Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running;

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Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Financial Street Telecommunications/Other Mountain Stone Huanxingqiu 022-07-03 02:21

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba new species "Lingyang" came out. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; "瓓" means "high-rise building", helping Enterprises and merchants stand taller and see further. This was a very high-standard press conference. Zhang Yong, Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, and Cheng Li, Chief Technology Officer of the Group, made special speeches. Zhang Yong set the tone: "The launch of Lingyang is an important step taken by Alibaba Group after long-term consideration." Relying on Alibaba's accumulated digital capabilities in the consumer field, Lingyang will step into the Tao department and provide merchants with "digital intelligence services." This helps merchants and enterprises move toward all-round digitalization. Why did Ali target this battlefield?

Data explosion and data chimneys have become new bottlenecks in digitalization

The global wave of digitalization is unstoppable.

IDC data shows that in 2020, the world created 64 ZB of data. By 2025, the total amount of global data will reach 163 ZB, of which enterprises account for 60%.

However, while enterprises have become the main force in digital transformation and produced massive amounts of data, it is difficult to extract more value from it. For consumer companies that rely heavily on data feedback to adjust business strategies, the necessity and difficulty of digital transformation are particularly prominent.

Different businesses face different difficulties - many mid-level and individual businesses have turned to global operations, "multi-platform layout" has become common, and marketing contacts have become scattered; for leading brands, in addition to consolidating dealers Channels must also embrace direct-facing consumers, and the integration and connection of both ends has become a challenge.

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Picture Unsplash @John Schnobrich

Taking 2020 as the node, previously, leading companies in the consumer field mainly hoped to make quick decisions and trial and error quickly through data analysis; since then, brands have become more eager to establish their own positions, from main to B (to B) dealers) to integration to C (directly facing consumers), there is an increasingly strong demand for "global digital integration".

Dong Fangying, head of Lingyang’s retail solutions, took FMCG dairy companies as an example. Now many brands have opened Tmall flagship stores (C), and are connected with a large number of dealers (B). Can orders be fulfilled? Inventory allocation to production and sales coordination are all integrated, so as to span different scenarios and help these merchants save ineffective losses? For Lingyang, this is an imaginative blue ocean market.

However, it is easier said than done to dig out the data generated in each fragmented node on the link one by one, and to integrate the data from different platforms and perform intelligent analysis?

Under the attack of data explosion and data chimney, many enterprises are in a dilemma in digital construction. Peng Xinyu summarized the "three major difficulties": difficulty in problem location, difficulty in problem solving, and difficulty in continuous operation. "These cannot be achieved by solving local problems with the previous system or changing tools."

Chief Technology Officer of Alibaba Group Guan Chengli observed that with the advancement of enterprise digital intelligence , point-like and scattered enabling services can no longer meet this era of rapid change. “Enterprises need more systematic capabilities and overall solutions. "

best practices originate from Alibaba's own problems such as

, which Alibaba encountered 10 years ago.

As early as 2013, when Taobao had not yet made large-scale profits, someone calculated an account: With the current growth rate of Taobao data, if effective governance is not carried out, Alibaba’s profits will be wiped out within three years. Eat them all.

Peng Xinyu recalled: At that time, a large data table on Taobao would be stored 8 times by 8 BUs (Business Units). The difference between these 8 tables was less than 10%, and the storage cost was close to 100 million yuan.

Since then, the "Data Technology and Product Department" came into being to undertake Alibaba's data center construction affairs. Internal data is stored, circulated, and connected through this sophisticated public layer, which also lays a solid foundation for products such as Taobao 88vip that require cross-department data collaboration.

At the end of 2015, Alibaba Group announced the launch of the middle office strategy, building an organizational and business mechanism of " large middle office , small front office". Among them, the "big and medium platform" includes the data middle platform, "all data is commercialized, and all businesses are digitalized" to further explore the new value of digital assets. On the basis of dual middle platforms for data and business, Alibaba has successfully incubated innovative businesses such as , DingTalk, , Fliggy, and Word-of-mouth. A typical example is that the Juhuasuan business was developed with only seven people and one and a half months.

In 2017, Alibaba began to export its "cloud data center" to serve customers in different industries. Today, a team of digital methodologies and best practices has been built within Alibaba, which has become a key team for Lingyang.

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Peng Xinyu believes that, unlike the common SaaS (Software as a Service, software as a service) products on the market, Lingyang wants to create a brand new data intelligence service DaaS (Data intelligence as a Service, data as a service). The emphasis is not just on optimizing work efficiency, but on being data-driven and taking the overall business value into consideration.

"Traditional SaaS is mainly about the standardization of workflow, while the essence of DaaS is to use data-driven growth as the engine to open up and integrate the business flow, data flow and workflow of the enterprise. D stands for Data intelligence, which is DaaS. Core." Peng Xinyu said, "Lingyang is based on data intelligence and uses data thinking to conceive the overall situation, so that the value generated by data runs through all aspects of corporate operations."

What can a digital leader do?

Lingyang’s concept is aimed at the pain points of digital transformation in the entire industry.

A certain home furnishing mall that focuses on offline business has ushered in its "second spring" online. Since 2022, the company has opened Tmall intra-city stations in a total of 240 shopping malls. During the Double 11 period, it held a "Hundred Cities and Thousands of Stores" carnival, and the customer flow of nearly 30 stores increased by more than 5 times compared with daily levels. In the past two years, its customer acquisition costs have been reduced by 92% as a whole, and its annual online revenue has increased by 300%.

Another example is a Korean cosmetics brand that relied on Quick Audience, one of Lingyang’s core products, to return offline members. After selection, it completed refined operations on the Tmall platform.

The project leader said that the primary consideration for choosing Lianyang was "strong product capabilities, completeness and security guarantees". In addition, Quick Audience's focus on global member management scenarios and its strong insight into the consumer market are quite consistent. company needs.

These stories are complicated, but Peng Xinyu gave the simplest example: "Member Operations".

This action, which almost every type of merchant and brand must be exposed to, can be divided into three parts: member recruitment, rights design, and service access. In reality, these three things may belong to different teams, or even be scattered upstream and downstream of the supply chain, separated from each other, and it is difficult to connect the accumulated data to each other.

Peng Xinyu believes that only by integrating the business flow, data flow and workflow corresponding to these three, can the functions that DaaS products should have been achieved - consulting services, product services, and accompanying services.

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

The main thread running through these three "streams" is the core product matrix of Lingyang: "Five Clouds".

The first is analysis cloud . Helping companies gain insight into themselves, their customers, and industry trends. The analytics cloud builds an intelligent insight product system for enterprises to use in their daily operations, on different platforms and through different channels, to know themselves and their enemies, and to survive a hundred battles.

followed by marketing cloud . Focusing on consumer asset operation as the core, the enterprise's membership matrix is ​​formed to help enterprises build a global membership operation system. Serve corporate customers on different platforms for seed cultivation, daily marketing, new product launches, large promotion operations, etc., and help build a key and necessary pre-sales product system.

In addition to the two clouds that are most closely related to small and medium-sized businesses, Lingyang's products also include production and sales cloud, customer service cloud and development cloud , covering the entire process from pre-sales, sales to after-sales. Large enterprises with deep digital needs can use this toolbox to customize an entire "digital brain" for themselves.

For Alibaba, Lingyang’s independence also releases an important signal – Alibaba no longer only focuses on its own ecology, but will serve a broader market and become more open.

Zhang Yong said bluntly that he hopes that Lingyang can not only help merchants run online stores on the Alibaba platform, but also help them better move towards all-round digitalization - "from the digitalization of sales, the digitalization of marketing, and the digitalization of customer service. Digitization, to fully move into the production field, and realize all-round digitization in the supply chain field. "

The blueprint is right in front of us, and people are waiting with bated breath for the first cry of the sheep.

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

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#五人 Independent Economist # Executive Chairman of China Doctoral Association President of Financial Street Telecom Du Meng, Chairman of CECU Chinese Enterprise Capital Alliance, famous independent economist , Ph.D. in Economics, is known as one of China’s four great financial geeks and Dr. Ghost Town. Member of the Peking University branch of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee. Representative works: "Currency", " Currency and Banking ", "Introduction to Investment Management", "Real Estate Development and Operation", "Ghost Town Theory", etc. He once presided over the daily operation and management of the group headquarters and listed companies, and managed and controlled tens of millions of square meters of development area in its investment areas and branch companies. He has the working background of a major person in charge of domestic and foreign listed companies, and has experience in capital operations and real estate investment. He has developed dual work experience and is a representative figure of the academic and practical groups in the financial and real estate circles; he has served as corporate executives from different backgrounds such as military enterprises, state-owned enterprises, school enterprises, and listed groups.

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

Alibaba has opened a new company ~ Lingyang. On June 29, Lingyang held a new brand launch conference online. Peng Xinyu, vice president of Alibaba Group and CEO of Lingyang, explained that sheep are light, fast and good at running; - DayDayNews

China Doctoral Association Financial Street Telecommunications Henan

Wang Xinhua/Editor

Financial Street Telecommunications is the earliest portal website in the financial sector invested and founded by entrepreneurs from the Chinese Doctoral Association.China's leading financial information and business information provider, pioneering the "real-time" model of financial information and business information, pushing important information in seconds, providing users with information, data, market trends, research and community services, 7*24 hours a day, all year round Intermittent

Business and Finance International Perspective Focus on the Pulse of Business Economy Exploring Industry Development Trends Financial Street Telecommunications Henan Chairman CECU China Enterprise Capital Alliance Huaqi (Zhongyuan) Entrepreneurs Club Secretary General Wang Xinhua Editor

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