When I was a child, I just thought "Mortal Song" was catchy, but the lyrics always felt a bit strange. Now that I have grown up, I realized that "Mortal Song" is a perfect interpretation of human nature!

2024/06/2200:21:32 article 1384

It is said that young people do not understand Li Zongsheng , but they are no longer young enough to understand.

When I was a child, I just thought

When I was a child, I just thought " Mortal Song " was catchy, but I always felt that the lyrics were a bit strange. Now that I have grown up, I discovered that "Mortal Song" is a perfect interpretation of human nature!

You and I are both mortals, born in this world;

Running around all day long is hard, and we have no time to spare;

Since you are not an immortal, you will inevitably have distracting thoughts;

Put morality and justice on both sides, and put the word profit in the middle.

How many men turn into beauty in anger;

How many birds in the same forest have become flying swallows;

Life is so short, why love so hard?

Who can you complain to when your lover disappears?

asks you, when have you ever seen that

the world has changed for people,

has the appearance that she dreams of,

is it considered to have spring?

When I was a child, I just thought

Yes, we are all just ordinary people, working hard all the time in this big world for our livelihood, for a better life, for our families, and for ourselves.

No matter what the relationship is, it doesn't seem that important in the face of interests! As the saying goes, there are no permanent enemies, no permanent friends, only eternal interests! This is adult intrigue and the essence of living in society.

Husband and wife are originally like birds in the same forest, but when disaster strikes, they will take flight. This is in line with the reality of today's marriages. When disasters such as family decline, income reduction, illness, etc. strike, many people choose to divorce!

When I was a child, I just thought

However, we must understand that the world will change without anyone. We cannot change the world, we can only adapt to the environment! Even though people's hearts are evil and the world is bleak, but when we live in society, we have to follow the laws of society. When we encounter setbacks, we want to give up. When we are wronged, we want to argue. Then we can only accomplish nothing!

Even if we complain about the past, we still have to live and face every day. We must also actively engage in the world and face new life and challenges with a calmer attitude.

Life is easy, life is easy, but life is not easy! Understanding "Mortal Song" means understanding human nature. Maybe as we grow up, we will understand the meaning of the song more and more. I just hope that we can all get better and better!

#Classic songs recalling the past#

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