Baoland, Tongxin Software, Lanling, Renmin University of Finance and Economics, and Haiguang jointly create an integrated system office solution###The following article is from Tongxin Ecology. The author Tongxin Ecology Center follows the "Tongxin Full Stack Integration Since th

2024/06/2911:55:33 technology 1234

Baoland , Tongxin Software, Lanling , Renmin University of Finance and Economics, and Haiguang jointly create an integrated system office solution ###

The following article comes from Tongxin Ecology, author Tongxin Ecology Center

Following June 22 Since the release of the "Tongxin Full-stack Integrated Support Platform", Tongxin Software has teamed up with Lanling, Baoland, Renmin University of Finance and Economics, and Haiguang to recently release an integrated system office solution to empower the digital transformation and upgrading of governments and enterprises. , to create a new generation of comprehensive independent innovative collaborative office base that is ecological, intelligent, digital and platform-based.

takes as its core goal to actively promote the smooth implementation of the localization of information infrastructure in key industries such as finance, operators, energy and electricity. The "Unongxin Full-stack Integrated Support Platform" launched by Tongxin Software with the operating system as the core has gathered the industry The superior resources of the top basic software companies and complete machine platforms have been used to build a joint tuning and testing platform for basic software and hardware of "production, academia, research and application" to lay a solid technical foundation for the basic software platform for the localization migration of the industry.

In this regard, this solution uses Tongxin UOS operating system V20, Baoland middleware, Haiguang CPU, and Renmin University of Finance and Economics database as the basic service platform base combination, and is deeply integrated and highly adapted to the application layer of Lanling system. Based on the integrated system office solution, it integrates multi-industry applications and combines low-threshold configuration development to achieve seamless integration with its own office platform, including document decontrol, electronic signature, online signature, etc.

Baoland, Tongxin Software, Lanling, Renmin University of Finance and Economics, and Haiguang jointly create an integrated system office solution###The following article is from Tongxin Ecology. The author Tongxin Ecology Center follows the

(Integrated system office solution architecture diagram)

solution advantages

scenario-based solution

creates an innovative new ecosystem, breaks the ecological concept of building around single products, builds a platform system based on chips + basic software, and accelerates the ecological development of basic software and hardware. The comprehensive experience of

has greatly improved the competitiveness of

. It provides integrated solutions to meet the migration needs of business and scenarios to the basic platform and obtains joint technical support from all aspects of the basic platform.

is based on microservice architecture

adopts Spring Cloud+React technology. The microservice architecture brings more reliable performance and experience; the front-end and back-end are separated, which can quickly realize different front-end interaction logic and adapt to the deployment and application of different industries.

scalable application platform

provides customized forms and process engines to quickly achieve business expansion; Lanlingyun development platform supports rapid modeling and provides source code for complex business development and customization to meet localized application expansion and continuous upgrades.

high-availability client environment

works together with mainstream domestic streaming version signing software manufacturers to ensure Xinchuang service capabilities, meet plug-in applications and OFD national standard file requirements, and realize the safe use of government electronic official seals and signatures based on national secret algorithms.

Military-grade security

complies with sub-insurance and equal protection and military-grade security requirements. It supports the management of system administrators, security and confidentiality administrators and security audit administrators. They are independent and restrictive of each other to ensure the security of the environment and applications throughout the entire process.

application scenarios

Tongxin UOS operating system Lanling Eco OA comprehensive domestic collaborative office solution provides the core functions of enterprises that comply with standard specifications and meet the needs of localized transformation/upgrades. It is fully adapted to domestic mainstream basic software and hardware, and is targeted at different needs. The number of users matches the corresponding performance deployment plan.

unified portal

is user-centered and realizes business scenarios. Build a unified work platform that integrates users, portals, to-dos and searches, provides leaders with a data "cockpit" to assist management and decision-making, and provides a diversified service sharing platform for various functional departments and grassroots employees to truly achieve the goals of thousands of people and thousands of employees. In order to create a " today's headlines " for employees.

Baoland, Tongxin Software, Lanling, Renmin University of Finance and Economics, and Haiguang jointly create an integrated system office solution###The following article is from Tongxin Ecology. The author Tongxin Ecology Center follows the

Unified process

Flexible and convenient form design and filling, intelligent mobile process approval, support process model, process monitoring platform, etc., ensuring that traces are left throughout the process, implementing approval responsibilities, and reducing process risks.

Official document management

supports the full-process electronic management of official documents of party and government agencies and government functional departments at all levels, covering the internal and inter-organizational sending, receiving and exchange of 15 kinds of official documents; it is flexible, convenient, powerful and safe, supporting the efficient issuance of government orders. , Government affairs cooperation is carried out efficiently.

Personnel Management

provides one-stop portal navigation, integrates dispersed business modules, and creates a scenario-based and guided portal map; it meets the full life cycle of recruitment management, employee management and other personnel processes, and multi-dimensional human resources data reports provide management with More intuitive data analysis and decision-making basis, grassroots employee data can be self-queried, greatly reducing HR workload and improving the overall efficiency of the enterprise's backend department.

expense control management

expense budget "PDCA" model, six cores help expense control management to be more efficient: portal and master data, multi-dimensional budget management, multiple expense control, mobile micro-reimbursement, ecological application integration, and data insight analysis.

Baoland, Tongxin Software, Lanling, Renmin University of Finance and Economics, and Haiguang jointly create an integrated system office solution###The following article is from Tongxin Ecology. The author Tongxin Ecology Center follows the

Contract and signature management

supports contract full life cycle management , provides contract dashboards, real-time tracking of dynamics, supports multi-level entity management, counterparty management, physical seal and electronic seal integration and full-cycle management, accelerating the promotion of administrative independence paper, and contribute to dual-carbon emission reduction.

security management

"Three-person management" is the guarantee. System administrators, security administrators and security audit administrators are independent of and restrict each other to protect information security, prevent malicious intrusions, access and password security control, and establish a green ecology of security assurance.

Baoland, Tongxin Software, Lanling, Renmin University of Finance and Economics, and Haiguang jointly create an integrated system office solution###The following article is from Tongxin Ecology. The author Tongxin Ecology Center follows the

Baoland has been committed to creating more professional and complete middleware solutions for more industry customers to help enterprises achieve efficient digital transformation . In formulating this plan, Baoland also gave targeted suggestions based on its technical experience in the field of middleware. In the future, Baoland will continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with ecological partners such as Tongxin, Lanling, Renmin University of Finance and Economics, Haiguang, etc., to create solutions with better performance and higher reliability, ensure national information security, and jointly promote the national information innovation strategy develop.


About Baoland

BES Introduction

Beijing Baoland Software Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008. It is a high-tech software company focusing on basic software and intelligent operation and maintenance. It successfully landed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board on November 1, 2019. (Stock code: 688058).

Baoland has invested heavily in the field of telecommunications middleware and actively promoted the localization of middleware. In the context of many domestic core technologies encountering "stuck" foreign countries, it has relied on its profound technology accumulation in the field of middleware to promote independent middleware. Products are widely used. In addition to being based in the telecommunications industry,

's products have also been widely used in finance, government, energy and other industries. In the national party and government information innovation projects, Baoland has implemented more than 1,000 projects in 32 provinces and cities across the country; it has replaced IBM and Oracle middleware in the core business systems CRM and BOSS of more than 20 provincial companies of China Mobile to carry services It has more than 100,000 users and 600 million users; its products meet high financial requirements and are widely used in state-owned banks, joint-stock banks, and well-known insurance and securities companies. Baoland has become one of the most important suppliers of middleware, the core basic software for information technology application innovation.

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