Recently, the Shanxi Safety Committee Office issued a notice on the "Work Plan for Safety Improvement in Chemical Industry Parks in Shanxi Province." The notice requires that chemical park management agencies formulate and improve the "one park, one policy" rectification and impr

Recently, the Shanxi Safety Committee Office issued a notice on the "Shanxi Province Chemical Industry Park Safety Improvement Work Plan". The notice requires that chemical park management agencies formulate and improve the "one park, one policy" rectification and improvement plan based on the safety risk assessment of the chemical park. Formulate construction plans for closed management and intelligent management and control platforms based on actual conditions, clarify construction requirements, and advance implementation in accordance with time nodes. Before the end of 2022, all chemical industry parks in the province will reach general or lower safety risk levels.

Municipal governments select chemical industrial parks with good informatization foundations and significant demonstration and driving effects, guide chemical industrial parks to implement the construction of intelligent management and control platforms, configure flammable, explosive, toxic and harmful gas leakage monitoring and monitoring equipment, establish safety prevention and control systems, and improve chemical industrial parks The level of safety risk management and control of domestic enterprises, key locations, and major hazard sources. Complete the chemical industry park safety risk level assessment review before the end of 2022. The Provincial Safety Committee Office will conduct notifications and interviews throughout the province in areas where the "one park, one policy" safety improvement work is progressing slowly.

The era of comprehensively building an intelligent management platform for chemical industry parks has arrived. It has developed from the initial "system integration of production safety management" to a series of system integrations including park logistics, risk monitoring, park closure, and government affairs platforms, especially the use of When "human defense" is "insufficient" in safety accidents, the smart chemical park uses "technical defense" and "physical defense" methods to prevent and deal with chemical safety accidents, and upgrades the chemical park with intelligent technology. Establish a digital, informatized, automated and precise full-dimensional science and technology chemical park with the capabilities of online monitoring of pollution sources, 24-hour dynamic monitoring of the environment, remote monitoring of dangerous goods, and remote equipment operation and maintenance control.

The chemical park intelligent management system conducts overall data analysis on park safety and forms a visual comparison (alarm, hidden danger investigation, risk statistics, hazardous chemicals statistics, personnel and vehicle entry statistics, etc.);
analyzes the people, vehicles, and items entering and exiting the park. Carry out management and control, provide park managers with visual supervision, remote scheduling, process optimization and other auxiliary means to assist the park in improving production safety.

Establish a hidden danger investigation system and risk management and control system.
implements map annotation (points, lines, surfaces) of major hazard sources, regional distribution of rescue forces, etc., and enables query and map positioning of enterprises, major hazard sources, and emergency resources.

It identifies, registers, assesses, manages, monitors, supervises and integrates emergency management
of major hazard sources during peacetime and wartime, and masters the reserve and distribution of various emergency resources, so that timely decision-making and emergency command can be made in case of emergencies.