Just four months ago, the author had a twenty-fourth birthday that even I had forgotten about, but only remembered today, and was truly unknown to everyone, and successfully entered the third stage of life, youth. There are still four years left before the peak of maturity at the

2024/05/2622:18:33 article 1884

Just four months ago, the author passed a twenty-fourth birthday that even I had forgotten about, but only remembered today, and that no one really knew about, and successfully entered the third stage of life, youth. There are still four years left before the peak of maturity at the age of twenty-eight, and six years before the decline of aging at the age of thirty.

However, like most young people, today after wasting twenty-four years, I still have achieved nothing. I have not been able to establish a career and become famous on the Internet. However, I have not yet reached A8, and my wealth has been freely squandered. The road to death is long.

is not only completely blank in terms of achievements, but his scorecard in all areas of life is also a mess.

For example, in the field of health, which is known as the most important and the mother of all things, although just a year ago, I could still insist on running like a dog for three to four hours every day, wearing a double-digit jersey, and playing a round of games. Come down, on the amateur pitch, kicking with your head and kicking, scoring two goals that are recorded on the scorecard, an own goal that is also on the card but recorded on the opposite side, and countless own goal assists.

But, just today, just now, I suddenly had a whim and wanted to change my two meals a day to three meals and have a breakfast, so I walked two hundred meters to KFC and had a meal with the Great God Card. After receiving the Alipay red envelope, the actual payment was six yuan and ninety-seven cents, which was a luxurious breakfast consisting of a cup of hot American coffee and an inexplicable bun that contained a lot of sugar and protein carbohydrates and looked a bit like a burger but was not a hamburger.

Then, on the way back, I found that I was so tired that I couldn’t even walk for two hundred meters. It’s no exaggeration. After laying out my corpse and staying away from sports for a year, I couldn’t walk at all. It was only a four-hundred-meter round trip, and I felt like I was running twice along the equator.

Then, coupled with the chest pain and dizziness that I usually feel from time to time, it is obvious that I have completely finished my health and there is no way to save it. It may not be far away from being completely despatched.

Just four months ago, the author had a twenty-fourth birthday that even I had forgotten about, but only remembered today, and was truly unknown to everyone, and successfully entered the third stage of life, youth. There are still four years left before the peak of maturity at the - DayDayNews

In other areas, it is even worse. For example, in terms of emotions, one sentence can sum up all my miserable past. I am twenty-four years old and have never been in love. As far as I can remember, I have never even been with someone. The opposite sex held hands. It’s so miserable that I don’t even want to describe it in more than one paragraph.

As for finance, although I live a hard life every day that even beggars would shake their heads and feel sorry for me, I have achieved the ultimate in increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, squeezing out every penny. But based on the three theories that money cannot be saved, money will not fall from the sky, and busy work will lead to no time to make money, I am still very poor, and I will still be poor in the foreseeable future. (The author once arrogantly wrote a boastful article titled "The success of A7 has been achieved now, when will I show my talent and hope to add one more", but since my wealth has never reached the A7 threshold, I have been unable to publish it. Come out, it’s bitter)

As for the meaning of life, unlike many confused young people, I have set a lofty life goal and goal a long time ago, maybe as far back as the day I was born. I understand the value of life. I came to this world mainly for three things. The first is to eat, drink and have fun! The second is to eat, drink and have fun! The third is to eat, drink and have fun!

However, alas, twenty-four years have passed, and I have drifted further and further away from this goal and the meaning of life, so I can’t help but sigh like the title. If I didn’t write this article, would I still be able to replenish myself with blood?

Finally, I would like to add that although the author really wants to say, the title is adapted from Zeng Zi's famous saying in "The Analects of Confucius" "" You can support an orphan six feet away, you can send a life hundreds of miles away, and you can't take it away on a big day. ", but I am unlearned and have never read it. The title is actually adapted from Cao Shuang's lines in "Three Kingdoms"...

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