With the wave of digitalization coming, Wanshixing has seized the opportunity of the times, transformed from Made in China to Made in China Intelligent, and opened an era of intelligent kitchens. [From 0 to 1, the first phase of the digital factory project was successfully accept

With the wave of

digitalization coming, Wanshixing has seized the opportunity of the times, transformed from Made in China to Made in China Intelligent, and opened an era of intelligent kitchens.

[From 0 to 1, the first phase of the digital factory project was successfully accepted]

In order to build a digital factory, ensure that the company implements intelligent, digital management , and improve the efficiency of management work, Everything is Xing will launch a 5G+ digital factory in 2021 project.

This is the first step taken by Wanshixing in the digital transformation of to . It is also a major breakthrough for Wanshixing's digital business in the kitchen appliance industry. Through continuous exploration and practice during this period, in May 2022, the leaders of the acceptance team and experts visited Wanshixing to successfully accept the first phase of the digital factory project, and highly recognized Wanshixing's digital transformation.

[On the list of Shaoxing smart factories and digital workshops]

html On June 22, the Shaoxing Municipal Economic and Information Bureau announced the list of Shaoxing smart factories and digital workshops for 2021, and the Wanshixing sheet metal processing digital workshop was on the list.

With the support of digitalization, Wanshixing has reached a new level in production and operation. Its automatic production data collection rate and data transparency have been significantly improved, the overall efficiency has been greatly improved, and product delivery time has been significantly shortened, all-round assisting the economy high Quality development .

Stamping workshop signboard

Factory cockpit

(SCADA&MES) Final assembly signboard

Inspection equipment monitoring

Through digital transformation, the rapid development of Wanshixing Industrial 4.0 Smart Kitchen Appliances Industrial Park has achieved double growth in a short period of time, and has successfully become a leader in the intelligent manufacturing industry benchmark.

[Zhejiang Intelligence Special Committee highly appreciates the digital construction of Wanshixing]

As a representative of Shaoxing Digital Factory, Xu Jiping, executive deputy director of Zhejiang Intelligence Special Committee and his party visited Wanshixing Digital Factory. The park is equipped with intelligent robotic arms , high-speed laser cutting machines, CNC bending forming machines, etc., as well as more than 200 various testing instruments, all of which are available. The automated mechanical equipment and information system were highly praised by the leaders of the Zhejiang Intelligence Special Committee.

At the discussion meeting on digital applications, Deputy Director Xu and other leaders highly affirmed Wanshixing’s achievements in focusing on research and development in the field of digital manufacturing, and encouraged Wanshixing to continue to promote digital intelligent manufacturing and intelligent production and lead the way. New smart manufacturing development.

In the future, Wanshixing will continue to invest in digitalization and intelligence, further accelerate the digital transformation of enterprises, deepen the application of digital and intelligent technologies, build new competitive advantages, drive the subversion of the kitchen appliance industry, and win the future with "digital"!