(I am the third author, with the headline account Su Laosan. I have published novels "The Truth About Divorce" and "Perfume Is Poisonous", etc. In 2022, I will experience life as a nanny and tell interesting nanny stories from Northeastern people. It is a story, not a documentary

(I am the writer Lao San, with the headline account Su Lao San. I have published novels "The Truth About Divorce" and "Toxic Perfume", etc. In 2022, I will experience life as a nanny and tell interesting nanny stories from Northeastern people. It is a story, not a documentary. Please Don’t take your seat.)

I have two things to tell you:

1. Yesterday I wrote about the details of vaccination and bathing, etc. I have made changes. Thanks for the advice friends.

2. Regarding the school entrance banquet , some people say that the admission notice has not been released yet, and I have not even filled out my application form. Why do you have a school entrance banquet there?

Let me tell you something here. We are both in the Northeast region, but the cities are different and the customs are also different. It has been a week. In our small town, people set off firecrackers in the middle of the night. I still guessed why they set off firecrackers. The next day someone set off firecrackers from time to time. Later, I asked my neighbors and found out that when their children got high scores in the college entrance examination, they would set off firecrackers to celebrate.

The college entrance banquet is already in full swing. The parents are in a state of excitement and have booked a hotel long ago. I'm afraid that after the admission notice comes out, it won't be easy to book a hotel, and then we'll all get together. However, it is no longer easy to book hotels at this time. All hotels that can reserve tables have been booked and are already fully booked in July. My son got married in July last year, so we could only book a banquet in the morning.

Let’s get down to business now -

Mr. Xu went to attend the school entrance banquet of Little Mongolia’s son and sent a video to Mrs. Xu. Mrs. Xu opened the video, watched it, and said, "Hey, he is sitting at the guest of honor's seat."

The old lady sat on the sofa and kept looking at the mobile phone in Mrs. Xu's hand. She wanted to see her son. Mr. Xu sent the video, but it was difficult to tell Mrs. Xu openly.

After watching the video, Mrs. Xu looked up and saw the old lady looking at the mobile phone in her hand, with a smile on her face and said, "Mom, are you thinking about your son?"

The old lady said, "I don't miss him. , He is such a big man, and I still care about him as if he were a child? I don’t care about him!”

Mrs. Xu said, “It’s okay if you don’t care about him. He is eating, drinking and having fun outside. , let’s not miss him! Let’s celebrate by asking Sister Hong to cook something delicious.”

The old lady asked in confusion, “What are you celebrating?”

Mrs. Xu said, “We are celebrating that we live happily every day. "

The old lady smiled, looked up at me, and said, "Hong, take out the bag of prawns from the refrigerator and cook them. Don't leave them for him. He is eating delicacies from the mountains and seas outside."

I'll be there. The kitchen prepared dinner, opened the freezer, and took out the bag of prawns that Cuihua sent yesterday.

Mrs. Xu was holding Niu Niu while breastfeeding. Niu Niu ate for a while and then fell asleep. Mrs. Xu did not put Niu Niu back in the stroller this time, but placed it between her and the old lady. One at each end, they watched over Niu Niu and lay down to rest.

Xiaoxia has been sitting next to her, and Mrs. Xu said: "Xiaoxia, while Niuniu is asleep, you can go up and sleep for a while."

Xiaoxia smiled and said: "I'm not sleepy." But then she went upstairs. , I haven’t come down for a long time, probably to catch up on my nap.

I was cooking in the kitchen and it was a little hot, but I didn't turn on the electric fan for fear that the sound would affect the three people resting in the living room. Someone passed by behind the building, and the sound of talking came.

Living on the first floor is fine, but the windows are too low. People passing by can see what's going on in the room without raising their heads. Mrs. Xu has already bought curtains and hung them on the back window.

A butterfly stood quietly on the window lattice, I don’t know how long it stood. A breeze blew past, causing its wings to tremble slightly. But it never flew away. Could it be that it wanted to come into the kitchen and enjoy a delicious meal?

The phone suddenly buzzed. It was Mrs. Xu’s phone. She set vibrate.

Mrs. Xu quietly got up from the sofa and took her mobile phone. She walked to the north window and answered the phone.

The call was from Mr. Xu, asking: "I sent you a video, but you didn't make any move. Why, are you angry?"

Mrs. Xu said: "There is no time to be angry. I will take Niuniu to get the vaccine today. Niuniu After she came back, she felt a little uncomfortable and had a slight fever. She had been shivering for a long time. I just put her to sleep. "

Mr. Xu said, "Do you need to take Niuniu to the hospital?"

Mrs. Xu said, "Wait a moment. Let’s see what Niuniu will do after she takes a nap.” She then asked, “When will you come back?”

Mr. Xu said, “It’s been a long day. I met a few big customers and made an appointment for a dinner party to try to sign an order. "

Mrs. Xu didn't speak for a long time.

I raised my head and looked at her. I don’t know when she had ended the call with Mr. Xu. I thought Mrs. Xu would act coquettishly with Mr. Xu on the phone and ask Mr. Xu to come back at night. She didn’t want Mr. Xu to have more contact with Little Mongolia.

Mrs. Xu stood in front of the window for another moment, walked to the sofa with her mobile phone, and used her mobile phone to take a picture of the old lady and Niu Niu sleeping together. Then, she operated on her mobile phone and sent the video.

I guess Mrs. Xu sent the video to Mr. Xu.

Later, Mr. Xu sent a voice message, saying: "I also miss Niuniu, my mother, and you. After I get together with them in the evening, no matter how late, I will go back. Just wait for me."

I saw Xu After listening to the voice, the lady smiled on her face. She gently put her phone on the tea table, snuggled next to Niu Niu, and fell asleep on the sofa.

Sometimes, a video or a photo is more convincing than words.

During dinner in the evening, Xiaoxia changed back into long pants and long clothes. Her clothes are pullovers, the kind without buttons. Maybe it was because of the heat, so she tied her short hair back with a leather band.

Mrs. Xu looked at Xiaoxia's top and said, "This dress is very good, but isn't it hot if you wear long sleeves? There are no buttons in the front, how boring it is."

Xiaoxia smiled and said, "The childcare sister-in-law can't Wearing clothes with buttons can easily scratch the baby's face, and the baby's little feet can easily get stuck in my clothes, which can easily injure the baby's legs -"

Mrs. Xu said, "Thank you so much. Change to a short-sleeved one."

Xiaoxia said: "I wear short-sleeved clothes, and when I hold the baby, I have to put a small piece of cloth on my arm to prevent the baby from having heat rash on the back of the neck, so I might as well wear long-sleeved clothes. "

When the old lady heard Xiaoxia's words, she looked pleased. She said, "Xiaoxia, eat more meat. It's very tiring to hold Niuniu."

Xiaoxia loves to smile. She must be talking. Said with a smile. She took good care of Niu Niu, and she was good at communicating her ideas to her employer. Not to mention Mrs. Xu's approval of her, even the old lady who had never been prepared to accept Xiaoxia gradually changed her view of Xiaoxia.

I also think Xiaoxia is good. She has done everything she can in taking care of Niuniu. She is a very dedicated nanny.

I think of my sister Su Ping. She will feel disappointed when she knows the current situation of the Xu family.

Actually, if I were Su Ping, I would have no problem not being a childcare nanny. I could still cook and clean at Dezi’s house and clean up at Lao Xu’s house as before. It’s pretty good. Two jobs, and a month’s salary is enough. Pay her bills.

However, Su Ping was full of hope to learn to be a child care nanny. Now that the Xu family's child care nanny is in place, she has no place. I don’t know if she is still determined to get the skill certificate of nanny. If you don't want to be a nanny at Xu's house, you can apply for a job at another house. After all, the salary of childcare nanny is second only to confinement nanny , and is higher than the salary of other housekeeping industries. For Su Ping, who wants to earn more, learning a skill and passing the certificate is a worthwhile thing.

After the meal, Mrs. Xu took a mop and mopped the floor. She only mopped the floor of the lobby on the first floor, then sat in front of the sofa, drank water, and checked her cell phone. After resting for about a cup of tea, she picked up the mop again and went to mop the floor on the second floor.

When I was about to finish cleaning the kitchen, Mrs. Xu went downstairs a little tired and went to the kitchen to wash fruits. She sighed and said, "Sister Hong, such a big room is good, but mopping the floor is a bit tiring."

What I'm saying Yeah, housework is so easy to do? It is both rough work and fine work; it requires effort and sweat, and it requires meticulousness and meticulousness to clean every corner, otherwise you would not be in the housekeeping industry.

Mrs. Xu was sitting at the dining table, cutting fruit with a fruit knife. She suddenly tilted her head and asked me, "How is Su Ping? Is he discharged from the hospital?"

I said, "I called Xiaoping yesterday and she said she would be discharged from the hospital today. I I haven’t contacted her yet.”

Mrs. Xu didn’t say anything.

I hesitated and asked, "Xiaojuan, are you planning to ask Su Ping to clean up?"

Mrs. Xu sighed softly and said, "From the bottom of my heart, I actually don't want to hire someone to come to my house." I don’t feel comfortable having an outsider at home when I’m working. I don’t have any privacy or security.”

I understand Mrs. Xu’s thoughts. My sister's house has upstairs, downstairs and basement. My sister does all the work alone. Apart from getting paid from home, my brother-in-law only does art and socializes with friends. He doesn't know how to do any work at home and doesn't do anything. My sister's house had to replace the boiler all by herself.

My sister always wipes the floor in her house on her knees. She doesn't hire anyone, she demands perfection. Firstly, she doesn't trust others to do the work, and secondly, she feels unsafe when outsiders enter her home.

I think Mrs. Xu and my sister have similar ideas.

I just heard Mrs. Xu say again: "But in such a big house, if I go to work, I really don't have time to clean the room. There is some dust on the floor, which makes me feel uncomfortable. If it doesn't work, I have to hire a part-time worker."

This time, I didn't take Mrs. Xu's advice. I was waiting for Mrs. Xu to say to use Su Ping. Otherwise, it would be as if I strongly recommended Su Ping.

Although Su Ping is not good at talking, she has absolutely no problem doing housework. If I were asked to recommend Su Ping to Mrs. Xu for housework, then Su Ping would have no place at all in Mrs. Xu's mind. If that were the case, it would be useless for me to recommend Xiaoping.

Mrs. Xu pondered for a moment and said, "If we hire part-time workers, Su Ping would be the first choice. However, I'm worried that she won't want to come to my house to work."

I was stunned and asked: "Why? Why doesn't Xiaoping want to come? What?"

Mrs. Xu said: "Weren't we originally planning to let Xiaoping take care of Niu Niu? Xiaoping can earn more by taking care of the children. Now, if we don't let Xiaoping take care of the children, she will have some ideas."

I said, "No way. , Xiaoping is not that kind of person. This time it was because of a special matter. If she had not been hospitalized, you would not have hired Xiaoxia. Now Xiaoxia is doing a good job. She takes good care of Niuniu. I can't find anything wrong with her. Then let Xiaoxia take care of Niuniu and let Xiaoping do the cleaning work."

Mrs. Xu greeted me with a smile and said, "Have a rest and eat some fruit before leaving."

Me. I feel like Mrs. Xu still has something to say to me. I sat down, looked at Mrs. Xu, and said with a smile: "Juan'er, just say what you want to say."

Mrs. Xu smiled sheepishly and said: "Sister Hong, you saw it too, Xiaoxia I only took care of Niuniu and did not do housework. At that time, I asked Su Ping to take care of the children and do housework. I thought that the salary for Su Ping was quite high, but now it seems that there was a lot to say in it. I understand that childcare wives have their own industry rules."

I said: "Every line is like a mountain. If Peihua doesn't say it, if Xiaoxia doesn't come, who will know this?"

Mrs. Xu said, "If Su Ping comes, look. Xiaoxia only cares for Niuniu, she must not have any thoughts about me? "

Oh, Mrs. Xu turns out to be worried about this.

I said: "Actually, Xiaoping hasn't gotten the maternal and infant nurse certificate yet. She hasn't studied for a few days. Even if she gets the certificate, it's still a junior certificate, and her salary is incomparable to Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia It is an advanced certificate.Besides, Su Ping wouldn't think so much, would he? "

I didn't do everything this time. What if Su Ping overthinks it?

Mrs. Xu said: "Sister Hong, if you see Su Ping, if you tell her, if she is willing to come to my house to do housework. , I will still use her. If she doesn't want to come, I'll hire someone else. "

I was happy for Su Ping in my heart. A housekeeper can be recognized by her employer and she wants to invite her to work at home again. She must be happy in her heart.

I said: "Okay, I will tell Xiaoping. If Xiaoping wanted to see his employer work, he would definitely choose your family. It is not easy to find such a good employer. "

Mrs. Xu smiled and said, "Let's understand each other. "

She went upstairs, and I looked at her back and smiled.

The next morning, I received a call from Teacher Wu of the Home Economics Training Center, saying that offline teaching had started and told me the start time.

I I don’t have time to study in the morning. Besides, I’m not a childcare nanny, so why should I study? Time is too busy for me, and I basically have no time for loneliness, let alone study time.

Listen, there are firecrackers going off again outside. Don't think about it. At this time (8:18 in the morning), either the restaurant is opening, or someone is holding a party for college entrance.

When I went to work at Xu's house, I bought vegetables in the supermarket. and meat. When I rode my bicycle to Xu's house, I saw Mrs. Xu and Xiaoxia sitting on the sofa, chatting about something.

Mrs. Xu was wearing a plain white long trousers with wide legs. The neckline of the dress looks a bit like Hanfu. I don’t know much about clothing. I only saw a few water-pink flowers embroidered on the skirt of the top.

Niuniu was in Mrs. Xu’s arms, and Little Fatty also changed into a white loose suit today. There is also a small water-pink flower embroidered on the skirt. Mrs. Xu and Niu Niu are wearing parent-child clothes.

Xiaoxia is holding a few pieces of paper, and she is typing something on the paper. She doesn’t know what is written on the paper. Seeing her solemnly putting a few pieces of paper on the tea table in front of Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu handed Niu Niu to Xiaoxia's arms. She picked up the paper Xiaoxia put on the tea table, looked at it for a while, and then picked it up. There was something written on the paper next to the pen.

When I entered the hall, Mrs. Xu and Xiaoxia had already reached the end of their conversation. I didn’t know what they were talking about before.

I sat in front of the dining table and put the money I bought. When the returned vegetables were being recorded in the account book, I heard Mrs. Xu say: "After signing the contract, shall I pay your salary to the company?

Xiaoxia nodded with a smile and said, "Call the company and I will go to the company to pay you." "

After hearing the conversation between the two, I guessed that Mrs. Xu and Xiaoxia signed a contract. The three-day trial period has passed, and it seems that Xiaoxia has officially become an employee of the Xu family.

Xiaoxia went upstairs with Niu Niu in her arms that day. Walking downstairs, I felt that her steps were much lighter, there seemed to be more smiles on her face, and there was a sense of joy in her voice.

Xiaoxia loved to talk, and she interacted with Niuniu from time to time.

I saw her giving. When Niu Niu was doing massage exercises, she put Niu Niu on the sofa.

Xiaoxia first rubbed her two palms to warm them, then gently stroked Niu Niu's head from the center of her eyebrows with the pads of her thumbs, and then moved her two thumbs in turn. Downward, caress Niu Niu's face to her ears, massage downwards little by little, all the way to her hands and feet.

While massaging, Xiaoxia muttered softly like she was singing: "A wide forehead is full of knowledge, and a curved forehead is full of knowledge." His eyebrows are like crescent moons. Small face, chubby, baby loves to laugh but not cry. The little ears are like gold ingots. Exercise your hearing every day. Stretch your little arms and Auntie will help you exercise. Touch the palm of your little hand, pat the back of your little hand, big thumb, second thumb, middle third niang, fourth little brother, little girl. From under the ribs to the shoulders, the baby breathes easier.

I said to the old lady sitting next to me: "Niuniu is being manipulated by Xiaoxia and she is smiling. It seems that she is enjoying it."

The old lady also kept watching Xiaoxia massaging Niuniu. She said: "Who is being manipulated by Xiaoxia?" Everyone will benefit from a massage - "

Niuniu performed very well today and didn't cry much. Her vaccine reaction seems to have passed and she is fine.

Mr. Xu was driven back by Xiaojun at midnight last night.It seemed that the video Mrs. Xu sent him had an effect.

At lunch that day, Mr. Xu did not come back because he was out socializing. Zhibo went out before eating.

When the old lady saw her grandson going out, she asked: "It will be lunch soon, what else are you going to do at this time?"

Zhibo said: "Hey, grandma Xiaoqing invited me to dinner, and I agreed to it. Just after class, I You have to go quickly."

The old lady said, "Let's take a taxi."

Zhibo shook something in his hand at the old lady and said, "My mother gave me the key and asked me to drive."

Old lady. The man was a little worried and said: "Can you drive? Have you got your test ticket?"

Zhibo said: "I got it early. Don't worry, grandma, it's okay."

The old lady was worried and walked to At the door of the hall, watching her grandson drive Mrs. Xu's car out of the yard, she murmured: "In a blink of an eye, Xiaozhi has grown up and has a girlfriend—I, too, am old."

Old Madam Holding on to the walker, I stood at the door for a long time.

The draft blew her gray hair up, making her look a little lonely.

In the afternoon, I woke up after sleeping for more than ten minutes, and then I couldn't fall asleep anymore. I suddenly remembered the housekeeping training class. Since Teacher Wu called me to inform me, I will go there once.

I got on my bicycle and went to the housekeeping training company. My memory is not very good now. I went to this company once last time, but I forgot. Teacher Wu sent me another address, but I don’t know where it is. I do know the general direction.

When I was waiting at the red light at the intersection, I turned into a clothing store on the side of the road. I wanted to ask for directions, but when I saw the beautiful skirts on the shelf, I was tempted again. I especially like a pair of white pants, a light pink top, and a light blue top. The top is long but is actually a short skirt. But if some people's legs are prone to cold, they can wear a pair of white loose-leg pants under this short skirt.

Spending money and buying clothes are things that women love to do. Although I am frugal, I still have an ordinary heart. However, I didn’t buy it immediately. I planned to buy a set in two days. My mother’s birthday will be next month. I can give this set of clothes to my mother as a birthday gift.

After admiring the clothes for a long time, I remembered to ask for directions. The female boss told me that if I go further to the crossroads, it will be Daodong.

I rode my bicycle to the training company leisurely. It's been ten minutes since class started. I'm the late king.

Teacher Wu was sitting in front of the sofa in the lobby on the first floor. When he saw me, he immediately stood up with a smile on his face and asked me to go upstairs quickly to listen to the class. I really admire these people, they can still remember my face half a month after meeting them once. I'm not good at it, I'm weak in this area.

I am face-blind. If I can recognize someone after seeing them five times, it would be pretty good. Therefore, I don't want to socialize in my heart, because I can't remember the other person's name or face, and the other person thinks I am arrogant and offends everyone.

As soon as he went up the stairs to the second floor, he heard the hearty laughter of a woman and the sound of her lecturing coming from upstairs. She said: "Is there anyone who holds a child like this? You even threw the child on the ground."

I walked to the door and saw a row of long tables in the room, with densely packed middle-aged and elderly women sitting on both sides, holding their arms. A doll. After looking closely, I saw that they were holding a plastic doll model, which was used for training.

The teacher standing in front of the class was about 60 years old. His hair was tied back and he was wearing a dark patterned cheongsam. She has a pretty figure. She saw me and said, "Go in."

I quickly walked in and walked behind the desk. But I heard someone calling me quietly: "Sister Hong, Sister Hong, sit here."

Oh my god, this sounds like Su Ping's voice.

I turned around and found Su Ping sitting across from me in the crowd. She was staring at her beautiful almond-shaped eyes and smiling at me. During the few days she was hospitalized, her face seemed to be fairer and smoother, but the freckles on her face became obvious. However, the freckles on her face are not ugly, but rather show her simplicity.

I sat next to Su Ping and asked her in a low voice: "You came here just after you were discharged from the hospital? Is that okay?"

Su Ping also said in a low voice: "I can't stay at home. I'm holding back. Teacher Wu called me. Call, I came right away."

The training teacher was giving a lecture, and Su Ping and I didn't talk anymore.

training teacher taught us how to hold the baby and what "airplane hold" is.

Holding the baby in the "airplane hold" position can "snap" the baby. The training teacher

said to us: "You must take the initiative to communicate with the employer. If you can't speak, you must still find a way to speak. Tell the employer your own thoughts and let the employer know your thoughts and your work situation."

The training teacher said: "For people who come to the training company to hire nannies, 99 out of 100 employers ask for someone with a cheerful personality who likes to talk and laugh. Of course, there are also employers who like quietness and ask us to find someone with a calm personality. Nanny. "

training teacher also taught us a set of exercises. After the baby's belly grows, we can do a kind of touching exercises. There are four actions.

I learned it very quickly. I think these four movements are very interesting. Now I occasionally have a problem with bloated belly. Before going to bed at night, I will do some stroking exercises for myself while lying on the bed to cure bloated belly.

(The specific actions are as follows: Those who don’t like to read this paragraph can ignore it and read the story below directly.

The first action: Lie on your back, use your palms to massage alternately, press from the chest down to the abdomen, Eight beats.

Step 2: Lie on your back, bend your knees and bring your legs up to your chest, and touch your right knee with your left hand. When I got home at night, I found this action too easy, so I touched my right knee with my left elbow. Knees. Two eight beats.

The third action: Lie on your back, bend your knees and bring your legs to the chest alternately, put them down, close your legs, and put them down.

The fourth action, lie on your back, bend your knees towards your chest. Tuck your legs and put them down. I did it once when I went home at night. It was very comfortable. )

We were doing touch exercises on the plastic baby in our hands when we saw Su Ping put the baby's head on the table. , but she exerted too much strength and made a clang.

Everyone smiled at Su Ping. Su Ping blushed in embarrassment.

The training teacher looked at Su Ping with two sharp eyes and said, "You must be gentle with your hands. You must treat the doll in your hands as a real baby. You must be gentle, otherwise you will hurt the baby."

Su Ping lowered her head and stuck out her tongue at me. Then, she carefully held the baby in her arms. Not to mention, Xiaoping held the child in a decent manner.

I am really not a person who studies. After one class, I yawned all the time and felt terribly sleepy. I really want to lie in the corner and have a good sleep.

When get out of class was over, I slipped out of the classroom. I had to go back to Xu's house quickly, and there was still a dinner that I needed to make.

Su Ping sent me out, walking a little slowly. Her wound had not fully recovered.

When I came to the door of housekeeping company , I found a shady place and said to Su Ping: "Xiaoping, your second sister-in-law asked me to give you a message, saying that if you are willing, when you recover, you can Go to Xu's house and do housework as a nanny."

Su Ping immediately smiled and said, "Really, you really said that?"

Oh, my Xiaoping, you are so distressing. With such a job, she Cherish it so much.

I said: "Your second sister-in-law told you to apologize to you. She said that she planned to let you take care of Niuniu last time and assigned you to do housework. She said that the childcare sister-in-law hired by the family now does nothing else and only looks after the children. . She said she was treating you badly."

Su Ping smiled happily and said, "Sister, what the second sister-in-law said is actually not wrong. When I came to class in the morning, the training teacher told us: In theory, the childcare sister-in-law is here. The employer does not do any other work except taking care of the baby. But when the employer takes care of the baby, we, as nannies, must have a job in mind and quickly find a job, so that the employer is willing to continue to use it. You. "

I looked at Su Ping, she was so honest, so honest that some people wanted to bully her.

I stretched out my hand to pinch Su Ping's face and wiped her bangs behind her ears, letting her reveal her beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

I patted Su Ping's shoulder gently again. Without saying anything, I turned around and rode away. It's like taking a picture of yourself when you were young, when you were timid and had low self-esteem but worked hard.

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