The story of the three shepherd boys inspires us. We may have all heard many stories about the shepherd boys. The first shepherd boy comes from Yin Suo's fable - "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".

We may have all heard many stories about the shepherd boy. In fact, there are many different versions of the shepherd boy. Here we mainly talk about three of them.

The first shepherd boy comes from Yin Suo's fable - " The Wolf Is Coming ".

Once upon a time, there was a shepherd boy who went to the mountains to herd sheep every day.

One day, he felt very bored, so he came up with an idea to tease everyone for fun. He shouted to the farmers who were farming down the mountain: "The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming! Help!" When the farmers heard the cry, they hurriedly ran up the mountain with hoes and sickles. As they ran, they shouted: "Don't be afraid. "Child, let's help you fight the evil wolf!"

The farmers rushed to the mountain panting and saw that there was not even a shadow of the wolf! The sheepherder laughed loudly: "It's funny, you were fooled!" The farmers left angrily.

The next day, the old trick of the sheepherder was repeated, and the kind-hearted farmers rushed to help him hunt wolves, but there was still no sign of the wolf.

The shepherd boy laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight: "Haha! You have been fooled again! Haha!"

Everyone was very angry at the shepherd boy for lying again and again, and never believed his words again.

A few days later, the wolf really came and broke into the sheep. The shepherd boy was so frightened that he shouted to the farmers: "The wolf is coming! The wolf is coming! Help! The wolf is really coming!"

When the farmers heard his cry, they thought he was lying again. Everyone They ignored him and no one came to help him. As a result, many of the sheep herders were killed by wolves.

The second sheep-herding boy came to a very remote rural area in northwest China. One day a reporter met a sheep-herding boy.

The reporter asked: "Why do you herd sheep?"

The shepherd boy replied: "Selling money."

The reporter asked: "What do you sell for money?"

The shepherd boy answered: "Get a wife."

The reporter asked: "Get a wife What to do? "

" The sheep-herding boy replied: "Raising a baby."

"What to do to raise a baby?"

A little child, his father died when he was three years old. The mother raised the child alone and was in poor health due to long-term hard work. The child felt sorry for his mother, so he secretly went to herd the landlord's sheep and cattle, and played musical instruments for weddings and funerals to supplement the family income. But when the sheepherder was tending the sheep, he never forgot to bring a book with him and read it whenever he had free time.

After understanding the story of the three shepherd boys, we can try to answer a question: Which of the three shepherd boys do you think has a more exciting life? When I asked my students this question, the class Most of the kids chose the third one. I said, thank you, you all have good intentions.

We seem to understand the first sheepherder in the story as some people in life who do whatever it takes to achieve a certain goal.

The second sheepherder later had an upgraded city version.

 “Why do you want to go to college?” “To find a good job.”

 “Why should you find a good job?” “To make money.”

 “Why do you want to make money?”

 “Why have children?” “Enter college.”

 The second shepherd boy in the story is likely to become a rancher with herds of cattle and sheep, or a white-collar worker with a high salary in the city.

The third shepherd boy in the story grew up to become a great educator and thinker in Chinese history. He is Confucius who is revered by the Chinese nation as the most holy teacher.

If someone had gone to interview little Confucius who was herding sheep at that time. We might hear conversations like this.

The reporter asked: "Why do you herd sheep?"

The sheep-herding boy replied: "To reduce the burden on the mother."

" The reporter asked: "Why do you still read when you are taking a break from herding sheep?" "

" The shepherd boy replied: "I want to change my own destiny, and I also want to find a way to make people in the world less hardworking." ”

Look at the three shepherd boys from the sidelines: the first is undesirable; the second is ridiculous; and the third is respectable. But in real life, most adults live their lives as the second shepherd boy. But which one of the three shepherd boys can get out of their own predicament? I thought that learning can help people get out of their own predicaments, but only if we study for ideals and we need to pursue an ideal learning. .