What is the origin of the extrajudicial fanatic Zhang San? Demystifying the road of teacher Luo Xiang out of the circle

As a layman who majored in law, Xiaohe recently became obsessed with criminal law videos. The fatal temptation that made Xiaohe fall into the pit is the recent boom in the legal circle of the Internet celebrity-teacher Luo Xiang from China University of Political Science and Law.

This professor of criminal law, known as Guo Degang in the political and legal circles, has been popular among netizens with a video explanation of a popular and bizarre criminal law case. After being invited to station b on March 9th, the number of fans of Ms. Luo's personal account has exceeded 3.324 million, and the highest number of video views has exceeded 6.41 million.

How did Teacher Luo Xiang become popular? Who are his fans? What is the inevitability of his fiery passion? With doubts, we opened the door to the world of criminal law.


How did Teacher Luo Xiang become hot?

"How to evaluate criminal law teacher Luo Xiang?" On January 25, 2018, a Zhihu user posed such a question to netizens. Five days later, an intern lawyer in the industry answered this question and described Luo Xiang as a "proficient and good lecturer" criminal law teacher.

This tells us that Mr. Luo Xiang was already well-known in 2018, but his popularity still remains in the professional field. Judging from the dissemination of the video at station B, Mr. Luo Xiang in his early years was indeed more like a "lawful tool person."

As early as February 2018, some users uploaded Luo Xiang's lecture video on station B, but the playback volume was not stable in the first two years, and the fluctuations have obvious seasonality. Usually, it is relatively ordinary, but 7-10 The number of videos uploaded every month will increase suddenly.

Moreover, the number of videos uploaded at this time is still in the single digits per month, and the video tags are still based on "law test" and "criminal law".

We guess this may be related to the judicial examination at the end of September. Facing this test with a passing rate of only about 20%, French students really need Teacher Luo Xiang's video to supplement their knowledge. Therefore, the high probability of contributing to the screen in front of the screen is still for the eager candidates for knowledge.

In February 2019, Mr. Luo Xiang actually had a "little fire". The number of related video uploads exceeded 100 in February. In addition to technology videos, there are many titles Life videos of "legal jokes" and "fun teaching".

But if you really want to go out of the circle, you still have to count from February 2020.

From January to March 2020, users (including Teacher Luo Xiang himself) uploaded a total of 637 videos on station B. This number is twice the sum of the past two years. Cases such as the "dung pit case" and "Will I be punished for reading a little pornographic book?" with high volume and popularity were uploaded during this period.

Then we discovered that Teacher Luo Xiang began to appear in the ghost animal area. Friends who are familiar with station B know that whether it is people or things, once they become emojis and ghosts, they will start to become popular.

Only from March 1-18, 44 ghost videos related to Teacher Luo Xiang appeared in the ghost animal area of ​​station B. And the most favorite ghost material of Scissorhands is a name that appears frequently in Teacher Luo Xiang's video-Zhang San.

In the criminal law case cited by Mr. Luo, Zhang San sometimes slapped Caidao on the table and threatened to sha the mayor, sometimes committing to want to be strong. Female but unexpectedly strong to male The heinous crime was dubbed "outlaw fanatics" by the melon-eaters on the other side of the screen.


Who are in the Criminal Law Division at Station B every day?

If you often search and watch videos about Teacher Luo Xiang, you will often see many students who majored in illegal studies sending out real incense barrage: "I don’t know that I’m an accounting student/student medicine/ Why can't code people stop watching!"

The professions mentioned in these bulletins are diverse and even mixed with many middle school students.

Through the barrage analysis, we found that from science students to liberal arts students, elementary school students to college students, the criminal law storm of Teacher Luo Xiang not only swept colleges and universities, but even spread all levels of the nine-year compulsory education, which produced a kind of help China University of Political Science and Law has been reaping the sense of sight of students since elementary school.

Judging from the barrage of everyone's self-reported home, Mr. Luo's fans radiate more than 20 majors. These majors include but are not limited to medical students, foreign languages, art, computing, management, materials science, etc.

As for schools, no matter it is an engineering student at Tsinghua University or a medical student at the University of Chinese Medicine, they cannot escape the charm of Teacher Luo. Students from Nanjing Forestry University, Beijing Forestry University and other schools also checked in on the barrage-I am afraid that their attitude is more positive than usual.

At this moment, everyone deeply understood the distress of the Fa students through the video. All day long, they faced "A and B colluding with shā C, A holding dao intercepted, and B holding qiāng hiding in the dark. C opening qiāng self-defense. It hits A, but the stray bullet hits B, who is hiding in the dark and has not been qiāng. May I ask what crimes A, B and C each commit?" Such a soul test question.

The criminal law class that explains these test questions, how can so many people take it?


Illegal study majors, what are you looking at? What are you looking at?

We collected and sorted out the 5 most clicked video barrage of Teacher Luo Xiang, and found that "hahahaha", "interesting", "funny" and "funny" are the common spirit of the people who love melons who fall in love with Teacher Luo Xiang Kernel. The suspect "Zhang San" who frequently appears in the video has always used his legendary life of repeated crimes to affect everyone's hearts.

Among the 10 most popular Luo Xiang videos, except for the "Intensive Course of Criminal Law System" released by Houda Education, the titles of other videos are either shocking or full of sand sculptures.

"I forced myself to break the law?" "The panda bites me, can I kill the panda?" These fresh and refined video titles suddenly opened the "Pandora's Box" in the boredom of young people. ".

Click on the video, you are not disappointed, most of these videos are less than 5 minutes, but they contain a variety of stories full of God's turning points.

Give a chestnut. In the famous case of Teacher Luo Xiang, "I am strong J myself", A hired a big brother to force J's roommate B. A few seconds later, the turning point of God appeared: the eldest brother admitted the wrong person, and the result was strong. A has reported the case, how can I be convicted? ——Big Brother and the strong J is both convicted of strong J.

And in the case of Zhang Sanbuy fake certificate. Zhang San bought a "fake marriage certificate" online to marry Xiaosan fake. Both Zhang San and the seller were suspected of illegally buying and selling official seals of state organs. But if Zhang San buys a Peking University diploma online, it is also a fake certificate, the law will find Zhang San innocent, because there is no charge of "selling and selling the seal of a public institution."

In the video, Teacher Luo will use criminal law knowledge to analyze various criminal behaviors seriously, and there are often many divine turns in the dismantling process, so that people are in the black question mark face and "hahaha". Crazy switching.

So we see that in the video tags related to "Luo Xiang", the key tags that frequently appear in addition to "Luo Xiang", "Great Law Examination", "Law" and "Criminal Law" and other serious law test guides, "Duanzi", "Zhang San", "Crosstalk" and even "Talk Show", "Luo Yunshe" and other labels gradually increased.

The story is curious enough. The value tension of criminal law theory has made many laymen who specialize in illegal science fall in love with each criminal law case, eating melons in the bizarre cases where theory and reality clash.

However, the simple mentality of eating melons is only the first step for passerby players to join the Criminal Law fan club.


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After watching multiple episodes of the large-scale rule of law series "Extrajudicial Fanatic Zhang Sanzhuan", we found that Teacher Luo's course not only has the familiar "inner taste" that users of station B are familiar with. ", and it really "has something".

As one of the most popular teachers in the history of China University of Political Science and Law, Mr. Luo, behind the seemingly extreme cases, uses professional knowledge to give a balance between law and morality, using one by one seemingly unexpected However, the reasonable answer continued to release the charming charm of criminal law to the students.

The dimensionality reduction strikes from the completely unfamiliar field of criminal law gave passers-by a sense of gain.

In the video comment area of ​​station B ranked among the top 5 in terms of viewing volume, we saw more messages about knowledge growth. In addition to the "Doge" with the most comments, keywords such as "knowledge", "increase" and "law" can also form a popular sentence of "strange knowledge has increased"-of course you can also see one that is moved by knowledge "Weep with joy."

Compared with the famous criminal detective film and television dramas and detective animations like "Six Groups of Serious Cases", "Juvenile Bao Qingtian", and "Detective Conan" in the past, he finally yelled "Actually I knew Ta was the murderer a long time ago!" Teacher Luo Xiang’s content truly adds a layer of legal and ethical analysis to the plot discussion. Mom, I finally know why you had to let me go to the famous teacher class back then!

In addition to the case analysis, Mr. Luo Xiang will also convey a lot of legal concepts and life thinking: the law has objective fairness and justice of "although it cannot be reached, but the heart yearns for it"; the study of the law must "have a simple sense of justice "Let’s think about the problem; “The more terrifying than crime is the unconstrained right of punishment”; “The more the happiness that embodies human dignity, the more advanced the happiness”......

So, we can understand, Why are there so many people in the criminal law class.

When you originally just wanted to eat melons, with an innate psychology of curiosity, you clicked on a video with a unique title, and after you had harvested a wonderful story as expected, you discovered that you accidentally took a famous teacher class.

The content of this course is profound. The teacher not only provides you with a unique interpretation from the perspective of the legal profession, but also gives you a philosophy education from time to time to make you feel the pleasure of being hit by dimensionality reduction, a sense of gain and accomplishment. It's full, and there is no need for an exam in the end.

Just ask, who can withstand this temptation?

Author | He Shuyao

Data | Luo Yujing

Edited | Ami, Xiao Tang

Design | Zheng Shuya, Qi Zhen