After the implementation of Jingdong's "Thousands of People, Thousands of Faces", traffic has been segmented more accurately, which requires merchants to be more precise when obtaining traffic, otherwise it will affect traffic distribution. Of course, there are various factors th

2024/05/1615:40:32 technology 1375

After the implementation of Jingdong's

After the implementation of Jingdong , traffic has been segmented more accurately, which requires merchants to be more precise when obtaining traffic, otherwise it will affect traffic distribution.

Of course, there are various factors that affect traffic distribution, and one of them that needs special attention is the crowd tag. In this issue, the doctor store manager focuses on the crowd tags among thousands of people.

What is a crowd tag?

Crowd tag is actually a tag given by the system to merchants, stores or products. Behind this tag, there are certain crowd attributes, such as gender, age, spending power, etc. After being tagged, the system will deliver it to the designated group of people according to the label attributes of the product when it is delivered.

For merchants, this delivery method can make the traffic obtained more accurate, thus improving the conversion rate.

What factors can lead to confusion in crowd tags?

1, Jingtiaoke, live broadcast

Many merchants will choose to do a wave of Jingtiaoke when launching new products to quickly accumulate sales and reviews. However, the traffic generated by Jingtiaoke does not necessarily fully match the product’s crowd label. , over time it will lead to label confusion, and the same is true for live streaming.

2, trial activity

The trial activity launched by has a relatively low threshold for participation, which leads to confusion among the crowd. Among them, the proportion of people with low spending power is not low. The impact is not bad for products with low unit price, but the unit price is slightly higher. It is easy for products to be labeled by confusing people.

3, flash sale activity

are the same as the trial activity. Products with high unit price are registered for a flash sale activity. The people participating in the activity are those who are more price-sensitive or have middle and low-end consumption levels. So for such a group of people, For stores and products, it is an inaccurate group of people, causing the group labels to be disrupted. How does

save disrupted crowd tags?

1. Express pulled back

Jingdong Express plays a great role in correcting the tags of thousands of people and thousands of faces. While ensuring the accuracy of keywords, the effect of opening a customized group is better than that of the Beijing-selected group. When

customizes the crowd, you must first determine the range of visitors that the product is targeting. To obtain data for this crowd, it is recommended that you operate according to the specific analysis of your own product and the data of the industry crowd. Categories are selected according to the level of the population, and you can start testing from the second-level population. When setting the premium for

, it is recommended to set it at 5%-10%, and for non-standard premiums, set it at no less than 30%. Be careful to base it on objective data and do not blindly believe in your own subjective assumptions.

After about a week, the crowd combination will be carried out based on the feedback of the test data and the proportion of tags, and then gradually reduce the PPC, increase the crowd premium, and highlight the crowd effect.

finally compared the accurate traffic data and inaccurate traffic data of Express. When the accurate traffic data is much higher, it means that the crowd label has been saved.

2. Old customer marketing

There is no need to elaborate too much on the importance of repeat customers. It takes a lot of effort to attract a new customer, but the customer's crowd label is not necessarily accurate. It is better to do a good job in marketing to old customers. Repeat purchases can not only strengthen the crowd label, but also increase the weight of products and stores.

regularly sends text messages and phone calls to old customers, and reminds old customers during promotional activities, so that old customers can feel that they are treated differently from other customers, which will naturally help increase the customer's repurchase rate.

It is not terrible to have messed up crowd tags. This is a situation that every store may encounter during the operation process. As long as you make good decisions and reintegrate the messed up tags, you can. The above is the content shared with you in this issue. If you want to communicate and consult on store operation methods, please add the homepage WeChat.

After the implementation of Jingdong's

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