A number of accompaniment software has been removed, voice social platforms may face strong supervision

Recently, according to media reports, 7 softwares under Huanju Group's Hello Voice, Huya's Xiaolu Play, Bixin, Mia, Hoh Xil, Yipai Play, and Bipan Play have been removed indefinitely. As early as 2019, five live voice platforms including Hello Voice and Tiantian Voice were ordered to rectify due to the existence of vulgar and pornographic information on the platforms.

In recent years, voice social networking has become a new track for competition and development among major manufacturers. There are countless various voice social software software in China, and the competition is fierce. While the voice social software is popular, the red line issue has also aroused concern.

Porn-related gambling has always been the main reason for the punishment of voice social platforms. In fact, pornographic and gambling content is rampant in voice social platforms, and pornographic and gambling violations are mainly manifested in the following aspects:

_1span strong span, span strong, pornography It implies chaos and lack of supervision on the platform

1. Voice room name, vulgar avatar

There are particularly erotic words,In the early days, there were many obscure names and abbreviations with special meanings, such as "knocked bubbles", "knocked cannons", "kp/kpp", "driving", and "cracked cannons". But nowadays the name of the voice room is relatively simple, no longer use the name with special meaning, but use a short one or two words, combined with sexually suggestive pictures, to attract users into the room.

In addition, the avatars and nicknames of the anchors and Lianmai users in the voice room contain obscene pornography and sexually suggestive colors.

Second, the chat content is vulgar, pornographic _span3sp

It is mainly manifested in the chat content between the host and the guests in the room, and the words are teasing, sexually suggestive, etc., including but not limited to:

1. Provide paid audio and video services, such as brush gift pops (the guests on the wheat slam the gun: moaning, verbal teasing, analog sound, etc.);

Span with hidden content in the room 2. Implied colors;

3. Voice in the room _span3 pspan3 pornography, etc.; Publish prostitution content in the room,Or organize and introduce prostitution personnel.

lottery type gambling games are played implied, platform high criminal risk

voice on social platforms so-called "small game" "Probabilistic gameplay" hides mystery, draped in the cloak of games, trying to conceal the nature of gambling. On the face of it, the prizes and gifts obtained by the winners are limited to use within the platform and cannot be cashed in reverse. However, there are "backpackers" (middlemen) or anchors on the platform to help users cash out gifts and props in reverse. The user brushes the sold gifts to a specific anchor according to the requirements of the intermediary, and the intermediary settles the gifts to the user through WeChat or Alipay.

1. Use the props in the voice room to gamble _span _span _strong 46 Organize users on Maishang to play "games", the homeowner will get a certain gift room fee, and the loser will give gifts according to the request of the homeowner.

2. Users can get gifts in the "probabilistic play" game on the platform,Cash and brokers through exchange

(probabilistic play a platform)

( a platform Gacha machine gameplay)

3. Advertise in the voice room to promote gambling

live broadcast in the room of

Promote gambling software. However, due to the invisibility of live voice broadcast, this type is rarely seen in live voice broadcast. However, in voice social software, users can still promote gambling software by publishing advertisements in voice rooms and private chats.


user registration application cost is lower on the voice social platform,Apply again after the violating user account is banned. Although all voice social platforms currently require users to perform real-name authentication, there is no mandatory requirement. Real-name authentication is mandatory only when the voice room is opened. In addition, the identity information of users on most platforms can be bound to multiple accounts, and even some platforms allow one identity information to be bound to 20 accounts.

Therefore, it is recommended that the platform increase the real-name authentication requirements. If the user has exceeded a certain number of days, the real-name authentication is still not available. Including but not limited to restricting participation in the platform's probabilistic gameplay, restricting the use of the function of giving and receiving gifts by users, etc. At the same time, the platform should also set a reasonable limit on the number of accounts bound to identity information.

2. Establish manual inspections and machine inspections, and improve reporting functions

, Barrage content and private chat content. As far as the supervision of various platforms is concerned, the supervision of some platforms is useless. Some forms of platform supervision are even in place, and the "User Agreement", "Content Service Agreement" and room announcements have all made "prohibition of dissemination of illegal, illegal, vulgar, and violent information". However, the platform has not assumed corresponding regulatory responsibilities in actual supervision. The platform did not impose substantial penalties on the voice rooms suspected of spreading obscene and pornographic content. Instead, the homeowner went offline and then went online every second, and the chat content in the voice room was not affected at all.

Here,It is recommended that the platform improve the content supervision system, set up illegal vocabulary and picture shielding library, adopt manual inspections and machine inspections for 24-hour supervision, promptly handle user complaints and reports, and impose substantial penalties on rooms and users that violate laws and regulations, such as warnings and lowering the room. Recommend index and restrict room functions. In severe cases, account and room can be blocked. If there are repeated serious violations, the platform can monitor the real-name information bound to the account and restrict the real-name user from re-applying.

3. Improve the probabilistic gameplay rules, clean up the "middleman" of the platform, and prohibit the reverse cashing of gifts _p5br




The core key to gambling is that the gifts that users obtain through "probabilistic play" games cannot have any direct or indirect reverse redemption channels. Here, it is recommended that the platform clean up accounts with user nicknames and personalized signatures that clearly have the intention of recycling gifts, and restrict the spread of third-party accounts with settlement functions such as WeChat, QQ, and Alipay within the platform. At the same time, it is recommended that the platform improve the rules of "probabilistic gameplay", set a time limit and usage scenario for the gifts in "probabilistic gameplay", and limit the cash value conversion of such gifts.

is written at the end

is also a popular social product in China. There are various signs that voice social networking will usher in strong supervision in China. Under this form, domestic platforms are competing and developing voice social networking at the same time.It is necessary to pay special attention to the red line issues in voice social networking, and to comply with regulations in time to avoid punishment.

· The End ·
