Chips, think of Huawei, think of ZTE, they are all suppressed by the United States because of chips. According to US media reports, as many as 12 of China’s 15 top talents in the chip field are serving the United States, and only 3 have returned to work in China.

chip, think of Huawei , think of ZTE , they are all suppressed by the United States because of the chip.

According to US media reports, as many as 12 of China’s 15 top talents in the chip field are serving the United States, and only 3 have returned to work in China.

The reason is because of the high salary in the United States. I was impressed by the high salary offered by the United States.

Can our technology companies find ways to deal with it from Intel's approach? Intel rejected a plan to give high salaries to senior officials this year, and rewarded the money from high salaries to scientific researchers to improve the company's competitiveness.

The technology of Apple’s is finally awesome, but according to reports, research in the field of 5G chips has still failed. It is conceivable that it is very difficult to break through new technologies.

The employment environment of domestic companies is indeed going to change. Scientific researchers do not have high salaries, but they have the skills, and the executives may make things difficult at any time. How can it be so embarrassing for people?

Chinese people are very sophisticated, but for scientists, they only have research.

For example, Peking University Mathematics Professor " Wei Shen " is usually unkempt and only focuses on mathematics and research on mathematics. He is not a "material" for management.

Fortunately, the country is aware of this and has taken action to limit executive salaries and improve the welfare of scientific researchers. In fact, this is also very suitable for all our enterprises. Front-line personnel need to improve their treatment. Enterprises rely on the hard work of front-line personnel to make the enterprise stronger. What do you think about this? Comments are welcome!

@zhenzhi new coordinates