1. Work hard, but don’t be anxious. Blossoms and fruits all require a process. 2. I hope that you and I, no matter our age or our circumstances, will be able to find our own direction with upward strength and strive to go there. 3. You may not make a comeback against the wind, bu

2024/05/2605:18:32 article 1446

1. Work hard, but don’t be anxious. Blossoms and fruits all require a process.

2. I hope that you and I, no matter our age or our circumstances, can hold on to the upward power, find our own direction, and work hard to go there.

3. You may not make a comeback against the wind, but please be sure to face the sun! Only through the bleak night can we see the dawn! No one needs to give us sunshine, we ourselves are the sun!

1. Work hard, but don’t be anxious. Blossoms and fruits all require a process. 2. I hope that you and I, no matter our age or our circumstances, will be able to find our own direction with upward strength and strive to go there. 3. You may not make a comeback against the wind, bu - DayDayNews

4. Put your life into silent mode, work hard to make money, work hard to live, and work hard to get better.

5. You have to work hard to become a person worthy of others' love, instead of forcing others to like such a bad you.

6. In this world, there is never no way out. People who work hard will overcome obstacles and walk through them with difficulty even if they are scarred.

1. Work hard, but don’t be anxious. Blossoms and fruits all require a process. 2. I hope that you and I, no matter our age or our circumstances, will be able to find our own direction with upward strength and strive to go there. 3. You may not make a comeback against the wind, bu - DayDayNews

7. Using wrong means to punish people who have done wrong is like putting out fire with a salary. Using immoral means to maintain morality is like drinking poison to quench thirst. Please remind yourself at all times, don’t compare yourself with bad people, there is no way to be bad. Don't compete with fools, stupidity is contagious.

8. No blow can be the reason for your downfall. Believe in yourself. Many things will pass if you persist.

9. Thanks to the loss and sadness in life, we can evolve into a better version of ourselves through the involuntary experiences.

1. Work hard, but don’t be anxious. Blossoms and fruits all require a process. 2. I hope that you and I, no matter our age or our circumstances, will be able to find our own direction with upward strength and strive to go there. 3. You may not make a comeback against the wind, bu - DayDayNews

10. Don’t foolishly think that outspokenness is a personality trait. You should distinguish between objects and occasions. Hardcore friends and best friends can speak frankly; when the occasion is warm and harmonious, they can talk about their hearts and souls; when friendship comes, they can also make fun of each other. Forget about other situations. You know, most people don’t like to be outspoken in most situations.

11. When one day you experience the ruthlessness of society, the pressure of money, the unbearable love, and the sinister human heart, you will understand how miserable the consequences of not working hard are.

12. Always remember: It rains and falls, you fall and climb by yourself. Never overestimate your position in other people's hearts. You are the icing on the cake, but you are still gorgeous without you!

1. Work hard, but don’t be anxious. Blossoms and fruits all require a process. 2. I hope that you and I, no matter our age or our circumstances, will be able to find our own direction with upward strength and strive to go there. 3. You may not make a comeback against the wind, bu - DayDayNews

13. Everything is fake, and it is true that money is hard to make. In this era when wages cannot keep up with prices, we can only run hard, otherwise we will not be able to afford happiness if we are not careful.

14. You have the upbringing not to hurt others, but you lack the aura of not being hurt by others. If no one protects you, please be kind and have some edge in the future to protect yourself.

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15. Be bold. Anyway, you only have one life, so why not try your best to do what you want to do, love who you want to love, and become who you want to be.

1. Work hard, but don’t be anxious. Blossoms and fruits all require a process. 2. I hope that you and I, no matter our age or our circumstances, will be able to find our own direction with upward strength and strive to go there. 3. You may not make a comeback against the wind, bu - DayDayNews

16. You can have a bad experience, but you cannot indulge yourself in a bad life. Remember, fate is only responsible for shuffling the cards, and we are always the ones who play the cards.

17. You are now a grown-up. You have not repaid the kindness of raising me above, and you have to fulfill your nurturing responsibilities below. You have to swallow the pain by yourself and carry the tears by yourself. If you are not strong, who will be strong for you.

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18. When one day you have tasted all the idioms of society The ruthlessness, the pressure of money, the unbearable emotions, the sinisterness of people's hearts, helplessness and sadness, you will realize how miserable it will be if you don't work hard.

1. Work hard, but don’t be anxious. Blossoms and fruits all require a process. 2. I hope that you and I, no matter our age or our circumstances, will be able to find our own direction with upward strength and strive to go there. 3. You may not make a comeback against the wind, bu - DayDayNews

19. Stay away from things that make you unhappy, reduce expectations, belittle feelings, be generous, live a good life, and work hard to improve yourself, and good luck will definitely hit you.

20. Believe it or not, it depends on the human heart! Understanding or not understanding depends on distance! If you are not in your heart, don't take it seriously. Instead of wasting time explaining, it is better to achieve more for yourself.

21. There is a truth that adults must understand: if you don’t work hard, you will become the laughing stock of others. When you taste the dangers of this world, you will understand that money is more practical than anything else!

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