The "dark horse" input method was born, defeating Sogou and iFlytek, and won 328 million users

The importance of the

input method

After entering the mobile Internet era, people’s communication methods have changed. In the past, almost all people used PC computers to chat with friends, but as smart phones began to become popular, most users used mobile terminals and Compared with PC computers, the communication efficiency of mobile phones will be higher than that of PC computers. In addition, the voice input method has become popular in recent years, and the efficiency of social communication has also been greatly improved. The input method is also an indispensable software in daily office. . In the earliest days, active users of Sogou input method have been far ahead! Market data of

input method

A few years have passed, and Chinese input method software has also undergone several rounds of reshuffle. Ten years ago, there were no less than ten domestic input method apps. Nowadays, mainstream input methods are few and far between, mainly Sogou and Baidu. Mainly input method and iFlytek, among which Baidu input method has the fastest growth rate. IResearch released the "Monitoring Report on China's Third-Party Mobile Phone Input Method Market in Fall 2020", and the number of third-party input method users will increase from 729 million in 2019 to 748 million. Baidu’s input method overtakes in corners and has led Sogou’s input method in market share, becoming the largest input method software in China.

Baidu’s input method share first

Before seeing this data, I believe that many friends, like the author, mistakenly believe that Sogou is the largest input method software, but the title of champion has been taken away by Baidu input method, and the latter was Considered to be the biggest dark horse in the field of input method software. In terms of the specific market share of , Baidu input method narrowly beats Sogou input method with a market share of 43.6%. Although it is only ahead by 0.1%, it will always be the first. Baidu also continues to use AI to empower input method software, and the new version also adds many practical functions, such as dialect freedom, custom game skins, etc., which greatly improves user satisfaction!

Baidu input method users surge.

ranked third in Xunfei input method. The biggest feature of this software is its high voice recognition rate. Before Sogou did not have the voice input function, Xunfei took the lead in voice recognition. Technically, it was the first in China. Unfortunately, iFLYTEK’s input method lags behind Baidu’s input method in terms of the number of users, and even voice recognition technology has begun to be overtaken. According to iResearch's data, in the ranking of the average daily number of voice input using third-party mobile phone input methods in the fall of 2020, the number of users of Baidu input method reached 328 million, which is far ahead of iFLYTEK’s 103 million input method, becoming a voice input method The biggest winner in the field!


Not only that, Baidu input method is also the input method software with the highest speech recognition accuracy rate. The survey shows that 33.9% of users believe that Baidu input method speech recognition accuracy rate has reached more than 95%, and only has 18.7%. Users believe that Sogou’s input method has an accuracy rate of 95%. At present, the three software companies have taken over 95% of the domestic market share. Baidu’s input method took the lead and became the biggest dark horse in the input method field, with a strong win of 328 million Users, according to this growth rate, the advantages of Baidu input method will be further expanded. Which one do you think is the best?