What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend

2024/06/3013:58:32 technology 1533

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone13 series. Why is there a situation where , Apple, and are the dominant family? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friends are still struggling to catch up with Apple’s chips from two years ago.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

On the surface, the vice president is suspected of telling lies, but they do have the confidence, which can be seen from the market response of the iPhone13 series. In addition, in actual experience, there is indeed no high-end Android phone that can compete with the iPhone13 Let’s break down the series, how did Apple achieve this level?

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

The answer is the processor. We all know that the A-series processors used in the iPhone are developed by Apple Inc. . They can fully control the design of the processor chips themselves, and the most direct benefit is that each generation of A-series processors The devices have been significantly improved. Android mobile phone manufacturers are different. Most of their processors are purchased, mainly from Qualcomm and MediaTek . As for the performance improvement, you can't control it. Even if their processors are not good, they can only Bite the bullet and buy it.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

For example, in the past two years, Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 and Snapdragon 8Gen1 processors have been overturned one after another. They have high power consumption, severe heat generation, and are not even as easy to use as the processors two years ago. However, these Android mobile phone manufacturers have no way, it is not good You have to bite the bullet and buy it, otherwise you won’t have a processor to use.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

In addition to Apple, Samsung and Huawei can also develop their own processors, but Samsung itself still uses Qualcomm's processors. You can only imagine what level it is. Huawei's Kirin processor is very good, but there is still a big gap compared with Apple's A series processors. The main gap lies in the cache. Whether it is a computer or a mobile phone, the larger the cache, the better the performance release.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

In 2013, the A7 processor used in the iPhone 5S already used a 4MB cache. Since the processor of Android phones adopted the ARM public version architecture, it was not until 2017 that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor used a 4MB cache. Now the iPhone13 Pro The cache of the full-blooded A15 processor on the series has reached 32MB, while the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 in the same period only has a 3MB cache, which is almost ten times the difference. Isn’t it a bit scary? Huawei's Kirin processor is ahead of Qualcomm in this regard. The Kirin 9000 processor two years ago already used an 8MB cache, but compared with the A15 processor, the gap is still very large.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

Since we know that the bigger the cache, the better, why don’t these manufacturers use it? The reason is money. Whether it is processor manufacturers such as Qualcomm or MediaTek, or mobile phone manufacturers, their profits are incomparable to Apple. According to data, Apple’s net profit in 2021 exceeded US$94.68 billion. This company The company has captured nearly 70% of the profits of the global smartphone market, but the sales of Apple mobile phones only account for about 20%. It can be seen that Apple’s profits are really too high. Since they can earn such high profits through the mobile phone business profits, then you will have the confidence to invest more in chips.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

Let’s still take the A15 processor equipped in the iPhone 13 series as an example. This processor uses a 32MB cache and the cost is much higher. However, this processor is only used for its own mobile phones. Those Android phone manufacturers are only greedy and consume. If consumers want better processors and better performance, they can only buy iPhones. Doing so can bring higher profits to Apple. They have formed such a virtuous cycle.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

In order to sell chips, chip manufacturers will inevitably bargain with these Android phone manufacturers. In order to have a more advantageous price to compete with other manufacturers, they have to consider cost savings. Apple is self-sufficient, so they do not have such a problem.Apple is also spending money to make acquisitions everywhere. For example, they spent huge sums of money to acquire two established chip design companies, PASEMI and Intrinsity, to enhance their strength in chip design. Faced with such a wealthy Apple, Android phone manufacturers have no way to fight back. force.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

Having said this, there will definitely be a lot of people who want to criticize me, saying that I am brainless to praise Apple, and that I belittle domestic mobile phones. I am really helpless for such a keyboard warrior. Although the current Android mobile phones are mainly domestically produced, These manufacturers still cannot master the core technology of mobile phones. For example, the system and chips are all owned by others. If Apple is doing well, why can't we recognize it? With such a strong opponent, only domestic mobile phone manufacturers can stay awake at all times and let them go. Working hard to catch up, now they have realized something. OPPO has developed Mariana chips, and Xiaomi have developed Pengpai chips. We have seen the positive side, but it is not enough. We hope that these domestic mobile phone manufacturers can increase their efforts. In terms of R&D efforts, we can master the core technology as soon as possible. Only then will we no longer be choked by others and can we truly stand up.

What are the high-end smartphones worth buying in 2022? I believe the answer will be more consistent, that is, the iPhone 13 series. Why does Apple dominate the market? At the launch of the iPhone 13 series, Apple’s vice president of product marketing once gave the answer: Friend - DayDayNews

Okay, let’s stop talking today. What do you think about the iPhone dominating the high-end smartphone market? Leave your thoughts in the comment area and let’s communicate together. Don’t forget to like, comment, forward and follow. Thank you all in advance.

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