On June 30, Tailing's 2022 Running Man Carnival kicked off simultaneously in Guangzhou and Zhengzhou. As the protagonist of the event, the super second-generation running man family's co-branded model became the most dazzling star!

leads the youth, twin cities shine! On June 30, the Taiwan Bell 2022 Running Man Carnival kicked off simultaneously in Guangzhou and Zhengzhou. As the protagonist of the event, the super second-generation running man family’s co-branded model became the most dazzling star!

Guangzhou Station

Exhibition debut Running Man Family joint model C-position debut

As the first exhibition of the electric vehicle industry in 2022, this South China Electric Vehicle Show has attracted the participation of many brands. On the first day of the opening, the venue was bustling with people and excitement, and the appearance of the joint model of the super second-generation running man family also stunned the audience.

Tailing is unique in this exhibition, turning the exhibition hall into a brand carnival scene. It is paired with the super second-generation running man family co-branded hot product, which perfectly demonstrates the innovative charm of the Tailing brand. At the Guangzhou Carnival event, group leaders personally promoted a series of new products. Among them, the Leading 400 has won praise from many connoisseurs for its fashionable and cutting-edge design and its hard-core ability to run 400 miles on a single charge. At the event, not only a large number of fans of Tailing arrived to watch and get a first look at the new product, but also many big names from the evaluation industry rushed to test drive the product and spontaneously became the recommendation officer of the running man family's co-branded products.

The launch of the "Super Second Generation Running Man" family co-branded model is not only another innovative measure for Tailing to put consumers at the center and continuously meet the needs of consumers in terms of products, technology, performance, emotional and spiritual pursuits, but also an important step for Tailing in its development. The value inheritance after three years of cooperation with the top variety show IP "Running Man", and at the same time, through the launch of co-branded products of the Running Man family, it will lead the industry to a new development path in terms of brand communication and product iteration," said President Yao Li.

Zhengzhou Station

Powerful Fans College Graduates Car Buying Festival Detonates Zhengzhou

When the Tailing 2022 Running Man Carnival is in full swing in Guangzhou, far away in Zhengzhou, 1,300 kilometers away, Tailing also sets off a trend in Zhengzhou with the College Graduates Car Buying Festival There is a "Running Man Family Fever".

, the super second-generation running men’s family co-branded models, the Leading 400 and the Pacesetter Youth Edition have successively launched endurance challenges. Under professional evaluation and public witnessing, the Leading 400 ran 203km at full speed in 6h40', with an average speed of 30.4 5km/h; pacesetter youth The version ran 103.22 kilometers at full speed in 3h27', with an average speed of 29.93km/h. Tailing used its strength to demonstrate the excellent performance of "double mileage". When these two cars launched new product evaluation prices and on-site limited-time discounts, they quickly aroused the enthusiasm of Zhengzhou citizens for car buying, and consumers came to buy cars in an endless stream. Absolutely, everyone gathered around to test ride their favorite models. In the loading area, cars were bought one after another waiting to be assembled. Many models were quickly sold out.

The scorching sun was hot and the craze was unstoppable. The classic game of Running Man was reappeared at the event, which also attracted many citizens in Zhengzhou to participate. The cool and exciting global speed car show set off the highest volume of the scene, with the performers galloping at full speed in the extreme environment of the sphere. Flip, challenge long-lasting endurance, and the gushing flames fueled the heated atmosphere at the scene, attracting applause from the audience. Seeing it was not enough, in the subsequent violent testing session, the Running Man series was not afraid of strong men to test the car, and the quality, power and other product attributes were intuitively displayed.

In the next three days, Tailing’s 2022 Running Man Carnival will continue, and the excitement will continue, and a new round of hot sales storm is taking place!

Run! Bell!