skinny. Sweat, half harvest, half joy, half expectation, half stumbling, half trouble, half bitterness.The years have passed, and I hope you will be half surprised and visible for the rest of your life, and half relieved and lovable for the rest of your life.

Everything is beautiful and the world is worth it. Take a moment of leisure and freedom and explore your leisurely state of mind. If there is sunshine in your heart, what you see must be bright; if there is love in your eyes, what you say must be kindness. As long as the sun is in your heart, everything is possible.

hopes that we at every age will have the courage to brave the wind and waves and live our most unrestrained selves. The sun is warm, everything is beautiful, and the world is worth it. In fact, life is like a journey, with ups and downs, difficulties and surprises.

From the perspective of ordinary people's life, the negative emotions in the process are just a waste of life. Be calm when you are proud and be calm when you are frustrated. This is not moderation or escape, but a real attitude towards life.

Therefore, only if you know how to clear your mind of negative emotions in a timely manner can you enjoy every scenery in life and make your life glow with miracles from now on.

If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go in a group. Some people say that when two people with a poor heart are together, they can only ask for each other; when two people with a rich heart are together, they can give to each other. Requesting will inevitably lead to depletion, giving will lead to growth!

The most rare thing in life is not that you see the real scenery after reading cognitive impairment , but that you can still keep your original intention after viewing the mountains and small . Kindness remains the same, innocence remains the same, and I hope that after we have traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, we will still be young when we return.

Yesterday is a piece of history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift from heaven; yesterday is the past life, tomorrow is the next life, and only the present is the deep world of mortals.

A more secure expression than I love you is that everything is explained, everything is settled, and everything is responded to. The best way to love someone is to respond seriously to every expression of the other person and give the other person a sufficient sense of security.

You must learn to let go of those things that you can't get and can't grasp in life. "Lift a thousand pounds and put down two ounces of lightness", let go of a thought and feel completely at ease. The so-called letting go means letting go of those selfish desires and evil thoughts, and letting go of those meaningless attachments and stubborn paranoia.

When the wind blows, look at the falling flowers with a smile; when the wind stops, look at the sky indifferently. If you know how to let go, life will be more perfect. Don't take gains as joy, don't take losses as worries, let nature take its course, and be content with the situation. The road of life must be walked step by step by yourself. What

can really protect you is your choice in life, your inner cultivation, your awareness without reminders, your freedom based on restraint, and your understanding of kindness that is considerate of others.

Everyone needs a settling period, and many people choose to be a seed again at the moment when they are about to become a towering tree. It is really a great waste of life. Sometimes, if you look at the world from a different perspective, the world will be better; sometimes, if you look at yourself in a different environment, you will be better than your past self.

When people respect others, they respect their character; when they make friends with others, they make friends with others; when they make friends with others, they respect their personalities; when people miss others, they think about their true feelings. People who really understand you know what you want without words, just a look or an action. People who don't understand you, if you kick them, they will ask you why you kicked them. It's a world of difference.

With sunshine in your heart, move forward happily, start all the way, prosper all the way. For the rest of your life, we must treat each other with tenderness, walk all the way, and sing all the way. May all your efforts be rewarded, all your true feelings not be let down, and all the good things come true.

People don’t stop having fun because they get older, but when they stop having fun, their mentality becomes older. You must keep yourself smiling and happy forever, so that you can stay young forever. Life needs to be happy, life needs quality, the body needs to be healthy, and the mood needs to be comfortable. May we all be the same and be happy until we grow old.

When we are fledgling, we learn to fly from a novice or ignorant chick until we grow into wings and soar. In the big dye vat of society, some people degenerate, some work hard, and some are mediocre. There is nothing wrong with ending this life. Everyone has their own outlook on life, values, and outlook on life.

When our lives have just begun, especially when we go out, life will always teach us how to deal with ourselves and get along with others. There will be a stage where we learn the experience of society and life, but it is more about how we Draw on your inner energy and make yourself more powerful.

Why do we say that we rely on heaven and earth to rely on ourselves in life? Because we rely on our parents to grow old and everyone to run. It can be said that when we live in the world, no one can be our support. Only ourselves are our solid foundation. rely on.

We make ourselves a strong backing, and at least we can gain respect from others. God is the law of nature and the God we respect in our hearts. If you act in accordance with the law, follow the rules, work conscientiously, and obey the destiny, God will become you. Rely on,

Maybe many people will feel that the world is unfair, and they often suffer losses or have grievances. It is true that the world is so unpredictable, which also makes many people follow the trend and give up on themselves,

But if you go against the current and persevere, Be kind at heart, don’t do bad things, cultivate your moral character, and work hard to cultivate yourself, and God will naturally see you and protect you. This is not sensational, this is the law of nature, and what people say is the way of heaven.

The earth is our mother. What we eat, drink, and sleep are all gifts given to us by the earth. Who do we have the right to complain about life?

Strive to look forward and try our best to gain wealth by our own strength, no matter what No matter what, what others can help you is limited. What your parents can help you is only temporary.

From now on, it will be more of a long road for you alone. Rely on heaven and earth or rely on yourself.

An old saying goes: "If you have kind thoughts in your heart, God will bless you. If a person always has kind thoughts in his heart and always thinks of the good of others, he will often feel extremely comfortable in his heart. As the saying goes, a broad heart and a fat body, state of mind Be optimistic and cheerful, live a carefree life, and feel naturally comfortable in your body.

They all say that the best way to maintain good health is to nourish your heart. If you blindly accumulate too much negative garbage and gloomy emotions in your heart, you will not be able to do it no matter what. Being a sunny person will gradually affect your physical health and your life development trajectory.

There are always too many beautiful things in our hearts, so you don't have too many worries in the world. , no one bothers you, there are always good things in your heart, and your mood in life is different every day.

People often say that a person's destiny is often reflected in his face. As the saying goes, the face comes from the heart, and your heart is different. What kind of ideas you have are often reflected on your face, which can invisibly reflect your luck or life experiences.

A person's mind is sometimes said to be big or small, and sometimes it is said to be small or big. When I was young, I could and the prime minister could hold a boat , and the sea was open to all rivers, and tolerance was great; but when I was young, even things as big as sesame seeds and mung beans were often difficult to digest.

And what is in a person's heart essentially determines it. His quality of life. If you have more sunshine in your heart, your life will be sunny, and you will give your sunny side to the people around you, thereby getting more and more good things.

On the contrary, when your heart is always cloudy and filled with smoky negative emotions, these are like burdens, gradually weighing you down and making you unable to breathe. Gradually in your life, you will subconsciously By dumping these bad emotions on others, you become a "garbage person" in people's eyes.

Everyone's life will not be smooth sailing, and it is inevitable to experience some setbacks in life. If you don't gain wisdom, you won't be able to become a useful person. Life is such a process of cultivation. Only by suffering a little more in life can you gain greater wisdom.

You never know how many versions of you there will be in other people's mouths. You will not know what others have said to defame you in order to defend themselves, and you will not be able to stop those unrealistic gossips.And all you can do is ignore it, and there is no need to explain or clarify. People who understand you will always believe you.

My favorite saying: If you are not blind, don't know me from other people's mouths. The best way to be a human being is to know how to respect others, not to care about other people's business, not to show off your own superiority, and not to show affection. The more you grow up, the more you learn to be restrained and self-sufficient. This world does not exist for you alone.

Be quiet, don't speak ill of others, just be yourself. Don't seek depth, just simplicity. You don't live just to please others, nor to show off what you have. No one cares, and more people are watching the joke. As you become better, the environment around you will also be optimized.

Starting today, do yourself a favor, no longer bear the gaze of others, don’t care about other people’s evaluations, and live for yourself. Starting today, do yourself a favor, do what you like, love the people closest to you, laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, no longer restrict your emotional space, and make your life easier.

Many things that you think are big things, when you talk to others eagerly, are just trivial matters in the eyes of others. At most, they will respond indifferently.

Because he is not you, he cannot sense your intense emotions. Until one day, you feel like you don’t need to mention it to anyone anymore and you’ve saved yourself.

No one in this world can really help you except yourself. We always wear a mask when entering love, always wanting to show our best side. You have to accept someone, not just accept his superiority, but see clearly his ordinaryness and still love deeply.

The fact is often: as we walk, we feel that the other person has changed. In fact, we have not changed. We just walked into the most real place of the other person, and then lost ourselves.

If I hold you up, you are the cup; if I let go, you are just the shards of glass. Whether it’s a lover or a friend, cherish those who are by your side every time you are sad or sad.

Cherishing people who often joke with you means that you must have a certain weight in this person's heart. Cherish the person who is the first to notice when you are having a bad day.

No matter how big a thing is today, it will be a trivial matter tomorrow; no matter how big a thing this year is, it will be a story next year; no matter how big a thing is in this life, it will be a legend in the next life.

Life is like a journey, with hardships and scenery along the way. What you see is your realm of life. If you always see people who are better than you, it means you are going uphill; if you always see people who are not as good as you, it means you are going downhill. Instead of complaining, think about changes.

Zeroing in is a positive mindset. All successes and failures are a thing of the past relative to the previous second. The past can support the future, but it cannot replace tomorrow.

Learning to return to zero is a kind of awareness that actively faces the future. Treat waking up every day as a new life, and take baby steps to make the best use of the time before sleep.

is reset to zero, so that the bad will not affect the future, and the good will not confuse the present. One day, you will meet the right person unexpectedly: the so-called happiness always comes naturally.

It cannot be predicted, and there is no way to calculate it. The only thing you can do is: keep believing before meeting, and enjoy quietly after meeting.

I would rather wait with expectation than compromise with the years, because I believe that happiness may be late, but it will not be absent.

When I cried, no one comforted me, so I learned to be strong; when I was scared, no one accompanied me, so I learned to be brave. When I was annoyed, no one asked, so I learned to endure; when I was tired, there was no one to rely on, so I learned to be independent.

Lucretius once said: "Life is a long-term struggle in the dark." Life is like a cicada, in silence to accumulate strength, just for that one blockbuster. Understand that you are nothing more than who you are, sit quietly and think about your own mistakes, and don't talk about others' mistakes in casual conversations. Only by understanding your own heart can your life be regarded as an advanced life.

Understand your own heart and live according to your heart. This can be regarded as a high-level life. Have fewer desires. If you can't catch up, let go. Remove the burden from your heart. If you can't carry it, let it go. Clean up the distracting thoughts in your heart in a timely manner. If you can't see clearly, clear up.

is exactly what Xu Zhimo said: “I’m lucky if I get it, but it’s my fate if I don’t get it, that’s all.As long as you do what you want to do within your own abilities, listen to the voices you want to hear most, and see the people you want to see most, then such a life can be considered happy and beautiful.

Time has passed; years, how melancholy. In the time like water, there will always be some thoughts that are ready to move. It is the flower shadow of a tree in front of the window, swaying with the love of the moon, and its illusory beauty, which makes you move your heart and emotions.

A bit of material temptation, a charming nightmare of laughter, condenses into a kind of greed in the bottom of my heart, like the flow of a river, if it is not stopped, it will overflow and cause disaster. Master Hongyi once said: "If it keeps moving, all the still water will turn into waves; if it is still and not disturbed, all the waves will stop. The water is like this, and so is the state of mind."

If you understand your own heart, you will live a life of peace of mind. Life, a simple and indifferent day, today's success or failure in life is just a passing cloud tomorrow. Dust to dust, dust to dust, everything is illusion.

If the heart is careless, there will be complaints everywhere; if the heart is relaxed, there will be spring all the time. The best epiphany in life is to understand what is in your heart, and work hard to promote good things and prevent bad thoughts from spreading. As the saying goes: "The body can be tired and injured, but the spirit must not be depressed."

This is the cause and effect of life, just as Xi Murong said: "In memory, there are some moments that are nothing special when experienced, but when recalled, they are better than Thousands of words. "

's heart is what it has always been, which is wisdom, foresight, prevention of problems before they happen, and anticipation and foresight in life. Understand life and you will gain happiness. The most precious thing in life is not the wealth that will disappear, but the wisdom and compassion that cannot be taken away.

Only when you understand life thoroughly can you be indifferent to success or failure, gains and losses, and smile slightly in front of the desire for gain, so that you can have a clear conscience, be worthy of life, and live a life worth living.

Buddha said: "There should be no place to go, and the mind should be born. It is you who are destined to come, and it is empty when it is gone. Life is a process of balance of gain and loss. Destinations come and go, gather and disperse, and everything you get is temporary. Keep it, everything you lose will come back in another way.

Be content and be at peace with the situation. No matter what happens, you have to believe that everything is the best arrangement. The essayist Liang Qiushi once said: "When a person feels happy. When you are content, your body is not tired, your mind is not upset, you have rare happiness, and you also have a rich life. ”

Life may be wonderful, dull, or bitter, but it must be born from the heart. Knowing how to be content and always happy means being worry-free and fearless. It must also begin due to birth and end due to death. Except for life and death, there is no other way. It's all trivial matters, except for living, nothing else.

A happy life, a prosperous life, is difficult to summarize in one sentence. If you know the epiphany and understand the twists and turns of life, the scenery of life, the joys and sorrows, you will Understand how to live a life.

Zhuangzi said in "The Human World": "Those who care about their own minds will not be able to express sorrow and joy easily. Knowing that there is nothing they can do and being content with their fate is the ultimate virtue." What he said is:

For a person who pays attention to self-cultivation, neither sorrow nor joy can easily affect him. He understands that the world is difficult and has no choice but to be content with the status quo and follow nature. This is the highest state of moral cultivation.

In this world, people are busy for profit. Fighting, vigor and vigor are all struggles for fame; if you see through these mentality, you will be balanced, remain calm, and face all kinds of right and wrong in the world calmly; as Zhuangzi said, although there is nothing you can do, being able to let nature take its course is a kind of cultivation

Reality. In life, some bad people and bad things can be seen everywhere. When we stay away from this place, the bad people and bad things will appear in another way, making us unable to get rid of it like an endless reincarnation.

, only by allowing yourself to be a wise man, adjusting your emotions and mentality at any time, and not fighting them to the end, not competing with them, not entangled with them, is the most correct life and the wisest way.

Because our life is. Life is short, and the rest of your life is very expensive. There is no need to be depressed all day long, and there is no need to treat life with a negative emotion. This will only make yourself worse in all aspects.

We must make ourselves the happiest seeds, able to bring some happiness and warmth to others at all times, and also make ourselves laugh in life.

People can only influence each other, but they cannot change each other, let alone try to change some people and things.

So, don’t get entangled with bad people and bad things, don’t let yourself get stuck, and there is no need to waste your time and energy. Manage yourself well, manage yourself well, do things according to your conscience, do whatever you want, enjoy life, be responsible for the rest of your life, and stop losses in time.

For the rest of your life, stay with whomever you are happy with; for the rest of your life, you must learn to deal with bad things in a "quiet" way; for the rest of your life, let yourself be the sunniest person.

Zhou Guoping said: Among all responsibilities in the world, the most fundamental responsibility is to truly become yourself and live out your unique personality and value. If one day we are lost in the crowd doing nothing, it is because we have not worked hard to make ourselves rich.

The best state of life is not to be liked by everyone, but to live up to yourself. In this life, people go through ups and downs just to meet a better self. No matter in good times or in bad times, living with heart, working hard and moving forward with a smile is the best feedback to life.

In this day and age where things are uncertain, what a person really deserves to show off is not academic qualifications, appearance, or wealth, but kindness, education, self-discipline, and the cultivation that you have seen the world.

In life, never stop or lose your way for some people and things. Go out for a walk more often, open your horizons, see flowers, the sea, the sunset, poetry and the distance. Don’t live too boringly at a romantic age.

Only when you really experience life can you know how wonderful it is. Slowly experience it, slowly taste it, slowly understand it, and slowly discover its beauty.

Every day you wake up is a new starting point. Every day the sunshine will be warm. The years of running around are all time that comes and goes. The days are always on the road. There is no need to chase those who are far away.

Live life with a joyful attitude, face ups and downs with a normal heart, live every moment calmly, accept it gently, and send it away gently. If you smile, life will smile at you. Remember, the most beautiful scenery in life is to be yourself.

encourage each other!

author; Qingmiao

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