[Mobile China] On July 4, Huawei’s nova10 series and full-scenario new product launch conference was officially held. The nova10 series, new P50 Pocket colors, WATCH Fit 2, Huawei Tag anti-lost wizard, Huawei accompanying WiFi 3 Pro and other products were all unveiled. This tech

[ mobile phone China ] On July 4th, Huawei nova10 series and full-scenario new product launch conference was officially held, including nova10 series, P50 Pocket new color matching, WATCH Fit 2, Huawei Tag anti-lost wizard, Huawei accompanying WiFi 3 Pro and other products Together, a technical event belonging to Huawei officially kicked off.

Protagonist nova10 Pro is equipped with the industry's first front-facing 60-megapixel full-focus tracking dual camera. The front-facing ultra-wide-angle lens has the industry's highest 60-megapixel, with excellent resolution and photosensitivity. At the same time, it is also equipped with the industry's first portrait close-up lens, which supports 2x optical zoom and up to 5x digital zoom. Together with the ultra-wide-angle lens, it achieves a front-facing 0.7x-5x ultra-large zoom range. In addition, Huawei nova10 Pro also has the industry's first front-facing QPD full-pixel precision focusing technology, with 100% focus density, which greatly improves the overall focusing performance and further improves low-light selfie performance.

The front-facing imaging performance of Huawei's nova10 series is top-notch in the industry. This also further clarifies the product positioning of nova series. To be the mobile phone with the best front-facing imaging, from the beginning to becoming the top-notch front-facing camera in the industry, Huawei has continuously gained insights through Users demand technological innovation, and each generation of nova products leads the development direction of front-facing imaging technology. As He Gang, Chief Operating Officer of Huawei Terminal BG, said: "Innovating products around the needs of consumers is the foundation of Huawei's mobile phone business." For flagship mobile phones, Huawei released on July 2 The brand new imaging brand - Huawei Imaging Why do you do this? This may be what many people want to know. Today, we are here to talk to you about Huawei Imaging XMAGE, which may help you see clearly Huawei’s layout on the mobile imaging track.

Why launch Huawei Imaging XMAG?

When Huawei first entered the mobile imaging field, it did combine it with leading technologies in traditional industries to understand consumer needs and build consumers' image perception of Huawei imaging. For example, we should follow the same idea of ​​making a camera to make a mobile phone, and continue to make CMOS bigger, bigger aperture, etc. However, limited by the size of the body, these hardware configurations will encounter bottlenecks. The optical system of the mobile phone is not as powerful as the camera. This is why it is difficult for us to see breakthrough hardware innovations in mobile imaging in the past two years.

Based on this background, Huawei rethinks. Since past experience is not enough to bring more things to consumers, how can we make a breakthrough? Obviously, for smartphones, AI, processors, and algorithms have more inherent advantages. Coupled with Huawei's R&D advantages in these aspects, this gives new R&D ideas for optical design and mechanical structures in small spaces. Realizing consumers' expectations and value in photography has also become Huawei's benchmark for creating Huawei Imaging XMAGE.

On another level, the expiration of the cooperation between Huawei and Leica has made Huawei increasingly convinced of the importance of creating its own style. Regarding the cooperation with Leica, Huawei made it clear that this is a mutual achievement, which can be regarded as a response to some doubts from the outside world to some extent. From Huawei's perspective, the more in-depth technological research becomes, the clearer the gap between traditional imaging and mobile imaging becomes. Only by continuing to build its own capabilities can we move towards the future. For this reason, Huawei Imaging XMAGE represents Huawei's firm choice to build its own capabilities "with me first".

Huawei hopes to achieve better imaging effects through the improvement of comprehensive capabilities, rather than making the phone heavier and larger. This is not its own expectation for mobile imaging.

From technical routes to image styles, Huawei Imaging From the full-time, full-focus ultra-clear images of the P40 series, Huawei has been practicing its own mobile imaging technology line with generations of products.

As far as the technical route is concerned, we interpreted Huawei Imaging XMAGE as early as the day it was released. Huawei has built a unique mobile imaging technology system from three dimensions: optical system, imaging technology, and image processing . These three dimensions can be simply understood as the four technical routes of light, machinery, electricity, and computing. Through the continuous evolution of these four technical routes, Huawei Imaging XMAGE's unique competitiveness and its own imaging style will be formed.

light refers to optical design. From single camera to dual camera to multi-camera, Huawei has been leading the development of the industry. Especially on flagship phones, multi-camera has become a trend. On thousand-yuan phones, multi-camera has basically become a trend. Comes standard. In addition, Huawei is at the forefront of the industry in free-form surfaces, periscope lenses, etc. As mobile imaging continues to make breakthroughs, we have reason to believe that Huawei will also lead the entire industry in the field of optical design.

machine refers to the mechanical structure. The most typical one is the periscope solution that meets the needs of telephoto photography. This solution cleverly solves the problem of the lens light path not being long enough in 6-9mm mobile phones, turning the vertical direction into a horizontal direction. The structural innovation also revolutionizes the user's telephoto experience. On the Huawei Mate40 series, we can even see a telephoto solution that combines the regular telephoto lens with a periscope lens. This is a manifestation of Huawei's technological confidence.

electricity refers to photoelectric conversion. A typical example is Huawei's original RYYB filter array, which allows the sensor to receive 30% more light than traditional RGGB. Combined with post-production color adjustment for each scene, it ultimately achieves excellent photography capabilities. . In the future, Huawei will continue to explore photoelectric conversion. In addition, there are full-pixel eight-core focusing, 10-channel multispectral sensor, hyperspectral imaging, etc. In addition to these, guess what will be next?

computing refers to image algorithms. Through the basic capabilities of computational optics and computational photography, the digital information that can be recorded is processed to present and unearth more effects to achieve better image results. For example, the commonly used blurring capability is different from the large aperture of traditional cameras. Mobile phones need to use algorithms to achieve it. Huawei also has strong technical accumulation in this regard. This can be seen from the nova10 series. The portrait blur video function is a transformation of the algorithm from calculation to use. In addition, the computational optics unveiled last year also broke through the physical boundaries of optical systems. For the first time, the original image information was restored on the optical imaging side, correcting light errors, restoring details, and allowing users to take clear and sharp pictures.

's continuous breakthroughs in optical, mechanical, electrical, and computational dimensions have successfully established Huawei's future mobile imaging industry technical specifications and become a benchmark for industry development.

In terms of imaging style, many consumers are worried about what direction Huawei's imaging style will develop without Leica? In fact, after the evolution of technical routes, Huawei has become its own school. Keywords such as realism, warmth, sharpness, and high image quality are the style of Huawei Imaging XMAGE. Huawei Imaging XMAGE has also become a rich asset accumulated by Huawei through continuous exploration and innovation in the field of mobile imaging, declaring Huawei's leadership and maturity in mobile imaging. As for which model Huawei Imaging XMAGE will debut on, it is basically certain to be the Mate50 series.

written at the end

Mobile imaging is an important direction for achieving breakthroughs in the smartphone industry. It requires profound technical accumulation to create your own imaging style. In the past, we have seen cross-border cooperation between mobile phones and cameras, where both parties empowered each other and brought unexpected results. However, in the era of computational photography, relying on the innate advantages of smartphones will make the competition in the mobile imaging field more and more fierce. Building your own imaging brand is a strategy, and it is also a kind of technical confidence.

Huawei Imaging XMAGE will continue to break the boundaries of mobile imaging, meet the diverse needs of different users, continue to lead mobile imaging to new breakthroughs, and create more possibilities.