Can self-media still make money in 2022? Nowadays, self-media is becoming more and more popular. So if we still want to do self-media, how should we get started? How to determine what is your core content? How to test whether your ability can be used in self-media?

Can self-media still make money in 2022? Nowadays, self-media is becoming more and more popular. So if we still want to do self-media, how should we get started? How to determine what is your core content? How to test whether your ability can be used in self-media? Today I will give you a detailed introduction:

01 Establishing a material library

First of all, we must learn to build our own material library. The purpose of establishing a material library is to allow us to find the materials we need for creation faster and improve our creative efficiency. . Here is a self-media tool recommended to you - Yi Zhuan. Yi Zhuan's self-media library has a large number of self-media materials, including articles and videos, which are the latest and most popular materials on the entire Internet. You can also filter by field, keywords, etc. .

02 Learn to eat more with one fish

What does "eat more with one fish" mean? It does not mean that you buy a fish and cook half of it as pickled fish and half of it as boiled fish. Rather, it refers to one piece of content published on multiple platforms. For example, if you are mainly making and Douyin , you have spent a long time to shoot and cut it and then post it on Douyin platform. It is too wasteful. Just like when I used to pursue girls and write love letters, I had to re-imagine the words every time, which was very troublesome. Later I found out that just using the previous one was fine.

03 Don’t worry too much about data in the early stage

What is the core of self-media? In the final analysis, it is IP, your own personal brand. For a while, the so-called 100,000 readings were particularly popular in the self-media circle. In the end, many people did a lot of things on WeChat for data, such as spreading rumors. If I revealed myself or came out as gay, I would probably get 10W. In fact, in the final analysis, the practical information and content are the most important in the early stage, and the data is the icing on the cake.