Speaking of "learning machines", many of us may still have the impression of the "Little Overlord" learning machine. In fact, learning machines have gone through several stages of development such as electronic teaching aids and online course learning, and have gradually entered

2024/07/0112:03:33 technology 1891

Speaking of " learning machine ", many of us may still have the impression of the "Little Overlord" learning machine. In fact, learning machines have gone through several stages of development such as electronic teaching aids and online course learning, and have gradually entered the AI intelligent stage. As a technology company that continues to delve into the smart education industry, IFLYTEK has recently launched two new learning machine products - AI learning machine X3 Pro and AI learning machine Q20, and has upgraded the T10 and X2 Pro models. ; At the same time, iFlytek announced that it will jointly establish the "AI learning machine" standard with Wu Yonghe, an expert from the International Organization for Standardization and a member of the Education Information Technology Standards Committee, to jointly explore the future of the AI ​​learning machine industry.

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Looking back at the development history of tablet-based learning machines, initially learning machines were mainly in the form of "tablet + learning resources", with built-in resources such as some electronic textbooks, electronic teaching aids, and recorded video lessons. This form of product brings learning resources from the classroom to outside the classroom for the first time, greatly meeting the needs of extracurricular learning. However, from the perspective of knowledge transfer, this one-way input method of resources has certain disadvantages. Students cannot control the knowledge content of the learning machine themselves, nor can they receive timely and effective feedback on learning effects, nor can they plan appropriate learning. path.

Since then, with the rapid development of mobile Internet and online education, learning machines in the "online course learning" model have emerged. The learning machine at this stage is mainly in the form of "tablet + learning resources + online learning APP". There is an application market inside the learning machine. There are a large number of online education APPs for parents and children to choose from, which greatly improves the degree of freedom and learning. machine usage efficiency.

With the advent of the digital age, learning machines have gradually entered the "AI learning stage". Learning machine products are empowered with AI technology, and problems that arise during learning are recorded in detail, and various learning behaviors are accurately evaluated and formulated accordingly. A learning plan that is more suitable for users provides a personalized and hierarchical learning model.

Under the background of the implementation of the " double reduction " education policy and the normalization of the epidemic, AI learning machines have become a more popular product among teachers, students and parents. But at the same time, there are still many technical problems that need to be solved for AI learning machines, including labeling training data, obtaining a large amount of comprehensive data, interpreting output results, and universality of learning. The main problems reflected in the product are the following: mismatch of localization of question bank resources and weak local pertinence; inaccurate judgment of subjective questions, which may lead to misjudgment bias in the case of "one question with multiple solutions"; The requirements for self-control are relatively high, making it difficult to help children develop independent learning abilities. To solve these problems, it is necessary to deeply integrate teaching content with AI algorithm learning solutions to achieve self-improvement; at the same time, the AI ​​learning machine industry also needs to formulate complete rules and standards.

In view of the current situation of the development of AI learning machines, iFlytek Learning Machines of HKUST has proposed the “4+1” standard, which specifically includes “the ability to analyze learning conditions, make recommendations for learning, improve language, and promote results.” confidence". The formulation and implementation of the "4+1" standard provides a better "problem-solving idea" for the development of AI learning machines, which can greatly promote the healthy development of the industry and the improvement of product quality.

On June 29, 2022, iFlytek announced at the AI ​​Learning Machine new product launch conference that it will take the lead in co-creating the "AI Learning Machine" group logo with Professor Wu Yonghe, an expert from the International Organization for Standardization and a member of the Education Information Technology Standards Committee, to promote AI education. Standardization of the intelligent hardware industry.

iFlytek’s AI learning machine continues to innovate and upgrade under the “4+1” standard. Children can perform ten questions on the learning machine or take pictures of homework and test papers to diagnose their academic situation, sort out the knowledge map, and recommend learning content. At the same time, iFlytek's AI learning machine has added a new feature developed in conjunction with and Shanghai International Studies University . The "Ryan Bear AI English" learning section makes learning English more fun for children. The function of the AI ​​learning plan allows children to learn efficiently and step by step.

Speaking of

According to the "2021 Global Artificial Intelligence Education Application Implementation Research Report", "new era parents" pay more attention to scientific education concepts and parent-child education interaction, while " new era children" are more independent and self-aware, willing to express, and hope to gain Respect, and intelligent learning products empowered by AI technology are the "universal solution" to cope with new situations and new needs. I believe that in the future, AI learning machines and even the entire educational intelligent hardware industry will be more standardized and standardized, ushering in a longer-term development develop.

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