Looking through Li Shaojun's resume, the words "R&D" and "technology" clearly come into view: he has served as the general manager of the R&D Center, deputy director of the research institute, and director of the research institute of SuperMap Software Co., Ltd.; since 2015, he h

Looking through Li Shaojun's resume, the words "R&D" and "technology" clearly come into view: he has served as the general manager of the R&D center, deputy director of the research institute, and director of the research institute of SuperMap Software Co., Ltd. since 2015; Senior Vice President and Dean of the Research Institute of SuperMap Software Group; in June 2016, he was selected into the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, High-end Leading Talent Engineering Technology Series, Senior Engineer, and obtained the Professor-level Senior Engineer qualification; November 2019 From September to November 2020, he worked at the China Southern Power Grid Digital Grid Research Institute as a technical expert... Li Shaojun's resume is like a notebook of hard work in the workplace. You can see that he takes every step steadily and firmly, grasping the The vines of opportunity climb steadily.

Today, as the CTO of Changchun Jiacheng Information Technology Co., Ltd., he has not stopped yet. He continues to be deeply involved in the field of software research and development, leading the team to continuously explore and innovate new worlds of domestic GIS software, sailing passionately and riding the wind and waves in the big wave of digital and intelligent transformation of government information.

is deeply involved in the industry and is working steadily

Li Shaojun received his undergraduate degree from Beijing Normal University and received his doctorate from Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In college, Li Shaojun studied in depth knowledge related to computer and software development, laying a solid foundation for future research and development. In 1998, Li Shaojun followed his mentor to support a forestry project in a county-level city in Hebei Province and purchased a set of very expensive foreign GIS software. At that time, it was difficult for domestic GIS software to compete with foreign countries, resulting in foreign GIS software being in a monopoly. They spent a lot of money to buy the software. More than one million, and hundreds of thousands more are spent on upgrades every year. Li Shaojun was deeply touched by this huge profit and felt that it was a pity to spend so much money. He started interning at SuperMap Software before graduating from his senior year. After graduation, he joined SuperMap Software to engage in the research and development of domestic GIS platform software. , embarked on a long journey to develop independent GIS platform software to compete with foreign software. After joining SuperGraph, Li Shaojun was responsible for the research and development of the Spatial Data Engine (SDX), directly benchmarking the Spatial Data Engine (SDE) of foreign software. After about four years of research and development, the domestic spatial data engine has caught up with the domestic spatial data engine in terms of function, performance and reliability. It even surpasses foreign spatial data engines in some aspects.

software research and development, especially the research and development of the underlying platform software, is very boring and arduous. However, after more than ten years of research and development, the results are also very gratifying. While the market continues to expand, Li Shaojun and the SuperMap software team have won the national science and technology award. Second Prize for Progress, First Prize for Beijing Science and Technology Progress, Special Prize for Progress in Geographic Information Science and Technology, and Special Prize for Progress in Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology.

Intangible assets of unlimited value

When being interviewed once, Li Shaojun was asked a question: What is the company's most valuable asset? After thinking for a moment, Li Shaojun answered in three levels:

company's GIS basic platform software is the only large-scale cross-platform GIS basic software in the world. Foreign GIS basic platform software is developed based on the Windows kernel and has cross-platform support. No, the SuperMap software has significant differentiation advantages in this regard, which determines the competitiveness of SuperMap and is also the key reason for surpassing foreign software and ranking first in market share. The code of this product is the core asset of the company and is very valuable. of.

But at a further level, the code is written by people. If these codes are gone, as long as our R&D team and personnel are still there, we can still write such excellent code and products, so our R&D team is A more valuable asset. From 2001 to 2005,

participated in the major national 863 program "Large-scale GIS for Internet Massive Spatial Information" as a key technical staff member of the project; from 2009 to 2015, as a core technical staff member of the project, he participated in the major national 863 program "Network "Geographic Information System Software and Its Major Applications" project; from 2016 to 2021, as a sub-project leader, he participated in the National Key R&D Plan Project "Indoor Hybrid Intelligent Positioning and Indoor GIS Technology Research and Demonstration Application (2016YFB0502004)". Li Shaojun has always focused on independent research and development, constantly empowering the IT field, innovating ideas and creating value.

Empowering the Smart Development of Science and Technology

In Northeast China, Changchun Jiacheng Information Technology Co., Ltd., as an IT company, is growing rapidly. It landed on the New Third Board in 2015 and focuses on the fields of network security and government informatization. Its revenue has remained stable for many years. Growth rate below 20%.

In 2020, Li Shaojun came to Changchun and officially joined Jiacheng Information as the company's deputy general manager. He was overall responsible for the company's technical lines and led the team to build a big data platform, middle platform, cloud platform and low-code development platform for government informatization. The core digital intelligent product system.

Jiacheng Information is mainly engaged in software and information technology services. It has many core qualifications such as National High-tech Enterprise , Software Capability Maturity Integrated Model CMMI5 level, ISO9001 quality management system certification , and AAA corporate credit rating; The company has been awarded the Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Contribution Award, "Top 100 Enterprises in the Industry's Informatization Competitiveness in 2021", "Outstanding Unit in the National Cybersecurity Level Protection Evaluation Institution in 2021" and "2020 (Smart Politics and Law) Informatization Data Sharing Innovation" Award" and "Innovative Product Provider for Smart Inspection Construction in the New Era" and many other heavyweight honors. In terms of big data supervision, Jiacheng Information has become a national flagship product - "Public Interest Litigation Big Data Application Platform", using Internet + , big data and artificial intelligence , cloud computing and other technologies to solve business problems. In terms of network security services, the company provides customers with overall network security and data security solutions based on compliance testing, with actual offensive and defensive operations as the key, and with security operations as the support. In terms of justice, courts, digital government , etc., the company has accumulated rich project experience through serving many enterprises and units in the industry, formed complete industry solutions, created a data-centered information service platform, and continued to provide customers with Create value.

Technology Jiacheng, united as one. Looking forward to the future, Li Shaojun will lead all Jiacheng people to take "information technology to achieve a smart future" as their mission, towards the vision of "becoming a leader in digital intelligent services", and strive to practice "customers first, innovative excellence, hard work and responsibility, integrity and integrity" Core values, giving back to users with more advanced technological products and better services to contribute to society.