Hello everyone, I am Yuxian, not Zhazha. My story is a long one. Oh, it’s because Mr. Lu Xun wrote, Deep blue sky, golden full moon, seaside sand, green watermelon, silver ring boy, holding a steel fork in his hand, trying his best to stab...

Hello everyone, I am Yuyun, not Zhazha. My story is a long one.

First of all -

Why is the more beautiful the moonlight is, the more suitable it is for thorns?

"The moonlight tonight is so beautiful, suitable for pricking us." Everyone is familiar with this meme. If you humans don't fall in love in front of flowers and under the moon, why do you go to the melon fields and prick us under the moon? Oh, it’s because Mr. Lu Xun wrote, Deep blue sky, golden full moon, seaside sand, green watermelon, silver ring boy, holding a steel fork in his hand, trying his best to stab...

and so on, do you know that we are not actually called " "繹"?

I am a handsome badger, small in stature, with a lot of energy, gray and slippery fur, and three white vertical stripes on my head and face. My real name is "Badger". As for the word "猹", it was actually created by Mr. Lu Xun himself. Why did he create such a name? He said in a letter to a friend that he coined the word "猹" based on the pronunciation of the name of this animal in the countryside - "Now that I think about it, maybe it's a badger."

The 猹's claws are sharp. They are long and have great digging skills. They usually dig a hole in the mountain to live, lying in bed during the day and coming out at night. Therefore, when the moon rises at night, Runtu children go to the melon fields to assassinate me by the light of the bright moon—— As the saying goes, the more beautiful the moonlight is, the more suitable it is for thorns.

You can't touch me in broad daylight.

Then, alas, let’s just say, what’s wrong with eating your sweet and juicy big watermelons? After eating your melon, I...I will repay you! Do not believe? Look, the treasure of humanities, Yusumaru Gomori, is now cute and adorable.


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Melons must not be eaten in vain. Repaying kindness is mainly achieved by sending various blessings to human beings.

One of the Blessings: Healthy and Healthy Body Bar

As you can see from me happily eating melons, you will know that being able to eat is a blessing. This blessing comes from a healthy stomach and intestines, and at the same time it ensures overall health, forming a virtuous cycle. I am here, I wish you good food, sweet sleep, full energy and strength!

Blessing No. 2: The couple is born with peach blossoms

You are in front of the flowers and under the moon, and I am under the moon in the melon field. Is there no beautiful love? Okay, okay, you don’t have to get married, but I’m very happy to watch your lover’s fake things come true while eating melon...ah, no, it’s who finally got married! Come, listen to me, bless you, the person you fell in love with happens to be in love with you~

Blessing 3: Promotion, salary increase, strong career

What are the wishes of contemporary youth? The main four words are, make money, make money! Haha, we are not tacky, nor do we want you to be profit-seeking. To put it bluntly, "making money" is about career. Career is like fertile land, and money is like grain. If the fields are not planted well, how can there be a good harvest? Look at me, I picked a big watermelon deep in the melon field, hugged it tightly and went home. This is my career...

Blessing No. 4: Get rich overnight and shine with golden light

I understand very well, whether it is a person or a person繹, hard work is very important, but hard work is hard work, sometimes maybe I just lack a little bit of luck - for example, if I am lucky enough not to be discovered by Runtu one day, won't I be able to eat more melons? Come on, come on, good luck, share it with you, I wish you to get rich overnight, glittering gold, lie down and count the money, this taste is sweeter than melons!

Blessings No. 5: King Shiquan Buxian

What should I do if I want all the above blessings? The ultimate invincible ten-round supplement, everything goes well. The king will help you. There are melons and forks in the claws. Find the target and take the initiative. You will win with one blow and achieve success. The best life is created by yourself. The so-called magical destiny must of course be in your own hands!

The five types of Yusumaru Yushou have bright colors, exquisite embroidery, and cute postures. They are so "繹里繹气". It has rich application scenarios and can be used as a bag pendant, keychain, or home or work environment decoration. It can accompany you every day, wish you a good mood, and is suitable for both gift giving and personal use.

We at Yuyuan never eat for free, and we will definitely work hard to help you filter out the dregs of life!


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