Give priority to apply for the China Famous Software City (Park), and receive priority support in the selection of network security technology application pilot demonstrations and industrial Internet pilot demonstrations. At present, a series of policy dividends that are graduall

has given priority to apply for the China Famous Software City (Park), and has received priority support in the selection of network security technology application pilot demonstrations and industrial Internet pilot demonstrations. At present, a series of policy dividends that are gradually implemented are setting the stage for Luoyang City to regain its glorious new journey. Inject strong motivation.

bonus comes from another “like” at the national level.

According to the General Office of the State Council notice released this month, Luoyang City was successfully selected as a place in 2021 that has achieved significant results in building information infrastructure, promoting industrial digitalization, accelerating the innovative development of the industrial Internet, and promoting network and data security capacity building. In addition, Luoyang City has been selected as a national city with stable industrial growth and significant achievements in transformation and upgrading for three consecutive years. Luoyang City has won the State Council's supervision and incentives in the field of industry and information technology for four consecutive years and achieved a "Grand Slam" achievement in this field. A series of achievements and data of

reflect the development trajectory of Luoyang City in building a high-quality digital city -

was successfully selected as a national comprehensive pilot city for IPv6 technology innovation and integrated application, and was approved to build the 17th dedicated international Internet data channel in the country; it has been completed nationwide The 20th, Henan Province's first industrial Internet logo analysis secondary node, mining equipment, modern agricultural equipment industrial Internet platform was selected as a national industrial Internet pilot demonstration; build the world's first 5G+ smart mine, and develop the first 5G+ hydrogen fuel wireless Human-driven smart tractors...

Since last year, taking the opportunity of the "Capacity Style Construction Year" event, Luoyang City has continued to accelerate the construction of digital infrastructure, digital core industries, digital integrated applications, and digital governance around the overall goal of building a strong digital city in an all-round way. The "five-in-one" development pattern of capabilities and digital ecosystem has become increasingly powerful in promoting the "digital engine" that leads the high-quality development of the economy.

strengthens the design of top-level policies and systems and gathers “hard support” for digital transformation. Luoyang City has so far established a key project library and task ledger covering five major areas including digital infrastructure construction. By building a "1+3+N" industrial digital policy system, it has formed a continuous improvement in the scale and quality of information infrastructure and the continuous development of core industries. A development situation in which the results of integrated applications are becoming stronger and stronger, and the vitality of enterprises is significantly enhanced.

implements digital infrastructure construction actions to lay a "strong foundation" for digital transformation. A total of 8,866 5G base stations have been built and opened in Luoyang City, with a 5G coverage rate of 97.1%. It is the first in the province to achieve continuous coverage of central urban areas with 5G networks, as well as full coverage of townships, rural hotspots, and 3A-level and above scenic spots. In 2021, Luoyang City’s total telecommunications business volume was 7.86 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 36%.

implements actions to strengthen digital core industries and cultivate "new momentum" for digital transformation. Luoyang City adheres to the "two-wheel drive" development strategy of cultivating emerging digital industries and strengthening core electronic industries, and builds digital core industry clusters. In the first five months of this year, the added value of the information transmission, software and information technology service industries above designated size in Luoyang increased by more than 20% year-on-year.

implements digital integration application innovation actions and explores "new models" of digital transformation. Luoyang City actively promotes the improvement of digitalization in key areas, has promoted and applied more than 5,000 robots, cultivated 66 provincial-level smart workshops (factories), and built Henan Province's first industrial Internet logo analysis secondary node, with 8 million logo registrations. , the resolution reached 16 million.

implements digital ecosystem optimization actions to seize the "new high ground" of digital transformation. Luoyang City has actively built a collaborative innovation system, focusing on areas such as smart equipment and 5G applications, and has successfully created a number of digital development benchmark models. By carrying out in-depth activities of “enterprises migrating to cloud and platform”, Luoyang City has promoted more than 9,000 enterprises to “migrate to cloud and platform”.

implements actions to improve digital governance capabilities and create a “soft environment” for digital transformation. With the goal of improving government management efficiency and service capabilities, Luoyang City has actively built "one cloud" and "one network" for Luoyang municipal affairs, and has collected a total of 224 million pieces of data. At present, Luoyang City's parking lot, berth, charging pile and other inquiry and payment functions can be done "on the palm of your hand", and telemedicine services cover four-level medical institutions in cities, counties, and rural areas.

In the next step, Luoyang City will continue to thoroughly implement the "136" work measures for industrial development of the Municipal Party Committee, focus on building a digitally strong city, give full play to the boosting role of digital empowerment in industrial development, and further enhance the level of digital industrialization and industrial digitization. , and continue to empower the establishment of a strong sub-center and the formation of a growth pole.

  • (Source: Luoyang Municipal People's Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper to reply within 24 hours. 】