The leader has been suffering from back pain for the past few days, and he grins when he bends over. This not only delays his work, but also damages his image. The leader smiled and told Yin Shenrou that he was not a thief, but a folk doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. I hea

(Originally published by Farming Story Society)

The leader has been suffering from back pain for the past few days, and he grins when he bends over in pain. Not only does it delay his work, but it also delays his image. The leader's wife Yin Shenrou said anxiously, go to the hospital quickly. The leader shook his head and said, "I don't want to go to the hospital." Secretary Xiao Wang contacted me to see him.

"Are you looking for a thief to see a doctor?" Yin asked in confusion.

The leader smiled and said to Yin Shenrou that he was not a thief, but a folk Chinese medicine doctor. I heard from Xiao Wang that seeing a doctor was very powerful, and it was not possible without an appointment. Yin Shenrou said, "You can't speak clearly. No wonder people can't understand you." After saying that, Yin Shenrou asked curiously, since he is a Chinese medicine doctor with a name, why do you call him three hands? The leader of

said that this person with three hands, whose surname is Guo, can sense the pulse accurately, like a hand from a god; he can get income as soon as he reaches out his hand, and he is a money-grabbing hand. Therefore, people gave him the nickname "Three Hands". Yin Shenrou yelled again and said, the leader's waist is not an ordinary waist, so you should go quickly.

In the morning, the leader arranged the work, Xiao Wang drove him up, and the two followed the navigation and drove to the entrance of Three Hands Clinic.

Three Hands is short in stature, in his sixties, fair and chubby. He is completely different from the image of the miracle doctor in the TV series and the leader's imagination. However, seeing the banners on the wall, the leader felt at ease. The leader was sitting across from Three Hands. Before he started to see the doctor, Xiao Wang reminded Three Hands that the leader's waist is not an ordinary waist. You have to look at it carefully. Three Hands smiled and said, I know, please don't worry.

The three hands first asked the leader what was wrong, then looked at his eyes, tongue and affected area, and then asked the leader to stretch out his hand to feel his pulse. After checking his pulse, Sanshou said, "It's not a big problem. I'll give you a few injections and a few plasters. Just go home and rest for a few days. I'll make sure you don't come back a second time." The leader said thank you, Mr. Guo, and Three Hands said you're welcome. After saying that, Three Hands gave the director a few injections and put a plaster on his affected area. It was done in less than half an hour.

The leader slowly stood up from the stool, moved his body, took two steps, and felt that the pain in his lower back was significantly relieved. "It really lives up to its reputation!" The leader secretly admired him. At this time, the three hands said, "Boss, your waist disease appears to be caused by fatigue and excessive heat, but in fact it is caused by Yang and kidney deficiency. In the future, pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and do not overwork." The leader said thank you Mr. Guo and I took note of it.

"Can you prescribe some more traditional Chinese medicine treatments?" Xiao Wang reminded the three hands.

Three Hands smiled and said: It's medicine that's three parts poisonous. Don't ask the leaders to drink bitter potion. I have a dietary prescription here called "18 Vegetables". If you keep eating it when you go home, it's better than taking medicine. The leader nodded in agreement, and told the leader the "18 dishes" with three hands.

When the leader came home, Yin Shenrou saw that the leader straightened up and said, "These three hands are really powerful." The director told Yin Shenrou the process of treating him with three hands. When it came to the dietary prescription to treat the root cause, the leader said, starting from today, I will eat 18 dishes.

"What did you say?" Yin Shenrou was shocked.

The leader saw that Yin Shenrou didn’t understand, so he quickly explained that it’s not that I have to eat 18 dishes a day. Even if I have the conditions, I don’t have the appetite. The recipe for three hands is “two leeks for three days”, that is, three days. I have to eat leeks twice.

"That's just two dishes. Where did 18 dishes come from?"

"One leek (9) is nine, how much are two leeks?"


"That's not a big deal."

Yin Shenrou laughed. . The leader of

was stunned when he saw Yin Shenrou, and said: Leeks are warm in nature and have the functions of nourishing the kidneys, warming yang, promoting qi and activating blood. The root cause of my back pain is in the kidneys, and I also have constipation. Eating leeks regularly can cure this problem. .

After hearing this, Yin Shenrou sighed, being a leader is not enough without a good waist.