Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a chip "mania period", Google Cloud has become another large technology company to join the transformation. This move has brought greater pressure to CPU chip manufacturers Intel and AMD.

2024/07/0104:02:32 technology 1644

Just now, the Google Cloud department of Alphabet officially announced: "We will begin to use 's chip based on ARM technology." It can be seen that today's chip market is indeed in full swing. Not only are the giants in the chip industry showing their talents, but even Internet companies want to carve up a piece of "land" here.

Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a chip

Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a "mania period" for chips, Google Cloud has become another large technology company to join the transformation. This move has brought greater pressure to CPU chip manufacturers Intel and AMD . For this reason Google said: The company's new service will be based on Ampere Computing's Altra chips, and Ampere Computing will also sell chips to Microsoft , Oracle and other companies.

Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a chip

The relationship between ARM, Intel and AMD can be traced back to 2018. The data center chip technology dominated by the latter two is provided. It can be said that with Google joining the ARM camp, can turn its back on customers in the field of large-scale cloud services and provide itself with Expand the supply market of chip technology.

Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a chip

Judging from the current overseas chip market, major technology giants have gradually entered the "infighting" stage against the background of overcapacity of chips. The overcapacity of chips overseas has also coincided with the rise of mainland China's technology manufacturers. , Self-developed chip technology is related to self-sufficiency.

Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a chip

Now, although domestic chip technology has not really broken through, technology companies have the awareness to move towards self-research, and it is a good sign that they are willing to work hard and devote themselves to scientific research. For example, companies such as Unisoc , SMIC , Xiaomi and The Paper are constantly trying new chip directions.

Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a chip

The most representative company with diversified chip innovation is the current hot potential stock Xiaomi Pengpai. Xiaomi started to move towards segmented fields with its first SOC chip, The Paper P1, and , which represents the Imaging Pengpai C1 chip, launched an offensive in mobile imaging technology with its excellent algorithms. represents the fast-charging Pengpai P1 chip. solves the problems of safety and speed of single-core charging of mobile phones, and brings new optimization directions to domestic self-developed technology.

Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a chip

Under the excellent market feedback of ThePaper C1 and ThePaper P1 chips, Xiaomi's technical team accelerated the pace of research and development. In less than a year, the fourth chip ThePaper G1 was born, and became the first chip used in mobile phones in China. Battery management chip, Xiaomi 12S Ultra realizes a full-link closed loop from fast charging to battery management.

Judging from the situation in the overseas chip market, in such a chip

In the past two years, after Lei Jun proposed the goal of "investing 100 billion in research and development in the next five years", the process of Xiaomi's Pengpai chip has accelerated, and the development of the chip industry is obvious to all. I believe that in the near future, the domestic semiconductor and chip industry chain will become more prosperous, and more technology companies will move forward like Xiaomi Pengpai.

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