In daily work, we mainly use Fiddler to capture packet requests. When there is an interface document, we implement interface testing and need to process cookie and session permission verification logic business data. We can use Fiddler to complete the work, so Fiddler is a packet

Before learning the Fiddler tool, let’s first understand the features of the Fiddler tool . What can Fiddler do? How to use Fidder to capture data packets, modify requests, simulate the client to send requests to the server, implement unauthorized security tests and other related knowledge.

This course is the first chapter of learning Fiddler. The outline of the learning directory is as follows: Introduction to


Fiddler is not only a packet capture tool, but also a security testing tool. How to use Fiddler to implement security testing, please read How to use Fiddler tool Breakpoint security testing article . In

's daily work, we mainly use Fiddler to capture packet requests. When there is an interface document, interface testing needs to be performed on cookie and session permission verification logic business data. can use Fiddler to complete the work, so Fiddler is a packet capture tool. The tool can capture the operation steps of HTTp and Https request package recording interface request . It can also export interface test scripts such as JMeter.jmx and can simulate mobile terminals to carry out weak network tests. Please read the Fiddler collection mobile terminal network weak simulation test article .

Fiddler operating principle: In addition to capturing packets and generating JMeter scripts,

Fiddler can also simulate client requests to send get and post requests to the server based on the Fiddler tool, modify illegal request parameters, etc. to simulate the client sending requests to the server. The operating principle of

Fiddler is shown in the figure below:

Fiddler The default http request port for listening to the local proxy is: 8888. The default proxy setting based on the web-side proxy server browser is: 8888 port. The default IE browser has been configured. If you use other browsers, you need to set them up yourself to capture the packet interface.

Fiddler installation and use

The way to learn any tool is to install and use the tool:

1. Fiddler installation

Two methods of Fiddler tool installation:

. Download the unzipped file, unzip it and use it. The operation is as shown in the figure below:

. Download the application and proceed to the next step. After the next step is completed, a Fiddler shortcut will be generated on the desktop and the interface will be opened as shown below. .

How to capture packets using Fiddler?

has everything, all it needs is the east wind. After the tool installation is completed, we will explain how to use the Fiddler tool.

Step 1: Double-click the software to open Fiddler

Step 2: Check

in the file. Open the browser to refresh the web page, send the request and click the button

  • to capture the data packet and display it successfully.

Notes: There are two protocols for

user capture data packet content. You can capture http request packets directly without any settings. If you need to capture https requests, add the security certificate setting https request configuration item. The steps for

to capture https request configuration items are as follows:

operates the menu bar---Tools--option, as shown in the figure below:

operates the menu bar---Tools--option, as shown in the figure below:

generates a security certificate, and sets Successfully captured the https protocol package into a trusted http request

, as shown in the following figure:

Summary: This chapter is the first lesson in learning the Fiddler tool. It mainly explains the introduction, operating principle, installation and packet capture of the Fiddler tool, and more Stay tuned for more informative articles about the use of Fiddler tools!