Hupan University once launched "Lakeside Three Axes", which was lectured by Ma Yu. Ma Yu said, "The upper three pillars of strategy are mission, vision, and values, and the lower three pillars are organization, talent, and KPI." So, what are three pillars, how did Ali's three pil

2024/07/0314:46:33 technology 1854

Hupan University once launched

Hupan University once launched

Hupan University once launched "Hupan Three Axes", which was lectured by Ma Yu.

Ma Yu said, "The upper three pillars of strategy are mission, vision, and values, and the lower three pillars are organization, talent, and KPI."

So, what are three pillars, how did Alibaba develop, and how can we learn from them?

Q , What is a three-blade ax?

Ax, a metal cutting tool. In the Ice Age, it could be used to cut firewood in normal times, but it was a weapon for fighting in battle. It was often used by fierce generals. When it danced, it showed the majestic appearance of splitting mountains and swallowing mountains and rivers.

The allusion of "Three Axes" is said to originate from Cheng Yaojin. He met a noble man in a dream and only learned three moves. There are many explanations for the three moves, which include key actions such as downward slashing, horizontal wiping, diagonal lifting and thrusting. It is simple and practical, yet extremely powerful.

The extended meaning of the three-ban ax does not require too many ways to solve problems. Practice the simplest moves to the extreme. Every move is a unique move.

Q, What are Alibaba's three-board axes?

In Alibaba, three-board axes are a set of management tools, which are respectively applicable to grassroots, middle-level , and senior managers . Together, they are actually called "nine-board axes."

The earliest version

1, The grassroots level sets goals, pursues the process, and gets the results

2, The middle level Hire&Fire, team building, Get result 3. The top management pulls hair, looks in the mirror, and smells the smell

The latest version

1, The grassroots level gets the results, Hire&Fire, and builds the team

2. The middle level determines strategy, serves as director, and builds the team.

3. The top management determines strategy, decides on tasks and hires people, and builds the soil.

Q. Why does Alibaba have Sanbanax?

1. The essence of Sanbanax. The logic of Sanbanax is to focus on creating different levels. The echelon growth of the management team will then promote the growth of the entire organization.

2, Alibaba genes dictate Alibaba started with the sales team, and later gradually integrated operational and technical talents. The talent ladder and levels are rich. Ma Yu hopes to build Alibaba's core competitiveness through management and talent training.

Q, the development of Alibaba's three-part project

Alibaba's three-part project has been polished for many years, from the earliest simple teaching to today's devilish training project with practical exercises as the core and similar to the action learning model.

In Alibaba, every manager is required to participate in San Ban Ax training at least once. Everyone is both looking forward to and fearing San Ban Ax. The expectation is that San Ban Ax will bring personal and team breakthroughs every time, but the fear is that three days and three nights will almost bring about personal and team breakthroughs. I couldn't sleep at night, the training kept PKing and being eliminated at the end, which was very stressful.

Q, San Ban Ax "Three Days and Three Nights" Basic Process

On the evening of day 0, San Ban Ax class opening ceremony, the group focused on solving who (who are we?), the team broke the ice and became familiar with the process. During the day on the first day of

, the group focused on solving why (why should we do this?) and what (what should we do). In the evening, the groups were sorted and 271 assessed, and the last student was eliminated.

During the day of the second day, the group focused on how to do (how we accomplish the goal, a complete set of implementation plans). In the evening, the group sorted and assessed 271, and eliminated the last student. On the third day of

, all groups will review, including a big report in the morning and a general review in the afternoon, including team review, personal review, and course review.

Q, The essence of Sanbanaxe training

1, The ax used to cut people down is an axe. It will make you and the team suffer once every day. Every day, you have to cut off one person in the team, that is, the worst person. This person will be there. Stand back and listen to the lecture, or go back directly.

2, PK competition three days and three nights of training, there are 4-5 rounds of PK competition between groups, from the why and what on the first day, to the how on the second day, to the review and review on the third day, it is all cruel Since it is a PK match, there are winners and losers, and the losing team will be punished.

Q, Alibaba’s grassroots three key points

Leg strength (only with good legs can you stand firm, kick accurately, and kick hard) 1. Hire & Fire (recruitment & firing)

– it is your own business

– Train, Remove, Fire

– The heart must be kind, the knife must be sharp

2, TeamBuilding (building a team)

– The honor belongs to the team, the responsibility belongs to oneself

– Nurturing people in the process of using them, employing people in the process of nurturing them

3, GetResult (Get the results)

– Ugly words First of all, NoSurprise

– the result without process is garbage, the process without result is fart

Q, Alibaba’s middle management must focus on waist strength (a good waist can only have a clear mind)

1, understand the Why first, and then How

– know it , know why

– there is no perfect strategy, only perfect execution

2, the best allocator of team resources, the best combination of resources

– beyond Bole

– inherit the past and the next, so that everyone can do it

3, do Owner of director products and services

– What products do you have?

– How many customers have you served?

– What are the inputs and outputs?

Q. The three key points of Alibaba’s top executives

Brain power (you need to use your brain to make decisions, and your brain needs to Calm) 1. The fixed strategy

– the strategy can be seen in 3 points and made in 7 points. The general direction is right. Continuous trial and error

- A good strategy is "hard work".

2, Create soil

- A transparent sky, a safe land, a flowing sea, a forest with sufficient oxygen, a harmonious and a sense of belonging. Work community

– enable (empower) your team members

3, decide and hire people

– do the right things, not just do things correctly

– find the right people, know them well and make good use of them, employ people for their strengths, and be suspicious when employing people. If people want to use

Q, Ali's nine key points of leadership

can be summed up in one sentence: "One picture, one battle, one heart."

1. Doing things

First, the senior management needs to determine the strategy and direction, and clearly see the competitive situation of the industrial structure and competition in the next 3 to 5 years;

Secondly, the middle management needs to determine the strategy and transform the big but virtual strategy into the strategy for the year;

Finally, the grassroots need to get results, translate these strategies into specific projects and goals, and refine them to a small team that can be responsible and produce results.

2. Cultivating people

First, to build a team, every manager should know how to lead people, unite people, and lead everyone towards a common goal;

Secondly, to build a team, you need to combine operations, products, technology and other forces. play a role; finally, create soil. As long as the soil is good, plants can easily sow, allowing the team culture to present a healthy and positive energy state.

3, Opening up the second line of Ren and Du

Hire&Fire For lower-level managers, in addition to getting results and building teams, it is very important to recruit and not fire. In Alibaba, if a manager has never fired employees, he is not a truly mature manager. As a director and manager, as a director, firstly, you need to choose a good script, that is, choose a good business; secondly, you need to find good actors to build a team; thirdly, you need good stage design, lighting and other supporting facilities to bring the team together. .

The higher the level of decision-making and human management, the more critical it is whether the right people can be employed and whether they can make difficult and imperfect decisions. This is a test of the manager's wisdom and best reflects what he/she truly believes.

Q, Alibaba Sanban Ax Dictionary

is the soil. You think you are the seed, and your small team is the soil. If other small teams think your team is the seed, the other teams are your soil.

In the competition and cooperation relationship, everyone is both a competitor and a partner. It is best for everyone to speak frankly, because only your opponents can discover your problems, and your opponents are your best partners for growth.

Because of trust, it is simple. This is an old Ali saying, from Alipay slogan. Ali has naked meetings, where everyone opens up to chat and talk about things, and each tells how he grew up. Only when you understand other people's stories, can you Really get to know each other.

Treat people as human beings. Don't treat the other person as a tool, and don't treat the other person as a saint. Since the other person is a living person, there will be joys and sorrows, and the person will have shortcomings and advantages.

Cultivation under false pretenses Life is like a play, you must enter the play. One minute on stage, ten years of hard work off stage. The three days of practical training is to save the team's running-in time and unnecessary waste of ammunition in the future.

Cultivating people through things, whether it is training or actual work, the team will always go through countless conflicts and quarrels, and it is necessary to cultivate one's character through these big and small things.

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