Ah-Dai was beaten to make "friends" by Song Liheng. Ah-Dai had two major hobbies in his life. One was good wine. No matter what kind of wine it was, it didn't matter what the alcohol content was. The amount of one kilogram was neither too much nor too little. You could drink it w

Ah-Dai is beaten to make "friends"

Song Liheng

Ah-Dai has two major hobbies in his life. One is good wine. No matter what the wine is, it does not matter what the degree. The amount of a pound is neither too much nor too little, and you can drink it wherever you drink it. Second, he is easy to make friends, but he has a unique style in making friends. He has to use wine to clear the way. In his words, the quality of wine depends on the character, and he speaks the truth after drinking. But in fact, everyone who knows him knows that he is a drunkard and a coward. He is naturally weak-tempered. He really doesn't dare to go out and socialize without drinking. For such a person with such a great personality, there are quite a few weird things that happened to him.

On this day, Ah-Dai took the train back to his hometown. The journey was not close and took seven hours. It’s a long journey, and it’s natural to have wine to accompany you. No, as soon as the train started, Dumb got into the dining car, ordered two dishes, poured his own 52-degree Niulanshan, and got on alone. After a while, the chopsticks didn't move much, and half a catty of Erguotou was eaten first. I was a little confused, and I vaguely heard a Northeastern accent coming from two tables away: "Brother, don't worry, don't you know this guy? I will definitely do what I promised you, and I won't Something went wrong..." Ouch, fellow countryman! Duan was agitated and sobered up a little. Hearing this man chatting quite brightly, he thought about having a drink together. He stood up unsteadily and moved over in circles with his feet, "Brother, I'm alone. I heard you call just now. This voice is very familiar. I'm from Heilongjiang, where are you from?"

Sitting at this table was a fat man wearing glasses. When someone spoke to him, he looked up and his blurred eyes suddenly brightened up. "Hey, what a coincidence. I'm from Heilongjiang too, fellow countryman. Come on, come on, sit down, on the hour." "Point!" Dui had this intention and hurriedly moved the plates and bowls over. It's not easy for the two of them to meet fellow villagers in a foreign country, let alone in the wine shop. They exchanged glasses and exchanged glasses. After a short meeting, they killed several people back and forth. The atmosphere was strong and harmonious, and they called each other brothers and sisters, and they had a great time.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, the fat brother couldn't hold it in any longer, so he complained and ran to the toilet. After drinking, Ah-Dai felt hot for a while, so he took off his coat and put it aside. Carefully recalling the scene where he and his eldest brother were drinking and chatting just now, the more Dumb thought about it, the more he felt that this eldest brother was a real good person, generous, righteous, and a good friend! While sipping a glass of wine, Dumb thought that he would need a phone number and a WeChat account for a while. He must keep in touch with his eldest brother, but his eldest brother promised to make good arrangements when visiting his place in the future.

After a while, the fat brother came back in three steps. Dumb hurriedly got up and refilled their glasses. Just as he was about to pick up the cups and sigh, he suddenly felt the left side of his face tilt suddenly, and a burning pain came from his ear. There was an overwhelming buzz inside, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

Dumb was a little confused. His first reaction was how he sat on the ground. After a while, he realized that he seemed to have been beaten. Before he could recover, a big foot wedged itself directly on his thigh, followed by a roar: "Who are you? Why are you sitting here? Where is my brother? You put my brother Where did the whole thing go? "The feet belong to Big Brother Fatty, and the voice also belongs to Big Brother Fatty. The fat brother beat Dumb.

received two blows from his face to his legs. It was like he fell from the clouds into the deep sea, and he completely sobered up. He raised his head to distinguish carefully. When he saw that the attacker was the eldest brother who had just called him a brother, he was confused again. What was going on?

"Brother, why did you hit me? Didn't we have a good relationship just now? What did I do wrong?" Duan touched his face and legs, his deep grievance and confusion came out, and he almost shed tears.

The dining car staff saw the conflict between the two and quickly pulled Ah-Dai aside. After hearing the news, two policemen came. Ah-Dai felt a little cowardly and did not speak. The fat brother started shouting, "Comrade police, arrest this person quickly." Get up, he killed my brother, and when I went to the toilet, he killed my brother... You have to arrest him..."

The policeman saw that both of them were a little drunk, He took the two of them aside to understand the situation. Ah-Dai was a little shocked and stumbled through the story. The police officer also asked the surrounding passengers and staff. It was indeed as Ah-Dai said. The two of them had just started drinking and chatting. They were fine. The fat man suddenly suddenly He gets violent and beats people up, but why?

The fat brother who hit the person was still yelling at the other side to ask the police to find his brother. The policeman finally calmed down the fat man and saw the opportunity to ask him: "How do you beat someone well?" The fat brother looked away from him. He glanced at Ah-Dai and said angrily: "This kid is so ungrateful. Not only did he occupy my brother's seat, but he also fucked my brother. Do you think I can stop beating him? Am I acting out of a sense of justice?" "The policeman then asked the fat man: "What is your brother's name?" The fat man was stunned for a moment, and his voice was a little weak: "I haven't had time to ask this, but I remember that he was wearing a black coat."

The policeman looked back. Taking a look at Ah-Dai, he was wearing a blue T-shirt, and then walked to the place where the two of them were drinking, and picked up a black piece of clothing from Ah-Dai's place.

"Is that so?" the policeman asked the fat man.

"Yes, yes, this is it. It belongs to my brother. Why is there only one piece of clothing left?" The fat man was still confused.

"I haven't sobered up yet. Your brother is him." The policeman pointed at Dumb, "You wouldn't recognize him even if you took off your clothes. What kind of brothers are you?"

When things were clear, everyone smiled blankly. The beating that Dui received was truly unjust and an unjust disaster. Thinking that the fat brother was indeed caring and caring, and truly regarded him as a brother, the unhappiness in Dumb's heart immediately disappeared, and those who were irresponsible would not be held accountable. If you don't fight, you won't get to know each other, but if you flirt, the relationship will be deeper, Dui comforted himself like this. The farce ended, and the two sat together again. One of them drank three cups of apology, and the other drank three cups of reconciliation.

"We are still good brothers, let's do it!"

After all, there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever. While drinking and chatting, the train arrived at the station. Ah-Dai held the fat brother's hand tightly, feeling that there were still many words left to say. The fat brother didn't know what to say. I was drunk or something, and the corners of my eyes were red. I guess I was a little bit reluctant to leave!

"Goodbye, good brother!" They waved goodbye on the platform.

On the way home, Ah-Dai suddenly remembered something. He didn’t know his eldest brother’s name yet, and he didn’t leave his phone number. He patted his head angrily and suddenly thought about it again. "Hey, forget it, we are so destined that we can meet again!" He comforted himself.

About the author

Song Liheng, male, from Jiexiu, Shanxi, is a front-line railway police officer. His works have been published on websites such as " Chinese Culture Observation Network ", " Red Network ", " Market Information Report ", "Yalu River Huaxia" Poetry", "Literary Youth" and other paper media.