Definition of digital twin Digital twin, in short, is a mirror and digital twin of the real world in the digital world, or "digital twin". Whether it’s your electrical equipment, electric fans, hair dryers, phones, computers, lights, electricity meters, or even the bowls and chop

The definition of digital twin

digital twin, in short, is the real world, a mirror and digital twin in the digital world, or "digital twin". Whether it’s your electrical equipment, electric fans, hair dryers, phones, computers, lights, electricity meters, or even the bowls and chopsticks you use to eat, the shoes, pants, clothes you wear, the watches, headscarves, necklaces, rings... as long as It is something that exists in the real world. We can all have a projected mirror image in the digital world. I call this "digital body".

The significance of the existence of "digital entities"

  • Representing the real world
  • Predicting future development trends
  • Preventive intervention in the real world

It is difficult to understand. Let's give two examples:

Let's push the time to 2030 when "digital entities" are prevalent.

Poisonous Mushroom Incident

Here I will use myself as an example. I and my "digital body", one is in the real world and the other is in the digital world. I came to a strange restaurant, served the food, and was about to pick up a mushroom with chopsticks to eat. Based on my own experience, I thought there was nothing wrong with this mushroom. Suddenly I received a warning from the "Digital Body". The digital brain of the "Digital Body" had already collected the shape, color, size, taste, and even molecular structure of mushrooms through various sensors and high-definition cameras before me. The "digital" AI brain combined with blockchain big data analysis gave me a clear conclusion: amanita .

I broke out in a cold sweat, and just when I was about to put down my chopsticks, the "digital body" had already sent a release command to the sensor embedded in the chopsticks before I did! The waiters and chefs were notified, an emergency alarm was issued in the restaurant, and mushroom sampling data were sent to the police. All personnel involved in the mushroom procurement process also received an early warning from "Shuti", and "Shuti" also analyzed All recorded data from mushroom picking to serving on the table found the reason why poisonous mushrooms came to the table.

I escaped a "poisoning" and saved everyone who was preparing to eat this batch of mushrooms.

Crossing a red street light incident

It’s the weekend. Zhang San is going to Central Park to rest for a while. When he reaches the intersection, he sees the green light. Zhang San looks around and sees nothing unusual. Just when Zhang San lifts his feet, he receives "Digital" issued an emergency warning that an out-of-control large truck was driving toward Zhang San. "Immediately take three steps back to avoid danger." Zhang San took three steps back, and a 100-ton truck knocked down the traffic light. The traffic police and medical staff who received the alarm from Zhang San's "digital body" and the driver's "digital body" arrived at the scene within 45 seconds and began treatment.

Zhang San escaped a traffic accident and the driver was quickly rescued.

2030 Stories like this about "number bodies" saving people happen all the time.

The business opportunities brought by "digital bodies"

Intelligent manufacturers have demonstrated their "digital bodies" covering various business modules, including "digital bodies" for investment, "digital bodies" for obstacle avoidance, and "digital bodies" for weight loss...

" "Digital bodies" can be replaced, upgraded, and even evolve automatically.