Author: Zimo Life is a process of constant awakening. For some things, just take it lightly; for some people, just see through it. No matter how difficult the world is, no matter how the world changes, as long as you keep your original intention and let yourself wake up in the vi

2024/06/2415:07:32 article 1494

Author: Zimo Life is a process of constant awakening. For some things, just take it lightly; for some people, just see through it. No matter how difficult the world is, no matter how the world changes, as long as you keep your original intention and let yourself wake up in the vi - DayDayNews

Author: Zimo

Life is a process of constant awakening. For some things, just take it lightly; for some people, just see through it. No matter how difficult the world is, no matter how the world changes, as long as you keep your original intention and let yourself wake up in the vicissitudes of life, there will be no shackles in life.

01. Seeing through and letting go of the awakening is the perfection of oneself.

Lin Qingxuan said: "Being spotless does not mean that there is no more dust, but the dust is letting it fly. I am my own sunshine."

This is a kind of perfection for oneself. It is to see through but not speak out, to be indifferent and then wake up; to let go and then be happy.

When I was young, I was always full of hope and looked forward to the long future, thinking that everything would have an answer. However, as time went by, I discovered that there is no answer in life, except for impermanence and helplessness.

Look for the beauty in life in the complexity, and also look for yourself in the complexity, and slowly indulge in life. Life is a process of constant searching, a process of constantly searching for yourself.

In fact, in the end, the most beautiful posture in life is inner calmness and calmness. The best way to pay tribute to the years is to live elegantly and tenaciously.

If you can live freely, you must learn to let go and wake up. If you want to be elegant and free, you must see things through but not talk about them, and be unafraid of life.

At the same time, we must also maintain a sense of innocence. This is also the blank space that time has given us. The simple breath allows us to live more clearly. A clear and thorough life is to fulfill ourselves.

Author: Zimo Life is a process of constant awakening. For some things, just take it lightly; for some people, just see through it. No matter how difficult the world is, no matter how the world changes, as long as you keep your original intention and let yourself wake up in the vi - DayDayNews

02. Being contented with your mind and letting your life be quieter and more confused is happiness.

Bai Luomei said: "Only when you are working hard in life and take a step back can you have a realm and be able to transcend. Only when your mind is calm and contented can you be happy. Every incident in the world Everything should have its own owner. Some people are serious about everything, and some people live carelessly. In the end, they all arrive at the same destination. "

Time goes further and further, and we follow the seasons. In silence, we are with the vicissitudes of time and the ups and downs of life. Let’s move forward together.

Life is not perfect. When we meet, we will leave. If you know how to be at ease and understand impermanence, you will know how to cherish life. No matter what kind of life you live, no matter how life treats us, in the end, we will reach the same destination by different roads, and we will all return to peace.

There are so many beautiful things in this world, and there are so many temptations, such as feasting, reveling in wealth, fame and wealth. We want too many things, but you have to understand that not everything can be owned, and there are always some things that need to be given up. Learning to abandon and be content is the root of happiness.

When pursuing beauty, sometimes being confused is closer to the normal state of things. Sometimes, letting yourself be confused is also a kind of relative perfection.

Don't be obsessed with things that affect your emotions, don't dwell on them, let go of what you can, face it indifferently, and move forward calmly, which is also the driving force of life.

Life is like subtraction, every page will be torn out, and it cannot be repeated, so cherish every day, and you will find that the most beautiful scenery in life is not elsewhere, but right now, right in front of you.

Time will prove everything. Whether you are happy or unhappy, the road you have traveled will leave traces. Let go of your impetuosity, let go of your impatience, calm down and do what you should do. Taking your time is the elegance in your life.

Life is a process, not a result. Learn to enjoy the process and allow yourself to take a break from your busy schedule, only then can you see how beautiful a quiet life is.

Don't rush, go slower. If you can slow down every day, you will naturally meet a more beautiful life.

Let me ask you: Whose life is not a piece of cake? Even so, they are still trying to live.Live hard, don't abuse yourself, know how to combine work with rest, use your leisure time to please yourself, and live your life the way you like. Be simple and confused, and you will definitely be happy!

Author: Zimo Life is a process of constant awakening. For some things, just take it lightly; for some people, just see through it. No matter how difficult the world is, no matter how the world changes, as long as you keep your original intention and let yourself wake up in the vi - DayDayNews

​​03. Learning to heal yourself and loving yourself is a required course in life.

Life is never easy. If you don’t experience some hardships, you won’t know the hardships of life. Don’t envy others. Behind others’ success, you don’t know what they have paid for. , and behind every glamorous surface, there is an unknown bitterness.

Life is really hard, but we must always give ourselves a reason to persist, not for anything else, but for the happiness and beauty of life, and also for ourselves, so that our life will not be wasted or wasted.

No one lives a smooth life, there is no life that is not tiring, and there is no life that is not bitter. There is nothing easy in the adult world, and there is no shortage of excitement. Experience it slowly and endure it slowly. If you don't go through ups and downs in life, how can you see the rainbow?

Just as Mr. Yang Jiang once said: "There is no person in this world who is not hurt. No matter when, you have to believe that the only one who can truly heal yourself is yourself. Don't complain, don't be afraid of being alone, and work hard to settle down. All are suffering, and you can only overcome them by yourself. May you have a great heart and always believe that the world is worth it. "

As for healing, Zhang Ailing said: "What can really heal you is never time, but understanding. "

Although, time does not. All traces will be smoothed away, but instead of waiting for time to heal, it is better to relieve the pain in our hearts. Only when we muster up the courage and let ourselves have an epiphany can we let the wounds heal. This is the expression of loving ourselves.

Remember Wilde said: "Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."

If we say that loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. Then, learning to heal yourself is the beginning of having a good heart and encountering good things.

Love yourself and learn to live in harmony with everything in the world, then everything will go smoothly and as you wish.

Life just needs to be gentle to get better and better. Don’t think too much and live a good life. Maybe you will have the answer if you live your life. If you work hard, you will find something. If you live, you will know what it is. You need happiness now.

So, life is a process of constant awakening! Feeling the impermanence of life in the joys and sorrows, but it is not hope. Tasting all the flavors of life in the ups and downs, but still pursuing happiness. This is the epiphany of life, and it is also the wisdom of life.

Author: Zimo Life is a process of constant awakening. For some things, just take it lightly; for some people, just see through it. No matter how difficult the world is, no matter how the world changes, as long as you keep your original intention and let yourself wake up in the vi - DayDayNews

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