WeChat and QQ are the only national social networking software today. I believe that many students have also switched to WeChat from QQ. But now, QQ has gradually been relegated to the "cold palace", and the frequency of opening it is getting lower and lower. Dear QQ members, do

WeChat and QQ are the only national social networking software today. believes that many students have switched from QQ to WeChat’s .

But nowadays, QQ has gradually been relegated to the "cold palace", and the frequency of opening it is getting lower and lower.

Dear QQ members, do you miss the various and rich ways to play in the previous QQ era? For example,

can change themes, color fonts, avatar widgets, chat bubbles, and send gifts, etc.

Although WeChat focuses on simplicity, compared with QQ, it still lags behind in terms of playability.

WeChat has been around for so long, but it still does not have themes and chat bubble functions like QQ.

Today, classmate Guo will teach you how to add a touch of fun to the boring and monotonous WeChat interface.

Let’s first show the effect to the students. How about

, isn’t it pretty cool? After reading it, classmate Guo could only say, "Ye Qing Hui".

Of course, WeChat itself does not provide skin changing and chat bubble functions, nor does it have a membership system similar to QQ.

If you want to achieve the above cool effects, you need some special means to achieve it, that is, download two apps.

It is worth mentioning that these two apps are only available in Android versions. I believe all iOS students can also understand. If

has an iOS version in the future, Guo will definitely bring you tutorials as soon as possible.

Students who want to experience it can reply with the keyword " 073" in the " Qijiang " background to get the download link for the WeChat theme skin and chat bubble App.

Personalized theme skin

Without further ado, let’s first look at how to set up a personalized theme skin.

first needs to download and install the App. After opening it, you can use it without logging in. You only need to give the corresponding permissions. After entering

, click "WeChat Theme" on the homepage, and you can choose your favorite theme skin. The themes in

can be described as "wild and charming", ranging from games, idols, anime and other styles.

Next, select your favorite theme and click it. It will jump to the preview page. Click download directly to install it.

In addition, the theme can also set the transparency by itself to better present the desired effect.

The next step is to set the special effects. There are 8 different styles of special effects, and they can be superimposed on each other and used in conjunction.

The last step is to adapt to the screen. Go to "My"-"Screen Adaptation" and adjust it according to personal preferences.

The default theme of WeChat can be described as boring and monotonous. The effect presented by this App looks much richer and very interesting.

Colored chat bubbles

Let’s look at how to set up colored chat bubbles. After downloading and installing

, we need to set it as the default keyboard of the phone.

Taking the Huawei mobile phone used by Guo as an example, open "Settings" - "System and Updates" - "Language and Input Method" - "Default".

and then choose to set it as the default keyboard.

Next, you need to select and add your favorite chat bubble in the Kk Keyboard App. After

is set up, open the WeChat chat box, click "Kk" below, and there will be a "chat bubble". After clicking

, you can see the chat bubbles of various styles added.

Choose a chat bubble you like, add it to the keyboard, and then enter text. After completing the input, click "Send Bubble" to achieve the effect of a chat bubble.

Dream back to the distinguished QQ membership, do you have it?

This keyboard also has practical functions such as "key sound effects" and "magic matching pictures". Students can study it.

and above are two interesting softwares that Guo brought to you today.

I hope students will have fun using it ~

If you want to know more about the usage skills and industry information of digital products, you can follow my WeChat public account: qiguojiang001 (Qiguojiang001).