Reporter Xia Houfengchao Recently, there was news that Huawei will soon settle in the Changlingshan area of ​​Lixia District, eastern Jinan. Since the beginning of this year, Huawei and Jinan have increased the intensity of exchanges and taken frequent actions. What kind of signa

2024/05/1705:17:32 technology 1770

reporter Xia Houfengchao

Recently, there is news that Huawei will soon be settled in the Changlingshan area of ​​Lixia District in eastern Jinan. Since the beginning of this year, Huawei and Jinan have increased the intensity of exchanges and taken frequent actions. What kind of signal has been released?

Reporter Xia Houfengchao Recently, there was news that Huawei will soon settle in the Changlingshan area of ​​Lixia District, eastern Jinan. Since the beginning of this year, Huawei and Jinan have increased the intensity of exchanges and taken frequent actions. What kind of signa - DayDayNews

had held hands many times before

Before the news of Huawei settling in Jinan, Huawei and Jinan had "held hands" many times before.

At the beginning of 2022, Huawei executives visited Jinan frequently, signed a series of cooperation agreements with Shandong University, Shandong Energy, and Shandong Heavy Industry, and stepped up efforts to upgrade the Huawei Jinan Research Institute in Jinan.

According to the content of the cooperation, Huawei and Shandong Heavy Industry Group will carry out in-depth cooperation in digital transformation of the equipment manufacturing industry, "5G + artificial intelligence " innovative application cooperation, digital technology talent training, and intelligent manufacturing innovation center industry cooperation. ; Huawei and Shandong University will deepen cooperation in aspects such as talent training, scientific research cooperation, achievement transformation, and smart campus construction; Huawei and Shandong Energy Group have established a joint innovation center, which will focus on key areas such as the industrial Internet and smart mine construction by conquering A number of industry innovations lead technologies, develop a number of industry digital standards, and cultivate a number of digital innovation talents, thereby promoting the digital transformation of the energy industry and supporting the high-quality development of state-owned enterprises represented by Shandong Energy.

In addition, data shows that in 2020, Huawei (Jinan) Software Development Cloud Innovation Center, Jinan "Kunpeng + Shengteng" Ecological Innovation Center, and Huawei (Jinan) Artificial Intelligence Innovation Center will be located in Minghu International Information Technology Industrial Park, Lixia District, Jinan City .

"Three Centers will take digital economy as the development direction, take technological innovation as the starting point, use the innovation platform as the carrier, based on artificial intelligence computing power, innovation ability platform, entrepreneurial gathering platform, artificial intelligence talent training platform, to create a national artificial intelligence A leading benchmark for the development of intelligent innovation, we share artificial intelligence technology and practices, work with partners to promote the upgrading of the intelligent industry, and bring new economic development to Jinan." Shi Yaohong, Vice President of Huawei China and President of Huawei Cloud and Computing China. express.

Reporter Xia Houfengchao Recently, there was news that Huawei will soon settle in the Changlingshan area of ​​Lixia District, eastern Jinan. Since the beginning of this year, Huawei and Jinan have increased the intensity of exchanges and taken frequent actions. What kind of signa - DayDayNews

The number of Huawei visits to Jinan has increased

In the first half of this year, the number of Huawei visits to Jinan has increased, and a lot of information has been revealed. Recently, a photo was circulated on the Internet with the background of the event being the signing ceremony of the deepening cooperation agreement between Jinan Lixia Holding Group Co., Ltd. and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. . Among them, Xu Zhijun, director and rotating chairman of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., who participated in the signing in the picture, visited Jinan on February 27.

Reporter Xia Houfengchao Recently, there was news that Huawei will soon settle in the Changlingshan area of ​​Lixia District, eastern Jinan. Since the beginning of this year, Huawei and Jinan have increased the intensity of exchanges and taken frequent actions. What kind of signa - DayDayNews

"The cooperation between Huawei and Jinan has gradually deepened, the scope has continued to expand, and the relationship has become increasingly close." On February 27, Xu Zhijun and his delegation visited Jinan and said that Huawei has currently cooperated in three innovation centers in Jinan, based in Jinan, serving Shandong Industry and talent development.

"In the next step, we hope that both parties will leverage their respective advantages to carry out pragmatic cooperation in the digital transformation of government and enterprises, industrial software innovation, artificial intelligence innovation, new smart city construction, especially the one-stop government affairs network, and jointly accelerate the advancement of Huawei's Shandong regional headquarters. And projects such as the Jinan Research Institute project and the Artificial Intelligence Computing Center have been implemented,” Xu Zhijun said. The Huawei Shandong Regional Headquarters and Jinan Research Institute projects mentioned by Xu Zhijun are also projects that have attracted much attention.

Huawei Research Institute is an important part of Huawei's R&D system. It has been established in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xi'an, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Suzhou, and has become an important driving force for local industrial transformation and economic growth. Public reports show that Huawei Jinan Research Institute has actually been operating for several years. Due to its relatively small scale, it was previously affiliated to Huawei Nanjing Research Institute. Huawei Jinan Research Institute will take the opportunity of Xu Zhijun’s visit to be formally established together with Changsha Research Institute.

During his visit on February 27, Xu Zhijun proposed cooperation in the one-stop government affairs network, which has also made progress recently. On June 9, Yu Haitian, deputy secretary of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee and mayor, met with Yang Ruikai, senior vice president of Huawei and CEO of the Government Affairs One Netcom Corps, and his delegation.

“In recent years, cooperation and exchanges between Huawei and Jinan City have continued to deepen.Yang Ruikai said that in the next step, Huawei will carry out pragmatic cooperation in areas such as urban digitalization and artificial intelligence, continue to increase the introduction of talents, technology and resource empowerment in Jinan, accelerate the implementation of relevant projects, and make more contributions to the high-quality development of Jinan. Contribution.

Reporter Xia Houfengchao Recently, there was news that Huawei will soon settle in the Changlingshan area of ​​Lixia District, eastern Jinan. Since the beginning of this year, Huawei and Jinan have increased the intensity of exchanges and taken frequent actions. What kind of signa - DayDayNews

Jinan has brought more than just technological innovation.

Jinan’s various performances are enough to demonstrate Jinan’s expectations and sincerity for Huawei’s presence. In conversations with Huawei guests, Yu Haitian mentioned many times that “Jinan will continue to create more. Excellent business environment, providing strong guarantee and support", which also reveals Jinan's desire for enterprises including Huawei.

What will Huawei bring to Jinan? Xu Zhijun once said that Huawei will "striving for Jinan to be the first and enhance innovation. "Provide technological innovation support capabilities" and "make every effort to promote Jinan's industrial digital scene resources and digital industrialization data resource advantages to accelerate the blooming, accelerate high-quality development, and help Jinan build a Yellow River basin information hub central city and a famous smart city in China" . The scientific and technological innovation support capabilities mentioned by

coincide with Jinan’s current development goals. Currently, Jinan is fully committed to gathering high-end scientific and technological resources such as universities and institutes, and its scientific and technological innovation strength has increased significantly, injecting strong momentum into accelerating high-quality development. Motivation. The Provincial Party Congress also gave Jinan responsibilities and missions, proposing to "implement big science plans and big science projects, lay out a number of major science and technology infrastructure, build the Jinan Science and Technology Innovation City of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Marine Science and Technology Center with high standards, and create Comprehensive National Science Center ". It is not difficult to find that Huawei will empower Jinan in scientific and technological innovation.

In the docking with Jinan, Huawei has also repeatedly proposed cooperation in "industrial digitization" and "digital industrialization" , in this year’s government work report, “accelerate the digital transformation of the economy and society, and promote the coordinated development of digital industrialization, industrial digitalization, and urban digitalization. " is listed as one of the six key tasks. In addition, the "smart city construction" proposed by Huawei is also mentioned in the government work report.

For Jinan, where the three major strategies overlap, in-depth cooperation with Huawei and other companies Docking, whether it is the improvement of scientific innovation or the empowerment of digital cities, it is foreseeable that Jinan will increase its efforts to become the national central city of .

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