The "new regulations" for bank deposits and withdrawals are here, and 3 places have been implemented. You may have money but cannot withdraw

2020/12/1123:10:17 technology 150

With the rapid development of mobile networks, mobile payments have long replaced traditional payments, and mobile payment apps such as WeChat and Alipay have become "necessities" in people's lives. According to the latest data in December, the market share of Alipay and WeChat has exceeded 90%, and even the banking industry has begun to implement digital currencies.


But even so, the function of banks has not been replaced. Data shows that in the first three quarters of this year, household deposits in my country increased by 9.95 trillion yuan, which shows that people prefer to deposit money in banks.

In this context, the issue of fund supervision followed. As we all know, many criminals in today's society complete illegal transactions through large amounts of cash circulation. In addition, due to the confidential nature of cash transactions, subsequent verification will be blocked. Therefore, strict control of large amounts of cash flow has become a top priority in the financial market.


In order to strengthen the supervision of large cash flows, the People's Bank of China has issued new regulations again and will adopt a pilot method to implement large cash management regulations. From July to December this year, the central bank has successively launched large-amount fund management pilot programs in Hebei, , Zhejiang and Shenzhen.

Since July, Hebei has taken the lead in conducting large-amount fund management pilot projects. During the pilot implementation, a "control line" was stipulated for large cash flows, that is, 500,000 for public accounts and 100,000 for private accounts. Once the amount exceeds this "control line", relevant information must be registered; among them, withdrawals Business also needs to make an appointment in advance, fill in the use of funds and complete the procedures before the money can be withdrawn smoothly.


Shenzhen and Zhejiang have also started large cash management pilot projects for two years. Its "line of control" has the same regulations for public accounts as Hebei, while for private accounts it is 200,000 in Shenzhen and 300,000 in Zhejiang. It is also necessary to fill in relevant information, and only after complying with the regulations can a large amount of cash be deposited and withdrawn. In layman's terms, if the deposit and withdrawal business exceeds the "line of control", your funds are likely to be frozen if the purpose is not clearly filled out or the requirements are not met, and your money will be "unavailable". After learning about the specific content of the new regulations, many people are very puzzled. Why can't I use my own money at will, and I need to "report" the use of funds. Isn't this an invasion of privacy?


Actually, the impact of this new regulation on us ordinary people can be said to be very small. The mobile payment method is so developed, our demand for cash is not too great; and when there is a demand for cash, take Hebei, which has the lowest private "line of control" as an example, and we rarely handle capital business exceeding 100,000 yuan. , So this "control line" is enough for our daily life.

Even if you need to withdraw more than 100,000 yuan in cash, as long as you use it for legal purposes and make appointments and registrations in accordance with regulations, you will not be restricted; secondly, the current limit of many mobile banking single-day transfers has reached 50 Ten thousand yuan, this amount is enough to meet the daily funding needs of most people.

However, some people questioned the practicality of the new regulations. Even if I registered and filled in, in fact I still don't know what to do with the money I took out.


actually a long time ago, our country has had the function of serial number tracking. The serial number can be said to be the "identity card" of each banknote. A banknote corresponds to a serial number, which is unique. As long as the money is deposited in the bank, the system will automatically record the "sequence number" of the banknote, and at the same time, every transaction on this banknote will be recorded in the bank. So, when you commit an illegal act, every cash transaction may be tracked by the bank. Although

has been questioned since the implementation of the pilot program, in fact, the pilot program of this new regulation is not intended to restrict ordinary people from handling banking business. It is to monitor the "loopholes" in cash transactions, to thoroughly crack down on illegal and criminal behaviors in the form of cash transactions, and to better maintain the order of the financial market.


Therefore, the new regulations on the management of large sums of money will not affect our daily lives. On the contrary, the implementation of the new regulations can make our financialThe financial environment is cleaner.

As of December 2020, the pilot projects in Hebei, Shenzhen, and Zhejiang have been carried out very smoothly. The latest data shows that in the three pilot regions, large cash deposits and withdrawals account for 1% of the total business volume. It is believed that in 2021, this new regulation will gradually be implemented throughout the country.

What do you think of this new regulation? Do you support the implementation of the new regulations?

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