Because Huawei is too good, relying on the 5G technology it has been working on for several years, it has openly surpassed Western countries such as Aramco and America in the field of communications, making them no longer proud.

all say that if they don’t advance, they will retreat. Look how tired they are of pretending! Because , Huawei, and are too excellent, relying on the 5G technology that has been cultivated for several years, in the field of communications, they have surpassed Western countries such as , Amei, and , and they can no longer be proud. In exchange, the chip was cut off from the supply of and all kinds of oppression, so that now we can only see 4G Huawei mobile phone .

's words of "boycott and apple " are all lies. The performance is so clumsy, and Apple has become more popular in China. It can be seen from this year's 618 that domestic high-end machines have lost badly. The sales volume of , Apple 13 was a full 2.8243 million units. Sure enough, without Huawei as a big tree to enjoy the shade, domestically produced machines would look like helpless adou. Apple won easily, but Huawei felt aggrieved and had no chance to play.

Everyone is saying that Apple squeezes out toothpaste and has no passion for innovation. However, the Apple 13, which does not have fast charging, high refresh rate, and a large battery, is deeply popular. Where does the domestic machine lose? Apple 14 is coming soon, and its general configuration has also been revealed.

is the first, Apple 14 series is ushering in major changes, and Liu Haiping is a thing of the past. This alone greatly increases the appeal. Second, the storage will be upgraded from 4GB to 6GB. Coupled with the stable IOS system, the Apple 14 series is impregnable.

No wonder many netizens are worried that domestically produced machines are on their way out. The iPhone 14 with its new color scheme will be the last straw to overwhelm domestic high-end phones. Is this possible? The author disagrees. First of all, since Huawei withdrew from the market, domestically produced high-end phones have not stopped working hard. Xiaomi OV and Honor have been fully motivated, and their pursuit of high-end products has never stopped. It can only be said that the results are not ideal, but it still has some impact on Apple. Take the Xiaomi 12 series as an example. The small screen feels as good as the Apple 13.

In addition, domestic high-end mobile phones cannot be underestimated in the second half of the year. The long-awaited Huawei Mate50 and Hongmeng 3.0 are finally coming! Xiaomi , the first cooperation with Leica , will support domestic high-end products. The new machine 12S series will be released soon. Mr. Lei once said that R&D investment will exceed 100 billion yuan in the next five years, and many self-developed technologies have already been implemented!

Fast charging and battery life have always been Xiaomi's strengths. In order to break the monopoly of Ami Ti and gain more say, Xiaomi's hard work has paid off. The world's first self-developed power management chip Pengpai G1 has been developed. It is installed in Xiaomi 12S Ultra. Coupled with ThePaper P1, it’s no wonder that Lei Jun is particularly confident in the battery life of Xiaomi 12S Ultra.

The processor of the new machine is Snapdragon 8+, and Qualcomm . The reputation of Qualcomm has been really bad in the past two years, which is hard for Xiaomi! A new technology of vein cold pump heat dissipation was specially developed to prevent this big fire dragon from causing trouble everywhere. The performance has been improved by 10% and the power consumption has been reduced by 15%. It seems that the Snapdragon 8+ should not get hot.

There is a problem that makes people very sad. After the release of Apple 14 series, the price of 13 series will definitely drop. This is a big challenge for domestic high-end new phones such as Mate50 and Xiaomi Mi 12S Ultra. After all, it is difficult for anyone to resist the price of an Apple 13 priced at three thousand or four thousand. I don’t know what everyone thinks about this issue. Welcome to leave a message for discussion.