In terms of industry distribution, there are a total of 78 newly listed companies specializing in the machinery manufacturing industry, of which 10 are in the first batch, accounting for 12.82% of the companies listed in this issue, and 28 are in the second batch, accounting for

2024/05/2521:10:32 technology 1349

In terms of industry distribution, there are a total of 78 newly listed companies specializing in the machinery manufacturing industry, of which 10 are in the first batch, accounting for 12.82% of the companies listed in this issue, and 28 are in the second batch, accounting for  - DayDayNews

In terms of industry distribution, there are a total of 78 newly listed companies in the machinery manufacturing industry specialization, among which 10 are in the first batch, accounting for 12.82% of the companies listed in this issue, and 28 are in the second batch, accounting for 12.82% of the companies listed in this issue. 35.90% of the companies on sale, the third batch includes 40 companies, accounting for 51.28% of the companies on sale in this period. Among the selected specialized and special new "incubator" companies, listed companies in the machinery manufacturing industry accounted for an increasing proportion of companies listed in this issue.

Among the selected specialized and new machinery manufacturing enterprises, the share of special machinery, instrument equipment, and machinery manufacturing ranks among the top three. Judging from the distribution of subdivisions, among the listed companies specializing in special new machinery manufacturing, there are more companies in special machinery, instrument equipment, and machinery manufacturing, with 24, 16, and 10 companies respectively, accounting for a total of 64.10% of the total output of listed equipment companies. The overall market value of

is small, and the market value of most companies is below 5 billion. In terms of overall market value, among the listed companies specializing in new machinery and equipment, there are only 5 companies with a total market value of more than 10 billion, accounting for 6.41% of the number of listed industrial equipment companies; there are companies with a total market value of 5-10 billion. 28, accounting for 35.90% of the number of listed industrial equipment companies; most of the total market value is less than 5 billion yuan, a total of 45, accounting for 57.69% of the number of industrial equipment companies.

Most of the specialized and new companies in the machinery and equipment sector are hidden champions in the segmented track.

The specialized and new companies in the machinery manufacturing industry have specialized characteristics, and most of them are hidden champions in the segmented industries. There are a total of 78 listed companies specializing in special new machinery and equipment, which are actually divided into 4 major runways. The vast majority of companies are the hidden champions of the segmented runways and are the "industry leaders" in this field, highlighting the company's specialization and refinement. level.

Machinery Manufacturing Specialized New Key Company Analysis

Su Shi Test: Testing and Segmentation Track Well-known Enterprises

Su Shi Test is a company that provides industrial environment and quality reliability testing certification and comprehensive analysis service solutions. , focusing on the product development and manufacturing of environmental test equipment , and providing customers with comprehensive, industry-wide indoor environment and reliability testing certification and research services for the entire equipment product from chips to components to terminal equipment. The company's business is divided into two parts: equipment manufacturing and experimental services, among which the experimental service business is the company's largest main business.

Su Shi’s main business income maintained steady growth. From 2016 to 2020, the company's main business income increased from 394 million yuan to 1.185 billion yuan. Main business revenue in 2021H1 was RMB 675 million, a year-on-year increase of 34%. In terms of projects, the revenue from experimental equipment was 257 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27%; the condition and reliability testing business revenue was 269 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 58%; the integrated circuit chip certification and analysis business revenue was 89 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16%. The increase in operating income mainly comes from the continued growth of the condition and reliability testing services business.

It is not difficult to see that the number of specialized and newly listed companies in the machinery manufacturing industry continues to grow, which also requires the traditional manufacturing industry to comprehensively improve quality and efficiency! In the environment where digital economy has become the engine that promotes the rapid development of enterprises, especially with the support of cloud computing , big data, Internet of Things and other technologies, Dark Horse Enterprise Service Kechuang Cloud serves as a running platform for small and medium-sized enterprises. Through the "AI big data" + "SaaS cloud service" model of the Heima Kechuang Cloud saas cloud service platform, combined with the development needs of enterprises, we combine intellectual property rights with corporate strategies to provide enterprises with cloud services and services to enterprises on the cloud. A high-quality enterprise solution that integrates intellectual property application and management, The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Implementation Plan on Promoting the Action of "Moving to the Cloud to Empower Intelligence with Data" to Cultivate New Economic Development", which mentioned that relevant departments will provide capacity support from , financial inclusion and other aspects to help enterprises accelerate their digital transformation in cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other aspects."Going to the cloud" is the first step in the digital transformation of enterprises, and going to the cloud can solve problems such as "cost and lack of personnel" and is an effective way to promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry. has rich experience in saas, a professional and new enterprise intellectual property with digitization and intelligence as its core. For any related questions, you can come to Heima Enterprise Service Kechuang Cloud to communicate and get answers.

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